Evenity Side Effects

Posted by cincy @cincy, Dec 27, 2023

Has anyone had severe back pain and burning sensation on Evenity after just starting ?And how long does it last or is it a sign to try another medication?It starts about 7 days after the injection and pain is severe you can’t do a thing.Thanks.

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Hi I am starting my first Evenity injection at the end of January and am terrified of the side effects. Has anyone had a positive experience with Evenity? Is there anything you have taken before the injection that may help. My doctor will give me a xanax to help with the anxiety before. Thank you!

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I’ve had 8 doses of Evenity with no side effects to speak of. The first month, I did feel very tired the day after.
Then, no side effects.
I have already started to look beyond Evenity to my next drug - Reclast.
Take the Xanax - I did the first time and it helped.
I have a DEXA in May. If the Evenity has improved my scores, I will consider this to be a great success.


Hi I am starting my first Evenity injection at the end of January and am terrified of the side effects. Has anyone had a positive experience with Evenity? Is there anything you have taken before the injection that may help. My doctor will give me a xanax to help with the anxiety before. Thank you!

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I completed 12 shots of evenity in December. I had excellent results, especially in my spine where my bone density increased by 15%. I always drink a lot of water before I got the shot and I kept a bottle of water in my car for the drive home. I usually got a slight headache afterwards, which was alleviated with a couple of Tylenol. I might have had the side effect of making my arthritic hands a bit more painful but I am not certain I can attribute that to the evenity


After reviewing the various comments with this group rereading the Evenity drug "insert" and meeting with my endocrinologist, I decided to continue with this medication. Yesterday was my 8th injection.
Realized from my 4th to 7th injections achiness and fatigue was the worst. Particularly right hip and knees. I also sometimes have right side sciatic pain and osteoarthritis. I have mimial achiness today after my7th injection. Dr. Says it may continue this way until the 12 month mark. Data shows this is one of the best drugs to build bone at femoral hip. I scored -3.9 left hip.
Determined to completed the course. In April, another scan ( not DEXA) will determine the next medication. Bone building vs body sealing/ preservation drug.
Best wishes to everyone here. I learned a great deal fromthis group. I'm truly grateful for your honesty.

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@bebea5- Thank you so much for your detailed response. What do you mean by body sealing/preservation drug?

It takes a lot of perseverance to stay with a drug that has unpleasant side effects. Good for you!



@merpreb Merry, I have received injections in the back of my arms (1 injection in each arm) and in the abdomen. The nurse allows the medication to “warm” a little before injection. The needle is very thin and tiny and reminds me of the allergy shots I received subcutaneously many years ago. For me, there was no pain, not even a burning sensation, in my arms or abdomen. I switched to the abdomen more out of curiosity. I did not experience any injection pain afterwards. But that’s me.

I unknowingly fractured my sacrum last year. In retrospect I realize that the pain I experienced in one leg and then the other for over a month was related to that sacral fracture. I’ll take the joint pain I’m experiencing over another fracture. I already have joint pain from osteoarthritis and so as long as I can keep doing the things I do and like to do, I’ll stretch, do yoga, and go to the gym.

What other medications are being considered?

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So far, my understanding about this drug, aside from its side effects, is a certain course of shots for this drug. Then another to replace it?


So far, my understanding about this drug, aside from its side effects, is a certain course of shots for this drug. Then another to replace it?

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@merpreb Yes, that's my endocrinologist told me. I'll get 12 months of injections of Evenity to "build" bone density and then a bone density scan to examine what we hope are gains in bone density. At that point my doctor will order another medication such as Reclast to "lock in" the gains. I get Evenity injections at an infusion center that is 2 hour drive from where I live. So, once a month we make a day of it and stop for a late lunch on the way back home.


@bebea5- Thank you so much for your detailed response. What do you mean by body sealing/preservation drug?

It takes a lot of perseverance to stay with a drug that has unpleasant side effects. Good for you!


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Fosamax or related medications


I completed 12 shots of evenity in December. I had excellent results, especially in my spine where my bone density increased by 15%. I always drink a lot of water before I got the shot and I kept a bottle of water in my car for the drive home. I usually got a slight headache afterwards, which was alleviated with a couple of Tylenol. I might have had the side effect of making my arthritic hands a bit more painful but I am not certain I can attribute that to the evenity

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Yes,exactly, my right hip is arthritic and have right sciatica may be a more painful, not sure if attributed to Evenity??


I had abdominal tightness, pretty intense, immediately after the injections which lasted at that level of intensity for 4 days and continues now at three weeks. Shots were in abdomen. This band of tightness is higher up but I wish I knew if this might not occur if shots were in my thighs.


I had 7 of 12 Evenity injections. Noticed increase back pain at injection# 4, Lasted for up to 5 days with 7 of 10 pain scale after day 5 4 of 10 pain scale. But daily Stiffness / achy back, knees , especially hips. Right side Osteo arthritis and sciatica! Very tender to sleep upon all Not before Evenity . But maybe due to Osteo arthritis. It's never one issue.
At injection #6 called the Endocrinologist said if I'm really uncomfortable consider stopping medication. I was more aware at injection # 7 last month, joint pain, hips and spine discomfort. I'm a very active 66 year old, exercise at the gym, hike and hopefully cross country ski this winter, .. But feel so stiff!!! Just wrote the doctor today. I think it's time to stop taking Evenity. What will my new normal be??

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I also have back pain, mostly on my left side between the shoulder blades. Burning, aching, stiff. What do you do to help with the pain? I walk everyday and stretch and use resistance bands every other day. Helps temporarily. I hate to rely on Tylenol and/or Advil but some days it’s the only way to get through the day. Have you found success with anything?


Pretty much the same things you're doing. Tylenol, heating pad at night, exercise

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