Exercise to strengthen bones (for osteoporosis)

Posted by marcd @marcd, Feb 16, 2022

It's been a challenge to find accurate information about exercise to strengthen bones. For me it's been a long process of culling out the information that is based on real research. The following seem to help according to the research data I have been able to find.
Balance training -- some say this strengthens bones, others that it simply reduces falls. But, either way, the end result is to reduce fracture risk. A web search will provide many exercises. Tai Chi improves balance.
Swimming -- this is disputed because it's not weight bearing. But there is a body of research that shows benefit for bone density. For example, one meta-analysis report found that 3-6 hours of swimming/week increases bone density. More time decreases bone density because the body is non-weight bearing for too long. Less is not enough.
Weight bearing exercises -- many reports provide extensive research demonstrating the benefit of correct exercises done in the correct way. The problem is finding out which are those exercises and how to do them. It took me months to track this down, but I was able to find the information and I can share if requested.
Walking -- If done as a weight bearing exercise this can help. That means using a weighted vest, or doing the kind of walking that results in significant impact -- for example jogging, climbing stairs, climbing stairs two at a time, jumping, dancing. It seems that walking around at a normal pace does not increase bone density.
Do not help: My research shows that the following don't help with bone density: Yoga, tai chi, pilates. However , in my opinion un-backed by any research, these could help if they were adapted to provide bone strengthening.
If anyone is interested, please advise of specific questions and I will endeavor to provide links or upload documents.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.


She did other things as well so maybe it was the combination of efforts that helped. She explains more on her osteopenia3.com website. I'm kind of picking and choosing what seems to make sense. And doing some of the Dr. Fishman yoga poses Teri mentioned. My most recent weight-bearing exercise was schlepping a 20-lb. jug of kitty litter in from the car...not very creative but it counts in my system lol.

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@callalloo I just want to make clear that that site is for osteopenia. She lists medications and in some cases their benefits (but calls Tymlos Thymos). The natural methods were kind of limited, especially for those already in trouble. I recommend Keith McCormick's book as being a little more informative.


Resistance training linked to greater bone strength in adults eating a vegan diet

“The plant-based lifestyle is a global trend, and lower bone mineral density and increased fracture risk in vegan people have been reported. Bone microarchitecture in vegans differed from matched omnivores but could not be explained solely by differences in nutrients intake. These differences were attenuated between the subgroups reporting resistance training. In addition to a well-planned diet, progressive resistance training on a regular basis should be part of the vegan lifestyle.”


Resistance training linked to greater bone strength in adults eating a vegan diet

“The plant-based lifestyle is a global trend, and lower bone mineral density and increased fracture risk in vegan people have been reported. Bone microarchitecture in vegans differed from matched omnivores but could not be explained solely by differences in nutrients intake. These differences were attenuated between the subgroups reporting resistance training. In addition to a well-planned diet, progressive resistance training on a regular basis should be part of the vegan lifestyle.”


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Hello Callalloo~
Hope Asheville and Moke are all doing great!
I'm currently waiting for my 'big' 10 minute consult with the OS in AShland. I've had all the x-rays and an MRI for him to evaluate and see what his plan is for the numbness in my toes..probably due to the narrowing of my lumbar area that's causing this..bone spurs..lovely...
Actually..since I've been taking R~lipoic acid that seems to have gotten better. I'm doing Doctor's Best product, which is stabilized R~lipoic acid with bioEnhanced Na~RALA.
My dexa scores were greatly improved....now trying to do the right things to 'heal' the compression frxs without any surgeries or 'glue'....using the far-infrared belt everyday on my upper and lower back as well as my knees.
Solving the stenosis problem will get explained on Wednesday's appointment. I'm not into any kind of intrusive surgery for a 'fix'..so the jury is out on that...BUT....my biggest concerns right now is 'balance' or the lack thereof. My knees are shot..OS..my x-rays show...bone on bone..so I started doing Turmeric and bioperine...but also found a good book about regaining knee strength called..."Treat your own knees" by Jim Johnson. It's a very informative little book and written with humor. I'm gleaning a lot from it. I've started out with the basics..like standing with one leg a bit raised...not so easy these days...but, after a couple of days doing this exercise..I can see improvement already!..Now, if I can do this exercise with my eyes closed...I will have truly progressed. Since we all face the doom of a fall..having good balance is an essential part of this. He also has some simple but powerful exercises to do to help with the knee pain associated with things like stairs and well anything 'knee' related. Gaining strength back in the large muscles that support the knee is most beneficial.
I think my next step is to get a treadmill..and build up my walking time. I live in a place where I can't just walk out the door to go for a walk...then..when I do drive to an area to take a walk..even with my walking sticks..I find that tripping over the smallest of things..or even getting my shoe stuck can cause a fall. So, maybe walking on a treadmill will allow me the time to put in without the fear of falling.
I am mostly living a plant-based diet..but trying to get the right amount of proteins isn't easy eating this way...but gee..my cholesterol levels have gotten better! Life is such a tradeoff, right?!
I'm ready for this next phase...more walking and regaining my balance. I realize that I'm fortunate to not be on a lot of medications that can counter one another..which I feel a lot of us are are for other reasons. I'm only on the generic Keppra to avoid having another seizure. I've had two in the past..once when my son passed away..about 7 years ago and then another 6 years ago...I wasn't handling the death of my son very well..as I was caregiving for my husband and really couldn't do too much grieving around him...and then when his health was failing..I again had one...but have been seizure free for 6 years now. I just want to get my health back after all this time and heartbreak....whatever time I have left, I want to be able to enjoy it...but on my terms. I'm an 'older' hippy lady...not hooked up to a lot of mainstream medications and dooming reactions to them. I'm into self care and treating my body, mind and spirit with ameliorative and healthier choices..which goes along with my peace of mind.
Now that I'm alone...except for my sweet Lilli-lou kitty...I have to maintain my health for me as well as for her and her forever home, I hope to always be. Being strong and positive is helpful of course....after so much heartbreak, I'm just trying to heal my broken heart and enjoy my days.
Time is not on our sides...but hopefulness is...I wish you the best days ahead! Bless you all.....


Hello Callalloo~
Hope Asheville and Moke are all doing great!
I'm currently waiting for my 'big' 10 minute consult with the OS in AShland. I've had all the x-rays and an MRI for him to evaluate and see what his plan is for the numbness in my toes..probably due to the narrowing of my lumbar area that's causing this..bone spurs..lovely...
Actually..since I've been taking R~lipoic acid that seems to have gotten better. I'm doing Doctor's Best product, which is stabilized R~lipoic acid with bioEnhanced Na~RALA.
My dexa scores were greatly improved....now trying to do the right things to 'heal' the compression frxs without any surgeries or 'glue'....using the far-infrared belt everyday on my upper and lower back as well as my knees.
Solving the stenosis problem will get explained on Wednesday's appointment. I'm not into any kind of intrusive surgery for a 'fix'..so the jury is out on that...BUT....my biggest concerns right now is 'balance' or the lack thereof. My knees are shot..OS..my x-rays show...bone on bone..so I started doing Turmeric and bioperine...but also found a good book about regaining knee strength called..."Treat your own knees" by Jim Johnson. It's a very informative little book and written with humor. I'm gleaning a lot from it. I've started out with the basics..like standing with one leg a bit raised...not so easy these days...but, after a couple of days doing this exercise..I can see improvement already!..Now, if I can do this exercise with my eyes closed...I will have truly progressed. Since we all face the doom of a fall..having good balance is an essential part of this. He also has some simple but powerful exercises to do to help with the knee pain associated with things like stairs and well anything 'knee' related. Gaining strength back in the large muscles that support the knee is most beneficial.
I think my next step is to get a treadmill..and build up my walking time. I live in a place where I can't just walk out the door to go for a walk...then..when I do drive to an area to take a walk..even with my walking sticks..I find that tripping over the smallest of things..or even getting my shoe stuck can cause a fall. So, maybe walking on a treadmill will allow me the time to put in without the fear of falling.
I am mostly living a plant-based diet..but trying to get the right amount of proteins isn't easy eating this way...but gee..my cholesterol levels have gotten better! Life is such a tradeoff, right?!
I'm ready for this next phase...more walking and regaining my balance. I realize that I'm fortunate to not be on a lot of medications that can counter one another..which I feel a lot of us are are for other reasons. I'm only on the generic Keppra to avoid having another seizure. I've had two in the past..once when my son passed away..about 7 years ago and then another 6 years ago...I wasn't handling the death of my son very well..as I was caregiving for my husband and really couldn't do too much grieving around him...and then when his health was failing..I again had one...but have been seizure free for 6 years now. I just want to get my health back after all this time and heartbreak....whatever time I have left, I want to be able to enjoy it...but on my terms. I'm an 'older' hippy lady...not hooked up to a lot of mainstream medications and dooming reactions to them. I'm into self care and treating my body, mind and spirit with ameliorative and healthier choices..which goes along with my peace of mind.
Now that I'm alone...except for my sweet Lilli-lou kitty...I have to maintain my health for me as well as for her and her forever home, I hope to always be. Being strong and positive is helpful of course....after so much heartbreak, I'm just trying to heal my broken heart and enjoy my days.
Time is not on our sides...but hopefulness is...I wish you the best days ahead! Bless you all.....

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Hi Bunky, glad that you checked in and things sound less scary and more manageable unless I'm getting this wrong. Is there a treatment for the bone-on-bone issue? My brother had bone-on-bone in his hip and had surgery. This was years ago and the doctors at the time were looking to synthetic cartilage or ways to stimulate new cartilage as the future likely treatments. And especially hopeful about stem cell therapy. But that's all I know so don't know what current treatments are.


Hi Bunky, glad that you checked in and things sound less scary and more manageable unless I'm getting this wrong. Is there a treatment for the bone-on-bone issue? My brother had bone-on-bone in his hip and had surgery. This was years ago and the doctors at the time were looking to synthetic cartilage or ways to stimulate new cartilage as the future likely treatments. And especially hopeful about stem cell therapy. But that's all I know so don't know what current treatments are.

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Hi Callallo~
Thought I might answer your inquiry into bone on bone knees. I found out that there is no space between my bone and well..the other bone...so no room for a needle intervention. I'm seeing the OS this Wednesday...and gee..after they got all my recent x-rays and MRI..I got upgraded to a 20 min. consult! Don't know if this is a good omen or not...but, I'm thinking positively...not much else to do. Yesterday I couldn't get out of my own way..knee pain..lower back pain...mid back pain...cranky's! I finally had a glass of wine and an hour later took a tylenol and an ibuprofen....that took the edge off....now, this morning..I'm pretty much pain free!
Actually...I have pretty good am's...but around noon, I start to get into pain..that lasts well into the evening. Most days I just try to walk if off in my house....keep moving...then hot wraps and my infra-red belts for treatments on my back, hips and knees...at least this takes my mind off of the pain. It's quite fatiguing, I'm finding....
I have been doing collagen everyday...I do notice that my nails are brilliantly strong!...guess it helps all things that collagen affects.
I'll let you know how the consult went....stay safe out there...keep moving....have you tried the balance exercise yet?


I believe there are pros and cons for wearing a weighted vest while walking. My experience with more impact while walking was that it gave me plantar fasciitis.


I believe there are pros and cons for wearing a weighted vest while walking. My experience with more impact while walking was that it gave me plantar fasciitis.

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Hello gretchen1018~
I agree..there are pros and cons about everything and with that comes the never ending 'search' for what's right for each of us to do...and what we can do without putting too much pressure and stress on our 'beings'. I also tried the weighted vest...(now it sits on the back of a chair)...Because I have compression frxs....I felt that this wasn't an answer for me. Even picking up a gal. water jug gives me a reminder that maybe that's too heavy..or pick that up better, I should say. I also tried OsteoStrong...once...don't think that was good for me either.
These days, my mind reflects back to my grandmother....
she was a walker....walked miles everyday..did all her own 'everything' and lived to 98...I remember as a little girl visiting with her and we would take off on an adventure everyday...she probably ate what we would now gasp at..but she did good things for herself as well. She crushed up (washed) eggshells and put it in her 'percolator'...she most likely picked up this little trick from her mother..adding in more calcium...I remember her coffee and how rich and wonderful it was! This nostalgia has given me a new prospective on my journey of aging. I cannot now at 78 be the athlete as I was in my youth...I had to swallow my ego there..bigtime and welcome in the 'new' me. Come to peace with 'her'..and love her more..as she now needs all the attention I can give her. Maybe we sometimes forget to honor our bodies instead of trying to 'fix' them. In no way do I mean surrender...not now when we need all the help we can get...no....I mean to say and to do personally..just to be kind to ourselves and to others..giving love to others is easy...giving love to ourselves...well..it starts from there. We can all give ourselves a big hug!..and lots of them!
Wishing you all a wonderful day!......peace.....


Hi Callallo~
Thought I might answer your inquiry into bone on bone knees. I found out that there is no space between my bone and well..the other bone...so no room for a needle intervention. I'm seeing the OS this Wednesday...and gee..after they got all my recent x-rays and MRI..I got upgraded to a 20 min. consult! Don't know if this is a good omen or not...but, I'm thinking positively...not much else to do. Yesterday I couldn't get out of my own way..knee pain..lower back pain...mid back pain...cranky's! I finally had a glass of wine and an hour later took a tylenol and an ibuprofen....that took the edge off....now, this morning..I'm pretty much pain free!
Actually...I have pretty good am's...but around noon, I start to get into pain..that lasts well into the evening. Most days I just try to walk if off in my house....keep moving...then hot wraps and my infra-red belts for treatments on my back, hips and knees...at least this takes my mind off of the pain. It's quite fatiguing, I'm finding....
I have been doing collagen everyday...I do notice that my nails are brilliantly strong!...guess it helps all things that collagen affects.
I'll let you know how the consult went....stay safe out there...keep moving....have you tried the balance exercise yet?

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I've joined the Mayo walking pledge. I live on top of a huge hill as the neighbors call it. I call it The Alp. And there's at least one mama black bear with cubs that might have me opt for a treadmill instead of sauntering around this spot.

I hope you get good news and, more importantly, solutions. But in the meantime, have you tried, or are you contemplating, CBD things for the pain? You're lucky to live in a lovely place in a state where it's legal and some people in the neuropathy boards find it helps.

PS I think the weighted vest thing is interesting but a lot of women already have crummy posture and doctors constantly advising women not to carry heavy tote bags and such so wonder if a weighted vest could cause the same risk?


Hi all. I have been following since early 2021 when I was diagnosed with osteoporosis, first while trying to decide on medication. I wound up taking Fosomax which my mother and sister had taken with good results. I have attempted to walk every day and do a daily yoga session of 10-20. minutes. I add weights but am not as good as I would like to be. I researched a bone healthy diet and have tried my best to add the calcium rich and other bone healthy foods in my diet. I have Sjogrens Syndrome and eating in the best of circumstances is a challenge. I have been on Fosomax for one year and my doctor ordered a DEXA. I am very happy with the results but still have work to do. I increased the bone density in my spine by 11.5% and it is now -.03. I increased the left femoral hip from -.2.6 to -2.3, a 5.2% increase in bone density. The downside, I lost 6.3% of bone density in my forearm, going from -2.2 to -2.8 so I will have to be more diligent about weights. I am heartened by the results and clearly need to keep on working. Everyone's suggestions have been extremely helpful and I appreciate all the input.


Those look like really good results to me, yet alone after only one year on Fosamax. I would feel very encouraged by them and applaud the work you've put into this effort.

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