Extreme fatigue

Posted by tealeaf @tealeaf, Sep 24, 2023

I am in my fifties and had TKR once on left now on my Right knee.
The first procedure I didn’t have much difficulty. This one, however pain more pain. and I’m 4 months out now it’s trading pain for fatigue.
I do a few things and I’m absolutely drained. I get frustrated with myself and cry because I don’t understand I should not be like this. I have work a job etc and I’m struggling.

My question is? Is it normal to have this at 4 months out? I can understand 2 weeks after surgery having this, but months later?

Thank you to any and all responses.
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I am a year out and still get fatigued if I overdo too much. It's definitely a process and don't have another knee to compare it to as I've only done one and am in no hurry whatsoever to do the other. Have you tried wearing a knee sleeve. This really helps me when I know I have lots to do and am more active physically. I can do almost anything with my knee sleeve on. My fatigue has gotten much better as time has gone on but I still get tired (I'm 62 so not sure if it's the knee or age lol). I now have more good days than bad. Praying for you. During those difficult times remember as well that the Lord will provide just what you are needing when you need it. He often doesn't answer in the way that we think he should but he is always there and never leaves us and what he has in store for us is beyond anything we can imagine. Patience is definitely to one of my better virtues.


Are you sleeping at night ?….I know a few months out I got insomnia was terrible…. I am not one for taking anything…. But I took olly with melatonin for few weeks got back on track thank goodness…..


Are you sleeping at night ?….I know a few months out I got insomnia was terrible…. I am not one for taking anything…. But I took olly with melatonin for few weeks got back on track thank goodness…..

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I’m almost 6 months post TKR, & have been seriously fatigued since about a week after surgery. I also have extreme lightheadedness, occasional nausea, & difficulty with visual “focusing”. I’ve had multiple tests, labs, scans, etc., & still no answer. Before surgery, I was healthy & very active, (biked 15 miles a day, plus gym, etc.)


I’m almost 6 months post TKR, & have been seriously fatigued since about a week after surgery. I also have extreme lightheadedness, occasional nausea, & difficulty with visual “focusing”. I’ve had multiple tests, labs, scans, etc., & still no answer. Before surgery, I was healthy & very active, (biked 15 miles a day, plus gym, etc.)

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You sound like me before I have my total hip replacement. It’s been over a year now and I am experiencing the same thing. Wonder what’s going on and if I will ever get back to the way I used to be.


I empathize. I’m frustrated & depressed, primarily because they can’t come up with a diagnosis. I also continue to have SI joint pain on the same side as my TKR, & I never had it or any of this before the surgery.
I hope you improve soon. Have you had any testing done or seen any specialists?


I am a year out and still get fatigued if I overdo too much. It's definitely a process and don't have another knee to compare it to as I've only done one and am in no hurry whatsoever to do the other. Have you tried wearing a knee sleeve. This really helps me when I know I have lots to do and am more active physically. I can do almost anything with my knee sleeve on. My fatigue has gotten much better as time has gone on but I still get tired (I'm 62 so not sure if it's the knee or age lol). I now have more good days than bad. Praying for you. During those difficult times remember as well that the Lord will provide just what you are needing when you need it. He often doesn't answer in the way that we think he should but he is always there and never leaves us and what he has in store for us is beyond anything we can imagine. Patience is definitely to one of my better virtues.

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Thank you cindymattern
For your encouragement that God helps us and praying for me. Also I’m sorry you had to go through the pain of knee surgery and the fatigue.
Your in my prayers as well.
Thanks for the tip about a knee sleeve I’ll try that.


I’m almost 6 months post TKR, & have been seriously fatigued since about a week after surgery. I also have extreme lightheadedness, occasional nausea, & difficulty with visual “focusing”. I’ve had multiple tests, labs, scans, etc., & still no answer. Before surgery, I was healthy & very active, (biked 15 miles a day, plus gym, etc.)

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Thank you for your response alexalee.
I am struggling with sleep because of the knee, however, there are days I get an efficient amount and I am still wiped out.

You mentioned you’re fatigue, nausea, lightheaded and having visual problems.
I’m sorry to hear that you are going through this. I can sympathize with the fatigue aspect. I don’t have any medical advice, but I can offer to put you on my prayer list. If that is ok with you?


I’m almost 6 months post TKR, & have been seriously fatigued since about a week after surgery. I also have extreme lightheadedness, occasional nausea, & difficulty with visual “focusing”. I’ve had multiple tests, labs, scans, etc., & still no answer. Before surgery, I was healthy & very active, (biked 15 miles a day, plus gym, etc.)

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I am so sorry to hear …..I have not experienced those symptoms except for fatigue…. But what I have read people that have had reactions you talk of also experience allergic reactions to the products use to put their tkr together…. Something to look into if you have not already….. hope gets better soon


I am so sorry to hear …..I have not experienced those symptoms except for fatigue…. But what I have read people that have had reactions you talk of also experience allergic reactions to the products use to put their tkr together…. Something to look into if you have not already….. hope gets better soon

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Thank you, I have only done one test (for cobalt), but should probably explore further. I live in an area where we have no academic hospital nearby, so it’s hard to find a knowledgeable doctor.


Thank you for your response alexalee.
I am struggling with sleep because of the knee, however, there are days I get an efficient amount and I am still wiped out.

You mentioned you’re fatigue, nausea, lightheaded and having visual problems.
I’m sorry to hear that you are going through this. I can sympathize with the fatigue aspect. I don’t have any medical advice, but I can offer to put you on my prayer list. If that is ok with you?

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Thank you for your response & kind offer. I’m sorry you’re having difficulty with sleep, but I understand as I am as well. I know many people who’ve had TKR this year, & most seem to be having difficulty getting a good night’s sleep. It does improve with time, I believe. I hope you regain your energy soon.

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