Fasting During Chemo (with an ostomy)?

Posted by pjebp @pjebp, Dec 18, 2021

Fasting During Chemo! I've done some reading on it so I know what it can do. Would you please share with me the details of what YOU did and how it worked for YOU?

I am especially interested in hearing from people who fasted during chemo with an ILEOSTOMY! I had my second chemo yesterday. First I received infused anti-nausea medication. Next I received steroids. On the second session I also received Avastin for one recently discovered biopsied liver metastasis. Then I received oxaliplatin for about 90 minutes, then a bolus of 5FU and then go home with a pump for 48 hours.

I am icing also. Other than being a little tired and groggy on and off in the days following my first session and a little bit of pain in my jaw on the first bite, I had no other side effects from the chemo. Thank you!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Ostomy Support Group.


@cjay, did you see this related discussion:
- Ileostomy reversal coming up - what will be my new normal?

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I did thank you! And I’m following it for updates👍


Hi, I have a question about your ileostomy reversal. Was the surgery easy peasy? (I know it’s an overnight to make sure everything’s working as it should.)
How slow is it getting back to normal - or is it too soon to ask?
I’m looking for mine to be reversed mid July hopefully.
Good luck!

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@cjay, did you see this related discussion:
- Ileostomy reversal coming up - what will be my new normal?


Okay I finally was able to see what message I posted to which you were replying. I've always done intermittent fasting for years usually not eating anything after 6:00 or 7:00 p.m. until noon the next day. I simply just wasn't hungry for breakfast. Overtime I figured it was a good way to manage my weight.

That being said, I tried to fast with the chemo but it just didn't work the best for me. I did it a couple times in the beginning but then after that I just didn't have the stamina to do it. I lost some weight with the chemo and I figured I better eat when I could.

However when I would get a chemo session I usually wouldn't have anything in the morning and not until later in the afternoon after my chemo was finished.

I ended my chemo on March 22nd after 7 infusions of Folfox. I was able to start the intermittent fasting again. I recently had my ileostomy reversal June 1st and debating when I should actually start my intermittent fasting again.

I did end up having an ablation to my liver metastasis between chemo infusion number 5 and 6.

My latest scans showed no evidence of disease and my sixth Signatera test was another negative.

My next scans will be in mid-August.

I do have some neuropathy in my feet from the oxaliplatin. It didn't seem to affect my hands.

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Hi, I have a question about your ileostomy reversal. Was the surgery easy peasy? (I know it’s an overnight to make sure everything’s working as it should.)
How slow is it getting back to normal - or is it too soon to ask?
I’m looking for mine to be reversed mid July hopefully.
Good luck!


Starting chemo on tusday they have me on 3 different chemo meds i am nervers scared but i am kerling my a spirit up . I am fasting too i do it in the night becsuse its easier for me. I developed headache if i dont eat i guess low sugar those thst to me


Hi! I have exactly the same set up with ileostomy, colon cancer spread to liver, and even the same mutant requiring the 4th drug (so more likely hair loss) - I start chemo on Tuesday, also thinking ice cap. Also I want to fast. I would be so appreciative for your experience on fasting with ileostomy for chemo as well as your experience with this cocktail and how you got on!

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Okay I finally was able to see what message I posted to which you were replying. I've always done intermittent fasting for years usually not eating anything after 6:00 or 7:00 p.m. until noon the next day. I simply just wasn't hungry for breakfast. Overtime I figured it was a good way to manage my weight.

That being said, I tried to fast with the chemo but it just didn't work the best for me. I did it a couple times in the beginning but then after that I just didn't have the stamina to do it. I lost some weight with the chemo and I figured I better eat when I could.

However when I would get a chemo session I usually wouldn't have anything in the morning and not until later in the afternoon after my chemo was finished.

I ended my chemo on March 22nd after 7 infusions of Folfox. I was able to start the intermittent fasting again. I recently had my ileostomy reversal June 1st and debating when I should actually start my intermittent fasting again.

I did end up having an ablation to my liver metastasis between chemo infusion number 5 and 6.

My latest scans showed no evidence of disease and my sixth Signatera test was another negative.

My next scans will be in mid-August.

I do have some neuropathy in my feet from the oxaliplatin. It didn't seem to affect my hands.


Hi! I have exactly the same set up with ileostomy, colon cancer spread to liver, and even the same mutant requiring the 4th drug (so more likely hair loss) - I start chemo on Tuesday, also thinking ice cap. Also I want to fast. I would be so appreciative for your experience on fasting with ileostomy for chemo as well as your experience with this cocktail and how you got on!

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Welcome, @charlbots. It's uncanny how similar your experience is to @pjebp's? I'm tagging her to make sure she sees your message.

How are you doing with the ileostomy? Fasting?


Hi! I have exactly the same set up with ileostomy, colon cancer spread to liver, and even the same mutant requiring the 4th drug (so more likely hair loss) - I start chemo on Tuesday, also thinking ice cap. Also I want to fast. I would be so appreciative for your experience on fasting with ileostomy for chemo as well as your experience with this cocktail and how you got on!


@pjebp, I also added your question to the Ostomy group. Did you fast before starting chemo? Is fasting intermittently a normal habit for you? If yes, what is your typical fasting routine?

@jre, a new member, is also interested in learning more about your experiences with icing. I hope you'll share more about the icing technique and what it is like.


I was wondering if you are doing oral icing only or are you icing hands and feet?


Hello @pjebp

Your question is interesting about fasting and chemotherapy. I did a little online research and found some studies. Unfortunately, the studies I found were all dated 2018, therefore not particularly current. Here are the links.

In addition to these studies/clinical trials, here is a link to an article from Cure Today, a free magazine with information about cancer.

Changing any aspect of nutrition should, of course, be discussed with your oncologist. Have you talked with him/her about fasting?

As Amanda, @amandajro said I would also be interested in hearing where you learned about this. If you know of more recent research, would you please post that?

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