Exposure to continuous thumping bass

Posted by leia50 @leia50, Aug 6, 2022

For 25 months, I have suffered from a neighbor who never turns off a thumping bass; can't hear music, just the thump. Forced to move into an RV park to sleep at night. This was very costly. Recently moved to rental in another town and now have a new thumper, I believe next door. Haven't talked to the neighbor yet, but in my experience, people who do this, always deny it. My ENT doctor said I have the hearing capacity of someone anywhere from 5 to 15 years younger than I am. I had people come into my home and only one person could hear the thump. No help from law enforcement. Nothing stops the noise and I am desperate for some relief. I read there might be a surgery for this condition. Thank you.

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That continual thumping bass is so annoying, I’m with you on that! We have neighbor whose teenager turns the volume up in his truck at night while he and his friends are out in the driveway shooting hoops! Our bedroom is on that side of the house! Fortunately another neighbor complained so the volume is lower. But that almost makes it worse because we can’t hear the music now…just the low thump. The people who deny it, generally already have hearing loss and need the volume up so they can hear it! 🙄.

Then I remember my own daughter and her friends in their teenage years, “If it’s too loud then you’re to old!” 😂

Have you tried leaving a radio or tv on at low volume to mask the noise? There are also apps for phones or small noise cancelling machines that make white noise, back ground calming noises that might also help mask the sound. I know it shouldn’t have to be up to you ask to stop the noise or to take the steps to quell it, but it’s a pretty safe bet your neighbors won’t stop. Have you tried ear plugs at night?


Oh the thumping is horrible. It's more like you are feeling it than hearing it. We have a winter neighbor whose stereo bass (100 feet away) vibrated the bedroom window. I finally figured out that the tinnitus-masking app on my phone worked to keep it from bugging me. The one I use is Resound Relief.
Maybe try something like that?


That continual thumping bass is so annoying, I’m with you on that! We have neighbor whose teenager turns the volume up in his truck at night while he and his friends are out in the driveway shooting hoops! Our bedroom is on that side of the house! Fortunately another neighbor complained so the volume is lower. But that almost makes it worse because we can’t hear the music now…just the low thump. The people who deny it, generally already have hearing loss and need the volume up so they can hear it! 🙄.

Then I remember my own daughter and her friends in their teenage years, “If it’s too loud then you’re to old!” 😂

Have you tried leaving a radio or tv on at low volume to mask the noise? There are also apps for phones or small noise cancelling machines that make white noise, back ground calming noises that might also help mask the sound. I know it shouldn’t have to be up to you ask to stop the noise or to take the steps to quell it, but it’s a pretty safe bet your neighbors won’t stop. Have you tried ear plugs at night?

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Thank you for responding. I sleep with ear plugs and a fan on high.I can still hear the thump, but at least it is tolerable. Some nights I sleep on the couch with the tv and fan blasting. The bass thump is a low frequency noise that is detriment to one's health, whether a person can hear it or not. There is lots of info regarding how it affects the body.

Are you still hearing it? I agree some people who indulge in this behavior have hearing loss.
I'm still researching clinics throughout the country that specialize in putting an end to any noise misery.


Oh the thumping is horrible. It's more like you are feeling it than hearing it. We have a winter neighbor whose stereo bass (100 feet away) vibrated the bedroom window. I finally figured out that the tinnitus-masking app on my phone worked to keep it from bugging me. The one I use is Resound Relief.
Maybe try something like that?

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Thanks for responding. I hear it and feel it. There are times when the couch vibrates. So far no windows rattling. I don't have tinnitus but know from friends that it is in the misery category. Sorry you are dealing with that.
I hope to find witnesses and file a complaint. Unfortunately, many people cannot hear low frequencies and they are extremerly difficult to source. The mission continues.


Wish you best of luck with stopping this noise; i have tinnitus and had for many years the ticking, tapping, buzzing on and off but then we got new hot water heat natural gas - i went outside our house and the noise from exhaust was unbelievable... so we got rid of it and got a hydro/electric one; however, I have been hearing sort of a machinery sound night and day, on and off, for years and, like you, husband says canot hear it.. then i discovered Hyperacusis which means my ears are picking up and making louder ordinary sounds... so have tinnitus which includes musical ear; moderate hearing loss; yet can hear certain sounds/vibrations which even wake me up - clue was waking up around the same times every night, around 1, 3, 5 especially - tinnitus doesnt have a clock so I figure I AM hearing maybe a hot tub motor; natural gas fuelled air conditioner or heater in winter or ???? I feel like sitting on our roof, 2 storey, one night with a noise detector or drone as am convinced there is noise, it's just no one else in family says they can hear it...I join you in your frustration over this - but at least its not a selfish neighbour - if my neighbur said we were bothering them in some legit way, I would do my best to stop doing it! Good luck with your mission!


Wish you best of luck with stopping this noise; i have tinnitus and had for many years the ticking, tapping, buzzing on and off but then we got new hot water heat natural gas - i went outside our house and the noise from exhaust was unbelievable... so we got rid of it and got a hydro/electric one; however, I have been hearing sort of a machinery sound night and day, on and off, for years and, like you, husband says canot hear it.. then i discovered Hyperacusis which means my ears are picking up and making louder ordinary sounds... so have tinnitus which includes musical ear; moderate hearing loss; yet can hear certain sounds/vibrations which even wake me up - clue was waking up around the same times every night, around 1, 3, 5 especially - tinnitus doesnt have a clock so I figure I AM hearing maybe a hot tub motor; natural gas fuelled air conditioner or heater in winter or ???? I feel like sitting on our roof, 2 storey, one night with a noise detector or drone as am convinced there is noise, it's just no one else in family says they can hear it...I join you in your frustration over this - but at least its not a selfish neighbour - if my neighbur said we were bothering them in some legit way, I would do my best to stop doing it! Good luck with your mission!

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I also hear that Low Deep Throbbing Noise, I hear it everyday (day and night) it's not coming from a neighbor but all around me when I went outside. I really think that the sound that I hear, is coming from above or underground. I put ear plugs in and I can still hear it. I don't know what I'm going to do, to get some sleep, with this Throbbing Sound to go away!?!?!!!


I live near a grocery store that has generators on the roof, which can sort of malfunction and get loud. So I walked in order to escape this noise in my apartment and at least a block away I could still hear it. Then I looked up online that it can actually travel pretty far from the source. So I'd look further out - if you find it, ask them to fix the issue and if they don't, there may be a law about vibration on the books in your city so I'd call 311. Oh, you may need to do this research very early in the morning, like 3-4 a.m., so you can pinpoint the source with more accuracy.

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