Extreme fatigue 1 month post hip replacement surgery

Posted by walk4life @walk4life, Feb 19, 2023

I developed anemia after a RHR . Surgery was one month ago. I have been taking iron pills since the surgery. My heart rate jumps not over 100 with mild exertion- getting dressed, doing laundry- my resting heart rate is in the low 50s. My doctor retested my labs since I am still having symptoms. My blood levels are almost back to normal. I had Covid about 3 weeks before my surgery- could that be causing my symptoms? I had blood work done in December and everything was normal. I am so frustrated as everyone told me hip replacement would be an easy surgery and recovery. I am now second guessing my decision to have the surgery.

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That's great to hear. Congratulations and good luck to you


I did not receive a blood transfusion. My hemoglobin was 7.5 after surgery so they kept me overnight . The next day it was 7.8 so they kept me a second night to monitor. The ICU doctor that they consult with told me they use 6 as the cut off for a transfusion. I now wish they had given me blood. I was discharged with instructions to take iron and have my PCP check labs in a week. I guess my recovery is just taking longer than I anticipated.

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My hemoglobin dropped to about 7 which was the criteria point for a transfusion. And I passed out briefly. So they gave me the transfusion and more fluids and things started improving soon after. That was 4 long nights in the hospital.
A different ortho said the surgeon must have nicked a blood vessel. This happens sometimes, who knew…
Now at 6 months out people are telling me that
I look good, much better, happy, etc. It just takes time.
I'm very grateful for those who are able to donate blood.

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