Fatigue due to Anemia Chronic Disease - Kidney Cancer
Hi everyone,
My dad has one kidney. The other kidney was removed over 20 years ago. The remaining kidney had two lesions which didn't grow in 17 years but suddenly took off in June 2024. Since my Dad is 83 the dr said to keep monitoring it because surgery would most likely put him on dialysis and would be too much at his age but said he would have operated if my dad was younger. Now, my dad has experienced fatigue. He will eat breakfast and lay down and tired throughout the day. He used to be very energetic. He has lost weight and doesn't have much of an appetite. The cancer has not spread. His latest MRI and Cat Scan shows that it grew (7cm) but didn't spread. His ferratin is high 536. iron total at 16 but the hematologist said he can't help him because it's due to inflammation probably due to the tumor and cancer. We are at a loss because the kidney surgeon said to speak with the hematologist. Not sure what to do to make him feel better.
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@daughterofpatient22 Fatigue and not having an appetite can really be hard on a person. Your dad is so lucky to have you advocating for him!
Can he tolerate supplemental drinks like Ensure? There is also an option to make him nutritious shakes. I have heard it before from several people, when your appetite is poor, to eat what appeals to you. Years ago I knew someone who used a Slim fast shake plus ice cream and protein powder to get calories in.
One thing is to help make sure he keeps hydrated well. That can cause fatigue, if he is not getting his fluids.
Thank you very much. He said he has learned to eat without any appetite. So, he is eating three meals, but just not snacking we’re going overboard like he used to and he is drinking plenty of fluids.