Facing Cancer Recurrence, PTSD & Acknowledging Mental Health

Posted by Merry, Alumni Mentor @merpreb, Dec 6, 2018

It's extremely difficult to face the fact of recurring cancers. After treatments we try and get away from it all and live our life. Then along comes another CT scan or PET scan and POW, you have to face another cancer. My reaction was developing PTSD.

You can read what I wrote in my blog: https://my20yearscancer.com/blog/
How do we cope? How do we react? What do we do?
How have you all reacted to another cancer? Or the possibility of another one? Has your "already compromised" mental health been able to deal with it? How? Or not?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Cancer: Managing Symptoms Support Group.


Yes, I got my CT scan today (what a difficult experience that was) and will receive the results in a day or 2. I'm hoping to get more help to pay for the chemotherapy. I'm praying I DON'T NEED SURGERY. If it is necessary, I will consult a couple of surgeons, but may have to borrow airfare to the Phoenix Mayo clinic. My insurance would over that. Jim

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Jim- Good morning. What was difficult about your scan? Did you have a reaction to the dye? It's never easy when finances are involved in medical decisions. This shouldn't be in life-threatening illnesses.

Fingers crossed for you. Will you let me know what the results are?


Hello- It's nice to meet you.

You said in one of your previous statements that on May 2nd it's possible to get a consult. Have you done this?

Life expectancy differs with each cancer and each person. You began posting about this in Mid April. Your friend was correct about this type of cancer being aggressive. The sooner you are treated for your cancer the better your chances for survival will be.

Have you decided on what you will do?

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Yes, I got my CT scan today (what a difficult experience that was) and will receive the results in a day or 2. I'm hoping to get more help to pay for the chemotherapy. I'm praying I DON'T NEED SURGERY. If it is necessary, I will consult a couple of surgeons, but may have to borrow airfare to the Phoenix Mayo clinic. My insurance would over that. Jim


@jeanadair- Good morning. I am so glad that you wrote back. It's quite something, isn't it when you know something isn't quite right and then someone puts the words to it! I'm so glad that you found a doctor who understands you. What three cancers have you had? What treatments have you had? One cancer is a lot to absorb, but three! I have had four lung cancers. It is not easy. WHen was you last cancer?

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Uterus 2009.
Breast 2016. Radiation
Recurrence in vaginal cuff 2017 radiation with brachytherapy
The doctor I had is no longer practicing so sad.
I recently had burning in my right flank side I think they call it, my drs appointments are 6 week out. I went to ER because they are through blood, urine and ct dr said all the tests were normal but he didn’t know what I really had so he put me on a weeks prednisone as he THINKS it could be internal shingles. But said not cancer so that is a relief. I am going to see if one of my doctors will order an MRI.


I just saw your post and will answer more tomorrow.

What is come with serious conditions. It's all part of the package. Humans are silly this way. Please don't beat yourself up with them. They don't help.
Have a good night's sleep and I'll be in touch tomorrow


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I hope you didn't misunderstand my post. I'm not dealing with a recurrence, thank heavens, but just wanted to thank you and the people who keep Mayo Connect running. It's a great resource and I'm sure takes a lot of time and effort and sensitivity. So, thanks again.


I was the point person, in a sense, when a friend was recovering from a broken neck that made surgery impossible. Meaning, his neck and head were stabilized by a carbon fiber 'halo and healing helped immensely by local ultrasound. He had a CT scan and appointment with an (amazing) neurosurgeon every six weeks while living in a post-hospital rehabilitation facility.

One of my jobs was to pick up the CD of the scan as soon as it was available and take it to the neurosurgeon's office. He explained that, while he referred to the radiologist's written report, he was sometimes looking for very subtle signs of healing that can be different from what the radiologist might look for. And looking at the digital file copy transmitted by the hospital digital archive wasn't as valuable as seeing the actual CD for clarity.

PS Merry, I had no idea that people could have, yet alone survive, cancer for years, yet alone decades. I am very unwillingly new to what I think of as Cancerworld. Only one family member has has cancer and that was my father who survived aggressive prostate cancer the first time but succumbed to it thirty years later. Everyone else seemed to die of heart and stroke stuff with a sprinkling of COPD.

But a Bad News Biopsy, resulting from a Suspicious Mammogram last September, resulted in a lumpectomy and my first real concern about what-ifs. I'll be the first to note that I was and am not pleased with the idea of rogue cells hanging out in my body, but am happy they were discovered early and, hopefully, left no buddies behind.

But reading of others' oddly positive experiences during some rude health challenges made me rethink what I thought I knew about facing inconvenient crises. And living life during them. For that, and an unfailing graciousness, thank all of you who built this resource.

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I just saw your post and will answer more tomorrow.

What is come with serious conditions. It's all part of the package. Humans are silly this way. Please don't beat yourself up with them. They don't help.
Have a good night's sleep and I'll be in touch tomorrow



Sakota- Here is a link to a great explanation to your question. It also show a picture of ground glass.
I don't want this to sound like a lecture, but here goes- Research brings knowledge that brings understanding that reduces worry. When we know the meaning of words we gain power over their implications and the decisions that need to be made. Often, as you know, radiologists pick up more things on CT scans than surgeons or oncologists. I always ask if a doctor has actually looked at the scan. If they haven't I ask that they do.
What does the radiology report say about the comparison to the scan just before this one?
subsolid morphology suggesting multicentric synchronous indolent primary lung cancers- actually means that there are more than one primary, indolent (not moving or growing slowly or inactive) half solid/half ground glass lesions. If these were on your previous scans than they haven't grown. Call your doctor and have him. explain.

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I was the point person, in a sense, when a friend was recovering from a broken neck that made surgery impossible. Meaning, his neck and head were stabilized by a carbon fiber 'halo and healing helped immensely by local ultrasound. He had a CT scan and appointment with an (amazing) neurosurgeon every six weeks while living in a post-hospital rehabilitation facility.

One of my jobs was to pick up the CD of the scan as soon as it was available and take it to the neurosurgeon's office. He explained that, while he referred to the radiologist's written report, he was sometimes looking for very subtle signs of healing that can be different from what the radiologist might look for. And looking at the digital file copy transmitted by the hospital digital archive wasn't as valuable as seeing the actual CD for clarity.

PS Merry, I had no idea that people could have, yet alone survive, cancer for years, yet alone decades. I am very unwillingly new to what I think of as Cancerworld. Only one family member has has cancer and that was my father who survived aggressive prostate cancer the first time but succumbed to it thirty years later. Everyone else seemed to die of heart and stroke stuff with a sprinkling of COPD.

But a Bad News Biopsy, resulting from a Suspicious Mammogram last September, resulted in a lumpectomy and my first real concern about what-ifs. I'll be the first to note that I was and am not pleased with the idea of rogue cells hanging out in my body, but am happy they were discovered early and, hopefully, left no buddies behind.

But reading of others' oddly positive experiences during some rude health challenges made me rethink what I thought I knew about facing inconvenient crises. And living life during them. For that, and an unfailing graciousness, thank all of you who built this resource.


Just a note: I like the approach my oncologists has...
1. get things in order
2. Live rather than worrying about when you will die
3. Do what you can with treatments
4. Think positively as it does impact your care

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This is great advice!


Hello- It's nice to meet you.

You said in one of your previous statements that on May 2nd it's possible to get a consult. Have you done this?

Life expectancy differs with each cancer and each person. You began posting about this in Mid April. Your friend was correct about this type of cancer being aggressive. The sooner you are treated for your cancer the better your chances for survival will be.

Have you decided on what you will do?

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Just a note: I like the approach my oncologists has...
1. get things in order
2. Live rather than worrying about when you will die
3. Do what you can with treatments
4. Think positively as it does impact your care


What could be the life expectancy of a 74 y/o man with Adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated?

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Hello- It's nice to meet you.

You said in one of your previous statements that on May 2nd it's possible to get a consult. Have you done this?

Life expectancy differs with each cancer and each person. You began posting about this in Mid April. Your friend was correct about this type of cancer being aggressive. The sooner you are treated for your cancer the better your chances for survival will be.

Have you decided on what you will do?


What could be the life expectancy of a 74 y/o man with Adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated?

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