Facing Cancer Recurrence, PTSD & Acknowledging Mental Health

Posted by Merry, Alumni Mentor @merpreb, Dec 6, 2018

It's extremely difficult to face the fact of recurring cancers. After treatments we try and get away from it all and live our life. Then along comes another CT scan or PET scan and POW, you have to face another cancer. My reaction was developing PTSD.

You can read what I wrote in my blog: https://my20yearscancer.com/blog/
How do we cope? How do we react? What do we do?
How have you all reacted to another cancer? Or the possibility of another one? Has your "already compromised" mental health been able to deal with it? How? Or not?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Cancer: Managing Symptoms Support Group.


Hello from chilly old England, thank you that is kind of you to wonder how we are , he was in hospital for two weeks just now , they say he will end up in a wheelchair, just hope and pray he can turn things around, he was in so much pain he was crying, it's difficult to see our precious dear ones suffering from this rotten disease, cancer robs us all of our precious dear ones, this year especially hard we lost dear sister and dear friends .... Seems like we spent the summer at hospital and another dear precious Sister very poorly almost dying. Now my brother has sepsis so lot going on. Thanks for sharing your precious concerns , hope your well know turmeric, ginger root, monga tea especially good and butternut squash curry soup helps heal and keeping positive with praying and supporting others takes our minds of our worries. HUG from England,
Kind regards swift . :- ) *'*

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@swift - How are you bearing up under such continuous health bombardments? I don't know how you do this and also take care of yourself. I have turmeric tea everyday! It's from a company called RISHI in the US. Check it out. I drink the turmeric chai. It's so delicious!
I hope that your holidays are peaceful and that your son does a turn around for your present! Please stay in touch. You can help others on here as well.
Have you checked out the caregivers group? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/caregivers/


@swift- Good morning. I haven't heard from you in a while and wonder how you and your son are doing?

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Hello from chilly old England, thank you that is kind of you to wonder how we are , he was in hospital for two weeks just now , they say he will end up in a wheelchair, just hope and pray he can turn things around, he was in so much pain he was crying, it's difficult to see our precious dear ones suffering from this rotten disease, cancer robs us all of our precious dear ones, this year especially hard we lost dear sister and dear friends .... Seems like we spent the summer at hospital and another dear precious Sister very poorly almost dying. Now my brother has sepsis so lot going on. Thanks for sharing your precious concerns , hope your well know turmeric, ginger root, monga tea especially good and butternut squash curry soup helps heal and keeping positive with praying and supporting others takes our minds of our worries. HUG from England,
Kind regards swift . :- ) *'*


He has sunken down lately , after his op on his cancer , his friends scattered , he is amazing in his 20s still they know this cancer is terminal . He has good days and not so good days , he said it's like waiting for time bomb to go off , he lost his only friend and seen more things happen to others then most people their age his precious wife is help and support. Yh sounds like you right that is the best way to deal with cancer and precious loss , by way of helping others grain strength and enjoy what they can helps us feel valuable . I know future is bright with hope that turns into love. Showing fellow dear precious ones feeling you kinda understand what they feel and being there helps them. It's hard to find balance sometimes , especially when you are exhausted from supporting others . So I write and keep smiling . Thank you dear precious merry volunteer for sharing your precious words of encouragement and your precious time , i especially appreciate. You have a precious kind heart, tc swift HUG from us all.

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@swift- Good morning. I haven't heard from you in a while and wonder how you and your son are doing?


Interesting. I am on my second cancer - fist lung five years ago, now liver. Now there is also breast lesion we are setting aside until we deal with treatment for number two. I had no idea this could even happen. Very depressed, very anxious, very angry, probably in permanent denial. Not suresure how to take any of this.

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Just to let you know you are normal to feel this way. Remember that there are so many survivors out there. One can’t give up as hard as it is and everyone can’t help but think the worst occasionally although I find I have days when I never think of it except when I get a pain. 🤭 my husband has had 3 cancers as have I but life does go on. Wishing you well.


@swift- Thank you. Giving back and writing are the two most helpful ways that I can help myself too. It really is a two-way street, isn't it?
Other than helping people and writing yourself how do you deal with your ill son? Is he able to write and use Connect to help him through his cancer? How old is he?

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He has sunken down lately , after his op on his cancer , his friends scattered , he is amazing in his 20s still they know this cancer is terminal . He has good days and not so good days , he said it's like waiting for time bomb to go off , he lost his only friend and seen more things happen to others then most people their age his precious wife is help and support. Yh sounds like you right that is the best way to deal with cancer and precious loss , by way of helping others grain strength and enjoy what they can helps us feel valuable . I know future is bright with hope that turns into love. Showing fellow dear precious ones feeling you kinda understand what they feel and being there helps them. It's hard to find balance sometimes , especially when you are exhausted from supporting others . So I write and keep smiling . Thank you dear precious merry volunteer for sharing your precious words of encouragement and your precious time , i especially appreciate. You have a precious kind heart, tc swift HUG from us all.


@swift- Thank you. Giving back and writing are the two most helpful ways that I can help myself too. It really is a two-way street, isn't it?
Other than helping people and writing yourself how do you deal with your ill son? Is he able to write and use Connect to help him through his cancer? How old is he?


@swift- Good morning and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. It's very hard when you lose someone but more than that seems unimaginable. I have had several losses within six months of each other and it just is too much. I had to ask myself who do I mourn for? Who comes first? This was several years ago and I still don't have the answer.
You mentioned Ovarian Cancer. I hope that you are getting yearly pap smears and check-ups. Are you? I also lost a sister-in-law to this.
Connect has a group that you might find helpful in learning more about Ovarian Cancer: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/womens-health/
Here is a group that will help you with loss: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/loss-grief/
How are you dealing with your losses?

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Thank you dear precious merry volunteer, you know how much appreciate your precious fed back, it means much more than words can ever say, I've researched many years especially now after loss of my dearest precious beautiful sis she was only in hospital while , she didn't even see summer sunshine , we had planned holiday if she had strength ... Never happened , it's like someone has cut me in two half of me is missing forever . I've got strength from above to keep helping others seems impossible to but some how i am , had test waiting for results as we so close in age . Know there's hope when we reach out and support others especially those understand what this cancer and any cancer does to families . Hope you able to enjoy your precious day knowing your precious support helps other dear precious ones through difficult times ahead . Know talking half weight of loads we carry . Kind regards swift thinking about all you guy's going through this critical times hard to deal with... Writing helps remember meeting dear older gentle lady in her 80s she was amazing she told me what she had stage 4 , like our family . Let she found changing her outlook on life and diet lifestyle changes helped her , she had family huge support especially when you know they are already suffering and dealing with so many other issues , my son has brain tumour and he is struggling but I know with support and bright outlook on life he will get through whatever we face we will face together. That is the key !!! I see so many going through this without support they seem to suffer more . Saddens my heart i try to reach out to others support them. You need to take time to reflect on your health too. Tc dear precious merry volunteer, HUG from us all


Hello dear Sam , Hope that is alright to call you that, Hope your precious mum feels better real soon, I've found ginger root, helps especially to settle tummy, I've lost my dear precious Sister in the summer to ovarian cancer HGSC stage4c my heart goes out to you all glad I've found this page, ( we have lost so many already but know it's better when you talk about things and maybe even write a dairy each day helps , know this is hardest year after loss of dear friend n sister we also lost our precious dear mum and aunty to the same rotten cancer ) it's only silent if you can't get doctors that understand what you need help with. He kind team of doctors helped so much, but she didn't even realize she was so poorly. HUG from uk take care of yourself too by taking out refined sugar this can help you in your fight against cancer. Kind regards swift x

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@swift- Good morning and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. It's very hard when you lose someone but more than that seems unimaginable. I have had several losses within six months of each other and it just is too much. I had to ask myself who do I mourn for? Who comes first? This was several years ago and I still don't have the answer.
You mentioned Ovarian Cancer. I hope that you are getting yearly pap smears and check-ups. Are you? I also lost a sister-in-law to this.
Connect has a group that you might find helpful in learning more about Ovarian Cancer: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/womens-health/
Here is a group that will help you with loss: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/loss-grief/
How are you dealing with your losses?


Hello...need suggestions...is it ok if I give orange juice to my mother

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Hello dear Sam , Hope that is alright to call you that, Hope your precious mum feels better real soon, I've found ginger root, helps especially to settle tummy, I've lost my dear precious Sister in the summer to ovarian cancer HGSC stage4c my heart goes out to you all glad I've found this page, ( we have lost so many already but know it's better when you talk about things and maybe even write a dairy each day helps , know this is hardest year after loss of dear friend n sister we also lost our precious dear mum and aunty to the same rotten cancer ) it's only silent if you can't get doctors that understand what you need help with. He kind team of doctors helped so much, but she didn't even realize she was so poorly. HUG from uk take care of yourself too by taking out refined sugar this can help you in your fight against cancer. Kind regards swift x


Oh dear @sakota. I guess that you will need to really have a sit down with your doctor. Has he come close to even guessing at what this might be?

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