Essential Thrombocythemia: Looking for information and support

Posted by shenriq @shenriq, Jun 4, 2018

I was recently diagnosed with Essential Thrombocythemia, a rare incurable blood cancer. Platelet count aside, I am asymptotic. This current condition morphed from (constitutional) thrombcytosis, something I’ve lived with for 25+ years. While the new diagnosis was the result of a bone marrow aspiration and biopsy, my age was an additional factor, which was completely disarming, having been walking around unwittingly for the past 8 years! While at the low end of risk for clots, heart-attacks and stroke, nothing has truly changed - except the “C” word. No chemo yet, but active discussion about hydroxyurea. Uncertainty about ET is anxiety provoking and swoethatl, but I’m feeling betrayed by my blood. I’m looking for all information about ET, the chemo and support.

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I was just diagnosed with ET. I am researching, reading, learning, processing what exactly this means for my life and my loved ones.

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Thanks for all the hugs, everyone! Back at you! Tonight is the first night of my new medicine for ET. I am starting on Hydroxyurea 500 MG, 3 days a week. My doc then wants me to start with blood draw once a week for the first month. then every 3 months if all is well. I am having a hard time realizing this is ME we are talking about. I am the one with the unseen condition that starts with the Big C. Maybe I'm still numb, maybe it's no big deal, who knows? I don't like that there is nothing I can do to make it better besides take a pill.


My cardiologist nixed anagrelide because it causes fluid retention and abnormal rhythms in some people. My heart is already messed up, so not a good choice for me. But lots of people do very well on it.

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Thank you so much. Makes sense!!


I was recently diagnosed with Essential thrombocythemia. My platelet count was in the upper 700's. Hematologist called me on Friday night and I started Hydrea 500 mg on Saturday. I took it that Saturday through the following Sunday (9 doses). My platelet count was in the normal range. I asked if I could stop taking it because I was having so many side effects, they told me no. However, they did let me take it on MWF and that helped the side effects a lot. My next blood draw they were elevated (and I hate taking medicine). A week and 1/2 before my next blood draw I got some CBD gummies 25 mg Full Spectrum and at my next blood draw they were in the normal range. My question is will CBD help lower the platelets so I could stop taking the hydrea? I have some days I get so tired I can hardly go. This past Sunday was one of those days. I got home from church, put my pjs on and went to bed at 3pm and slept sound until 8:30am. I have never done that before. I don't know if it is the hydrea or the ET causing this.

This is all new to me, I have been in medical all my life but not hematology and oncology, Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

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Restless Leg Syndrome...Ok, I am going to put this crazy solution out there, this is an old wife's tale! don't ask me why, but sleeping with a bar of soap near your legs does actually work! Don't knock it until you have tried it!!


Get on the email list for the MPN Foundation and watch their excellent programs and videos.

I was just diagnosed in Feb 2023, take iron and baby aspirin daily, HU 2x week at 500 mg each, and just try to live my life. Yes, I do get fatigue from the HU, plus dry skin, and dry eyes, but I need to take the HU to remain stable and prevent thrombotic events. I'm a high-risk with ET, Jak2, and over 60. Have never had a symptom; just high platelets on a regular CBC at my physical in Jan. 2023. Keep active and busy. We can manage this for a long time with this illness. Take care!

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I agree. Been doing it over 30 years.


I've been low energy most of my life. I don't know if ET or HU really changed it, or pandemic isolation?????? or just aging also.....seems like combination of many factors, I'm not sure I can point to just one and say that's it.


Get on the email list for the MPN Foundation and watch their excellent programs and videos.

I was just diagnosed in Feb 2023, take iron and baby aspirin daily, HU 2x week at 500 mg each, and just try to live my life. Yes, I do get fatigue from the HU, plus dry skin, and dry eyes, but I need to take the HU to remain stable and prevent thrombotic events. I'm a high-risk with ET, Jak2, and over 60. Have never had a symptom; just high platelets on a regular CBC at my physical in Jan. 2023. Keep active and busy. We can manage this for a long time with this illness. Take care!

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Do you think the fatigue comes from the HU or the ET or aging or co-morbidities? It's often really hard to figure out once you hit 60 or 70. I was exhausted all the time before HU and had to take early retirement. HU seemed to perk me up a bit.


Wish I could understand why more doctors don't recommend Anagrelide for ET....when a new physician switched me to Hydrea it caused SO MANY side effects and never did stablize the platelet count. Grateful when I was able to find a physican who said if it worked (for 10 years) why switch?

I'm 72, diagnosed over twenty years ago.

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My cardiologist nixed anagrelide because it causes fluid retention and abnormal rhythms in some people. My heart is already messed up, so not a good choice for me. But lots of people do very well on it.


I was just diagnosed with ET. I am researching, reading, learning, processing what exactly this means for my life and my loved ones.


Get on the email list for the MPN Foundation and watch their excellent programs and videos.

I was just diagnosed in Feb 2023, take iron and baby aspirin daily, HU 2x week at 500 mg each, and just try to live my life. Yes, I do get fatigue from the HU, plus dry skin, and dry eyes, but I need to take the HU to remain stable and prevent thrombotic events. I'm a high-risk with ET, Jak2, and over 60. Have never had a symptom; just high platelets on a regular CBC at my physical in Jan. 2023. Keep active and busy. We can manage this for a long time with this illness. Take care!


I was recently diagnosed with Essential thrombocythemia. My platelet count was in the upper 700's. Hematologist called me on Friday night and I started Hydrea 500 mg on Saturday. I took it that Saturday through the following Sunday (9 doses). My platelet count was in the normal range. I asked if I could stop taking it because I was having so many side effects, they told me no. However, they did let me take it on MWF and that helped the side effects a lot. My next blood draw they were elevated (and I hate taking medicine). A week and 1/2 before my next blood draw I got some CBD gummies 25 mg Full Spectrum and at my next blood draw they were in the normal range. My question is will CBD help lower the platelets so I could stop taking the hydrea? I have some days I get so tired I can hardly go. This past Sunday was one of those days. I got home from church, put my pjs on and went to bed at 3pm and slept sound until 8:30am. I have never done that before. I don't know if it is the hydrea or the ET causing this.

This is all new to me, I have been in medical all my life but not hematology and oncology, Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

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Wish I could understand why more doctors don't recommend Anagrelide for ET....when a new physician switched me to Hydrea it caused SO MANY side effects and never did stablize the platelet count. Grateful when I was able to find a physican who said if it worked (for 10 years) why switch?

I'm 72, diagnosed over twenty years ago.

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