exercise after lumbar laminectomy
after i have my lumbar open laminectomy jan 28 no fusion how much exercise can i do. Can i go go on my stationary bike takes walks drive my car go to pt as i am a active person and dont want to sit on couch watching tv and my legs get weak for long time . how active were you after this surgery. Note After i had cervical laminectomys had pt 2 weeks after and i drove my car right after so why should a back be any different cervical surgery. How fast did you recovery from this in normal activities .
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@hondaman Exercise clearance after spine surgery will need to come from your surgeon of course. I can tell you that my 80 year old cousin had this surgery and was walking a lot after 2 weeks, and it took about a month before he was really active. It wasn't a bad recovery for him.
I've had 2 lumbar laminectomies and going for #3 on Jan 6th. My instructions were to start walking the day of surgery and increase a bit each day. They don't want you sitting too long or exerting your core because that puts pressure on the disc that has just been worked on. It takes a few weeks for it to sort of scab over and heal. Don't let yourself get constipated. After my first procedure I ruined the surgery straining on the toilet before I even left the hospital. Had to have 2nd surgery 3 months later.
Your lumbar spine is very different than your cervical spine. Your nerve roots from your lumbar run down your legs whereas your nerve roots from your cervical affect your upper limbs. Also the discs are much larger in the lumbar area so it’s a harder recovery than cervical. As far as driving goes, your doc will let you know and it depends on your need for prescription pain meds. After my L5/S1 laminectomy, which was on my right side (driving leg) I was up and walking shortly after surgery and told walking was the best exercise I could do. You want to let the disc heal and close up a bit as someone else mentioned so that you don’t end up re-herniating and needing a fusion. A laminectomy is a much easier recovery than a fusion so I’d listen to your doctor’s and physical therapist’s advice. As far as a bike goes, I know the only kind they wanted me on at PT was a recumbent to protect my back. You’ll hear the instructions- no BLT often- no bending, lifting or twisting. You can look up log rolling techniques for how to get out of bed properly.