Exercise during treatments for Breast Cancer

Posted by mitch3194 @mitch3194, Dec 31, 2023

Has anyone done any exercises during treatments for Breast Cancer? I am scheduled for Jan 2nd for the first treatment of 8 in total. Then back in surgery (hopefully a dbl mastectomy), then radiation.
I would like to try not to gain weight with steroids, and lose some lbs. as I am overweight already. I have a lot of fluid retention as well. This has always been a struggle for me.

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Yes, do what organically feels right for you. Exercise is a game changer for your psyche! I had a bilateral mastectomy 3 1/2 months ago and I have seen huge benefits to stretching, yoga, pilates, walking etc... Love your body as much as you can through this- it is not the enemy- the illness is.


I coached youth hockey (45 minutes of playing with 6 year olds on the ice a couple nights a week) but it was all I could manage.

I had 20 weeks of chemo before surgery then 25 radiation treatments. I walked every day during radiation (it was summer).


I walked every day, except travel and treatment days, 30 minutes on the treadmill. I will admit some days were not very fast and I had to hang on to the rails because I felt unsteady. It was the best thing I could have done. I recommend it for your body and mind.


If you have not been already actively exercising, you will want to be kind to yourself and realize that you may not feel great during treatment. That being said, if you have the energy to work out or particularly if you have the ability to do so at home or simply walking that is great! All chemo has the potential to lower your white blood cell count and make you more susceptible to illness, if you go to a gym, be cautious so as not to get sick. Depending on your location you may be able to walk outside. There is a puffiness that occurs due to the steroid use regardless of your body type, it does go away. As for weight gain, I actually lost weight during chemo.
Being as active as you can be and maintaining a healthy positive attitude is a must!


I exercised throughout my treatment and it was the best decision I could have made. I still did my Peloton workouts, just at a reduced level. When I felt tired in the morning, it really helped to wake me up. And I had no neuropathy from my chemo.


I was able to maintain my normal exercise schedule (mostly walking). I slowed things down following surgeries. I added the breast exercises given to me by my PT. When I was tired, I rested. During radiation, I napped 20 minutes each afternoon. Moving, eating healthy, and rest helped me recover and feel strong during treatment. I wish you well.


Exercise is a must! It helps mentally and physically. Plus, I notice that exercising outside in fresh air helps reduce feelings of nausea during chemo. I live in a cold climate (Wyoming), but I still love to exercise during winter. My preferred exercise is running, but I am thankful now just to be able to jog and to mix in a few running miles when I feel able to. I never regret making myself get outside to exercise. The worst part was after surgery when I was not even allowed to walk more than a half mile at a time. I was creating so much fluid that my surgeons nurse told me to cut back and let the incisions heal. I'm so glad to be able to exercise again. It definitely makes a difference in my mood, outlook, nausea level, and bowels. My medical oncologist also told me that the best way to mitigate long term heart damage from AC-T chemo is to exercise. So, even if you live in a wintry climate, consider getting yourself some ice trekkers for your boots and get outside, especially on sunny days. Every little bit of movement helps.

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