Positive Evenity results
I had my DEXA scan a week ago after finishing Evenity just over a month ago. With my luck I was expecting little results. Luckily it was good! Lumbar spine went from -4.6 to -3.0 Right femoral neck from -2.9 to -2.2. All the ridiculous copays were worth it to have my spine improve that much. My new PCP (I moved 3 months ago) hadn’t gotten the report as of today, so I downloaded it from my patient portal and emailed it to her. I still have a crappy spine, but not nearly as crappy as it was. Just a tip, be persistent when you need something medical. The place I was originally referred to for the DEXA said they couldn’t get me in until mid August. Multiple calls later, I got an appointment elsewhere within a few days. When I hadn’t heard from my PCP a week after the scan I called them. I don’t know what’s next yet, rheumatologist was pushing Prolia partly because it’s once every 6 months instead of a daily pill, but I had no unmanageable side effects with alendronate and Prolia is an unknown. Thanks for reading!
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Hello. I am a 71 year old male. I had a L5 compression fracture while lifting a heavy object. A DEXA scan revealed osteoporosis, which I was surprised to learn. After several rounds of blood work, the doctors determined my osteoporosis was idiopathic (no identified, underlying cause).
Just had my DEXA scan after completing a year of Evenity:
Spine improved from -3.2 to -2.1
Femoral Neck from -2.0 to -1.9
Total Hip from -1.6 to -1.0
After a lot of research, including helpful input from members of this discussion group, I have decided to move on to Prolia injections for 1 to 2 years, followed by Reclast. I had no side effects with Evenity.
My Rheumatologist has patients that have been receiving Prolia for nearly 15 years with no adverse side effects. But my goal is to hopefully not have to stay on Prolia indefinitely.
Wait, so you did Evenity in 2020 and now 5 years later you need to do it again?
Do the gains from these drugs only last 5 years?
I am really interested to learn more about the benefits of Evenity. I fell and broke my hip in August 2022, the day after I turned 60. I live in BC, Canada. I learned more than six months post surgery I had osteoporosis. I then started the referral to the Endocrinologist. Who then recommended Evenity, two years post hip fracture. I then started Evenity in October 2024, due delays with the specialists office and approvals from the two insurance companies. I am experiencing several side effects, the main one being severe bloating. These are being managed with high quality Probiotic, Enzymes, Castor Oil packs and no gluten or dairy, more omegas and limiting my carbs. The specialist shared this may be an issue, and did not see this as a concern. I am looking for reports that Evenity actually builds good bone. The more I learn and the research I do, learn more about the importance of Estradiol, which I have been on since the fall of 2023, through the Hormone Doctor in the private system that I see. I continue to be confused why my MD or the specialist did not share the importance of the Estradiol. As I look at the comments others are sharing the needs for meds after Evenity. Would like to learn more, why? Feels frustrated as our medical system in Canada is struggling and who to ask the many questions I have.
I had my first Evenity injections on Feb 20th with some large lumps at the injection sites that resolved. I had my calcium blood level done this past Monday and my calcium dropped from 9.6 on injection day to 8.4. Any thoughts?
@rayge99: I am impressed by your success with your Osteoporosis Plan: Evenity-Prolia-Reclast. Your DEXA numbers are impressive and I can hope that if it works for a 71yr old perhaps I might find similar reaction as an 80yr old. Thank you for your post! Bette
I am also curious about the quality of the bone produced by Evenity, for two reasons: 1. You must take another drug, like a bisphosphonate, after Evenity or you lose all your gains. I am curious as to why? That doesn't sound like typical bone to me. I've tried to research this on-line but can't find anything about this. 2. I've read that Evenity doesn't provide much protection against vertebral fractures which makes me wonder if taking the drug is worth the risk of the side effects. (I am in the U.S.).
I appreciate you sharing this. These are the questions I have and not able to find any answers.
daisy17, do you remember where you read that Evenity doesn't provide much protection against fracture. Outside of the other cautions, I'm wondering about the bone--the quality of the bone. My understanding is that it is modeled bone rather than remodeled. Meaning that it doesn't allow for clearing away old bone, simply lays down new bone on top of the old. Sort of like replastering or repainting your house without removing the broken, damaged material underneath. In cartoons showing the bone laid down, there isn't any articulation. It is just solid bone. And easy to see why bone mineral density would be increased without reduction of fracture risk. I don't know, but it makes me wonder.
sharonksummerfield, not just in Canada. Its a job to figure out these meds in the US. There is so much less-than-good and even inaccurate information held by the people we trust with our bones. A lot just isn't known; everyone is speculating. The research is getting better, so there's hope.
I have heard that the price of Forteo is low in Canada compared to the US. Do you know?
You say bloating, and I hear swelling. I think inflammation is problematic-- systemwide.
I am not aware of the cost of Forteo. You may be on to something. Appreciate your response.