Essential tremors: any ideas on coping and managing tremors?

Posted by jmb73 @jmb73, Aug 23, 2019

I saw my neurologist yesterday and he said that I have essential tremors. He said they will get worse and progress to my other hand. Do any of you have this and if so is there any way I can slow the progress. He said it will probably take 3 years to get really bad. I am on Gababentin for fibromyalgia and restless leg and that is one of the drugs that is for these tremors. I am dropping things from my left hand and he said that will get worse too. I am buying plastic glasses as I dropped a real glass in the dishwasher- what a pain that was to get all the glass slivers out of the dishwasher. I would appreciate any ideas on coping with this and how I can manage it. Thank you

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I just found out yesterday from my neurologist that I have Essential Tremor disorder.
I have had 2 neck surgeries and 2 back surgeries that have caused this. I also have neuropathy.
I was bedridden for 9 months due to the painful neuropathy. But God healed me of the pain. No I just have circulation problems. I am so blessed. I have been to so much but the good Lord. It's my strength and my shield. And this will not get me down. I will conquer it one way or another.


I just found out yesterday from my neurologist that I have Essential Tremor disorder.
I have had 2 neck surgeries and 2 back surgeries that have caused this. I also have neuropathy.
I was bedridden for 9 months due to the painful neuropathy. But God healed me of the pain. No I just have circulation problems. I am so blessed. I have been to so much but the good Lord. It's my strength and my shield. And this will not get me down. I will conquer it one way or another.

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Hi Lynn, I moved your message to this existing discussion so that you can connect easily with other members living with essential tremor.

- Essential tremors: any ideas on coping and managing tremors?


I just found out yesterday from my neurologist that I have Essential Tremor disorder.
I have had 2 neck surgeries and 2 back surgeries that have caused this. I also have neuropathy.
I was bedridden for 9 months due to the painful neuropathy. But God healed me of the pain. No I just have circulation problems. I am so blessed. I have been to so much but the good Lord. It's my strength and my shield. And this will not get me down. I will conquer it one way or another.

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I also have Essential Tremor and, just as you, I also have Neuropathy. The E.T. Is a Genetic matter that runs through many of my Family Members. The Neuropathy is uncomfortable but tolerable! I have an appointment with University of Utah Research Clinic for a review of my case. Hope for success? A funny line about our common ailment…is a Good question for Our some time in the future…….WHAT IS ESSENTIAL ABOUT A TREMOR? Hope we can get an answer before then! Thanks, Glenn


Mine seems to be intermittent. I did notice that, over the months where I had a task of handwriting information into a spreadsheet that it seemed to get better. However, no longer doing that, and could not sign my name on Christmas cards this week! It is a strange affliction. My ex-husband has the same, and although it is supposed to be genetic, I wonder if something we came across living in third world countries or our other past had a long term effect.


I was diagnosed about 15 years ago with familial essential tremor. My mother and an aunt had it. I also have two cousins that I know of who also have it. It is getting worse as I age. I am in my early seventies now. For the most part, it has not overly affected my life up until recently. I experience hand tremors when performing tasks that require focus such as handwriting or putting on makeup. My head bobs when I am speaking, especially on the phone. I have never figured out why because when I am still, the tremors go away. Recently it has gotten bad enough for me to seek med treatment. When I was initially diagnosed years ago, my PCP at the time recommended a half glass of red wine which works, but is not always practical, depending on where I am. My current PCP prescribed Propranolol and has referred me to a neurologist to rule out anything else before embarking on a permanent treatment plan. I have an appointment set up for February. By the way, you cannot have alcohol with the Propanolol, and you have to watch for blood pressure drops. The propranolol works well, but one of the side effects is difficulty breathing. It is not horrible, but I would prefer to explore other options.
These days I never know when the tremors are going to pop up, and I feel internal tremors in addition to the occasional external tremors. I have also experienced restless leg syndrome since I was a kid. I do not know if the two are related. I will defer to the neurological findings to determine what works best for me.
From what I have determined from my research is that different treatment works for different people. It depends on your medical history and current meds. Although there are meds that work, there is not necessarily a one size fits all treatment.


I recently had the Focused Ultra Sound Insightec USS Treatment for Essential Tremor, here are my notes. Have had slowly worsening tremor for about 15 years, Primidone had harsh side effects and propenal was only slightly helpful.

Treatment was done 2/21/2025, 11 days ago to the left side brain to treat right hand, also hopeful that it would help head tremor. Head tremor was much worse than hand tremor prior to surgery and was my underlying motivation for trying the surgery. Hand tremor was definitely present but not as much of a quality of life issue.

I am beyond thrilled with the results!
Right hand tremor is effectively gone 95%
Head tremor down 85%
With my right hand I can use chopsticks, touch pad on the computer without double tap and handwriting is 95% smooth. Note- I have always had really bad handwriting, it is still bad!
Left hand unchanged
Right hand operations will take time to adjust to the new normal, using the touchpad on the phone is different and I am making new types of errors as I adjust. I fully expect that these will easily get better over time.

Applying head cage not quite enough local anesthetic was used at first on two back screws. Dose was increased but my best guess is not enough wait time was given for it to be effective. So a 3rd dose was administered. It was fine but the residual was not entirely gone for at least 12 hours. Just annoying, not a big problem.
I got an anti-inflammatory injection both before and after the procedure (Dexamethasone? I am pretty sure). Significant dizziness after both injections. I needed to be wheeled to the procedure room.
Written test first then trial sound wave procedure. After another written test, hand improvement was immediately obvious. Did permanent intensity procedure and another written test, same result.
After the last written test I still had a few slight deviations from straight lines but huge, huge improvement.
No side effects or lip tingles felt.
Doctor asked how I felt and if I thought enough was done. That was a really hard question, I think it is a necessary question and looking back on it, would having repeated the treatment and upped it a little bit gotten rid of the last residual on my hand? Maybe, but would it also open me up to possible side effects? Really tough question. I told him I was good, I am sure I will second guess that. Just to repeat the treatment was awesome and really effective, I am so glad I did it!
Because of the head cage there was no chance to see the effect on the head tremor after test soundwaves and final.
I was dizzy and weak for several hours afterwards, eating and drinking helped. I believe it was a reaction to anti-inflammatory injection, not the procedure.
After eating I noticed how the head tremor had relaxed and was pretty much gone. Awesome!
That night I had an alcoholic drink to celebrate, a mistake with the Dexamethasone. Heartburn, hiccups and unusual awakeness.
Filled prescription for Dexamethasone- 4mg, 2 times a day 5 days then 1 time a day 5 days to start morning after the surgery.
Accidentally took 2 pills in the morning after surgery, horrible heartburn, hiccups, disturbance in sleep patterns.
Waited 24 hours for the next single dose. Slightly improving side effects but still bad
Took 2 pills a day for 3 days total (side effects too strong for two a day), then the last 7 days one pill per day. Side effects have improved but still some balance issues for several hours after taking the pill. Still some sleep disruptions. Last pill of the 10 days taken this morning.
Can I try to stop propanol? doctor says lower the dose to one for the next month.
Ghost tremors- I still have head movement sometimes but it is much easier to control, it feels like if I relax I can stop it or slow it down.
Regarding the 9 month wait for other side treatment, it probably is longer than necessary for the physical recovery (says one patient very early on) however I can see the merit in letting your muscles adjust to the new normal over time. Things are different and require relearning and strengthening. So in my case I don’t see a need to rush it.
Good side effect from Dexamethasone was that my enlarged Prostate shrunk when taking the drug causing me to urinate normally. I am under the care of a Urologist for it, my next procedure will likely be Aquablation for it. It is fun getting old!


I recently had the Focused Ultra Sound Insightec USS Treatment for Essential Tremor, here are my notes. Have had slowly worsening tremor for about 15 years, Primidone had harsh side effects and propenal was only slightly helpful.

Treatment was done 2/21/2025, 11 days ago to the left side brain to treat right hand, also hopeful that it would help head tremor. Head tremor was much worse than hand tremor prior to surgery and was my underlying motivation for trying the surgery. Hand tremor was definitely present but not as much of a quality of life issue.

I am beyond thrilled with the results!
Right hand tremor is effectively gone 95%
Head tremor down 85%
With my right hand I can use chopsticks, touch pad on the computer without double tap and handwriting is 95% smooth. Note- I have always had really bad handwriting, it is still bad!
Left hand unchanged
Right hand operations will take time to adjust to the new normal, using the touchpad on the phone is different and I am making new types of errors as I adjust. I fully expect that these will easily get better over time.

Applying head cage not quite enough local anesthetic was used at first on two back screws. Dose was increased but my best guess is not enough wait time was given for it to be effective. So a 3rd dose was administered. It was fine but the residual was not entirely gone for at least 12 hours. Just annoying, not a big problem.
I got an anti-inflammatory injection both before and after the procedure (Dexamethasone? I am pretty sure). Significant dizziness after both injections. I needed to be wheeled to the procedure room.
Written test first then trial sound wave procedure. After another written test, hand improvement was immediately obvious. Did permanent intensity procedure and another written test, same result.
After the last written test I still had a few slight deviations from straight lines but huge, huge improvement.
No side effects or lip tingles felt.
Doctor asked how I felt and if I thought enough was done. That was a really hard question, I think it is a necessary question and looking back on it, would having repeated the treatment and upped it a little bit gotten rid of the last residual on my hand? Maybe, but would it also open me up to possible side effects? Really tough question. I told him I was good, I am sure I will second guess that. Just to repeat the treatment was awesome and really effective, I am so glad I did it!
Because of the head cage there was no chance to see the effect on the head tremor after test soundwaves and final.
I was dizzy and weak for several hours afterwards, eating and drinking helped. I believe it was a reaction to anti-inflammatory injection, not the procedure.
After eating I noticed how the head tremor had relaxed and was pretty much gone. Awesome!
That night I had an alcoholic drink to celebrate, a mistake with the Dexamethasone. Heartburn, hiccups and unusual awakeness.
Filled prescription for Dexamethasone- 4mg, 2 times a day 5 days then 1 time a day 5 days to start morning after the surgery.
Accidentally took 2 pills in the morning after surgery, horrible heartburn, hiccups, disturbance in sleep patterns.
Waited 24 hours for the next single dose. Slightly improving side effects but still bad
Took 2 pills a day for 3 days total (side effects too strong for two a day), then the last 7 days one pill per day. Side effects have improved but still some balance issues for several hours after taking the pill. Still some sleep disruptions. Last pill of the 10 days taken this morning.
Can I try to stop propanol? doctor says lower the dose to one for the next month.
Ghost tremors- I still have head movement sometimes but it is much easier to control, it feels like if I relax I can stop it or slow it down.
Regarding the 9 month wait for other side treatment, it probably is longer than necessary for the physical recovery (says one patient very early on) however I can see the merit in letting your muscles adjust to the new normal over time. Things are different and require relearning and strengthening. So in my case I don’t see a need to rush it.
Good side effect from Dexamethasone was that my enlarged Prostate shrunk when taking the drug causing me to urinate normally. I am under the care of a Urologist for it, my next procedure will likely be Aquablation for it. It is fun getting old!

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Thanks for the update, and it is good to know that some treatments do work. I hope there will be some advancements in ten years, so I am holding off on treatments. Mostly because I am 53, and so far, I can manage with coping skills, and just knowing what the tremors are and what activates them helps. For me, stress and anxiety make them worse, so I am finding that stress management techniques have helped. As much as I hate meditation and the feeling of doing nothing, there is merit to it! I will do more mindful walking as a meditation practice, which feels more productive. I don't have to be in fix-it mode 24/7.


I recently had the Focused Ultra Sound Insightec USS Treatment for Essential Tremor, here are my notes. Have had slowly worsening tremor for about 15 years, Primidone had harsh side effects and propenal was only slightly helpful.

Treatment was done 2/21/2025, 11 days ago to the left side brain to treat right hand, also hopeful that it would help head tremor. Head tremor was much worse than hand tremor prior to surgery and was my underlying motivation for trying the surgery. Hand tremor was definitely present but not as much of a quality of life issue.

I am beyond thrilled with the results!
Right hand tremor is effectively gone 95%
Head tremor down 85%
With my right hand I can use chopsticks, touch pad on the computer without double tap and handwriting is 95% smooth. Note- I have always had really bad handwriting, it is still bad!
Left hand unchanged
Right hand operations will take time to adjust to the new normal, using the touchpad on the phone is different and I am making new types of errors as I adjust. I fully expect that these will easily get better over time.

Applying head cage not quite enough local anesthetic was used at first on two back screws. Dose was increased but my best guess is not enough wait time was given for it to be effective. So a 3rd dose was administered. It was fine but the residual was not entirely gone for at least 12 hours. Just annoying, not a big problem.
I got an anti-inflammatory injection both before and after the procedure (Dexamethasone? I am pretty sure). Significant dizziness after both injections. I needed to be wheeled to the procedure room.
Written test first then trial sound wave procedure. After another written test, hand improvement was immediately obvious. Did permanent intensity procedure and another written test, same result.
After the last written test I still had a few slight deviations from straight lines but huge, huge improvement.
No side effects or lip tingles felt.
Doctor asked how I felt and if I thought enough was done. That was a really hard question, I think it is a necessary question and looking back on it, would having repeated the treatment and upped it a little bit gotten rid of the last residual on my hand? Maybe, but would it also open me up to possible side effects? Really tough question. I told him I was good, I am sure I will second guess that. Just to repeat the treatment was awesome and really effective, I am so glad I did it!
Because of the head cage there was no chance to see the effect on the head tremor after test soundwaves and final.
I was dizzy and weak for several hours afterwards, eating and drinking helped. I believe it was a reaction to anti-inflammatory injection, not the procedure.
After eating I noticed how the head tremor had relaxed and was pretty much gone. Awesome!
That night I had an alcoholic drink to celebrate, a mistake with the Dexamethasone. Heartburn, hiccups and unusual awakeness.
Filled prescription for Dexamethasone- 4mg, 2 times a day 5 days then 1 time a day 5 days to start morning after the surgery.
Accidentally took 2 pills in the morning after surgery, horrible heartburn, hiccups, disturbance in sleep patterns.
Waited 24 hours for the next single dose. Slightly improving side effects but still bad
Took 2 pills a day for 3 days total (side effects too strong for two a day), then the last 7 days one pill per day. Side effects have improved but still some balance issues for several hours after taking the pill. Still some sleep disruptions. Last pill of the 10 days taken this morning.
Can I try to stop propanol? doctor says lower the dose to one for the next month.
Ghost tremors- I still have head movement sometimes but it is much easier to control, it feels like if I relax I can stop it or slow it down.
Regarding the 9 month wait for other side treatment, it probably is longer than necessary for the physical recovery (says one patient very early on) however I can see the merit in letting your muscles adjust to the new normal over time. Things are different and require relearning and strengthening. So in my case I don’t see a need to rush it.
Good side effect from Dexamethasone was that my enlarged Prostate shrunk when taking the drug causing me to urinate normally. I am under the care of a Urologist for it, my next procedure will likely be Aquablation for it. It is fun getting old!

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I have (had) E.T. In both hands and have undiagnoised leg jerks in my left leg. (?) With Focused Ultra-Sound treatment the twitching of the right hand is resolved and I can write reasonably (95%) well. I was told that after 9 months the left hand could be treated similarly . My only Treatment (Right Hand) left me with a variety of side effects including balance difficulty (Principally right leg/foot), slurred speech, constant dreaming at night (Benign however ) - side effects that one might expect from a small stroke. The Neurologist from the Univ. of Utah is most puzzled and hasn’t reached any conclusion yet as to the cause of these side effects including if caused by the Ultra-Sound? All I kn ow is that the side-effects commenced concurrent with the recovery from the Ultra-Sound procedure. So I haven’t decided on the left hand. I have had an MRI scope without any new evidence as to the cause and resolution of my side-effects. They are quite noticeable and pose some risk and safety issues. Other patients have had generally good/acceptable results so my doctors are left with an undiagnosed condition and I suppose I got what I paid for , a stable and not-twitching right hand. What to do and where to go? I am almost incompasitated. Please give me your thoughts and ideas.

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