Esophageal cancer: How do you manage gastro and swallowing effects?

Posted by steelkey77 @steelkey77, Jul 1, 2023

I have excessive burping, my throat is dry, burning throat, bloated stomach, acid going up and down my throat, sore throat, difficulty swallowing saliva not food or drinks, gagging on mucus is it esophageal cancer

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Good Morning
I have attached a photo of the machine I use to produce the Hydroxy gas that I inhale. It produces 2 parts Hydrogen and 1 part oxygen at the rate of approximately 1/2 liter per minute. It was built for me by a Canadian firm named Eagle Research.

I use it every morning while I am at the computer, about 1 hour, and while watching T.V. 2-3 hours per day. As I said I am not certain what role it has played in reducing the size of the tumor, but, I am thrilled with all of the other things it has accomplished with my health. Specially the relief from Arthritis pain and the greatly improved vision. Not having to take blood pressure meds any longer is also a huge benefit for me.

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Thank you, I'm willing to try anything


Good Morning
I have attached a photo of the machine I use to produce the Hydroxy gas that I inhale. It produces 2 parts Hydrogen and 1 part oxygen at the rate of approximately 1/2 liter per minute. It was built for me by a Canadian firm named Eagle Research.

I use it every morning while I am at the computer, about 1 hour, and while watching T.V. 2-3 hours per day. As I said I am not certain what role it has played in reducing the size of the tumor, but, I am thrilled with all of the other things it has accomplished with my health. Specially the relief from Arthritis pain and the greatly improved vision. Not having to take blood pressure meds any longer is also a huge benefit for me.

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Thanks to all of you that have sent favorable reactions. I just finished up a 1+ hours inhalation treatment. I woke this morning with a great deal of arthritis pain, due in part to our damp and cool weather. After a little less than 1 hour of inhalation, all of the pain was gone, and I was also able to remove my glasses and still be able to easily read even the smaller print on my computer screen. I also took my Blood pressure and it was only 112 over 69. My blood Oxygen content is 99%, and my heart rate is 62 beats per minute. All these Numbers represent a Significant drop from the Numbers before I began the inhalation.

I have done a significant amount of research since my first post in regards to Hydrogen and it's potential effect on treating Cancer. I recommend to all of you, that you "Google" these various and many studies, and read them for yourself. Then make your own informed conclusions. The more that I read and study, the more I am convinced that the Daily Hydroxy inhalation treatments may have played a much bigger role in reducing the size of my tumor than I had initially given it credit for.


Thanks to all of you that have sent favorable reactions. I just finished up a 1+ hours inhalation treatment. I woke this morning with a great deal of arthritis pain, due in part to our damp and cool weather. After a little less than 1 hour of inhalation, all of the pain was gone, and I was also able to remove my glasses and still be able to easily read even the smaller print on my computer screen. I also took my Blood pressure and it was only 112 over 69. My blood Oxygen content is 99%, and my heart rate is 62 beats per minute. All these Numbers represent a Significant drop from the Numbers before I began the inhalation.

I have done a significant amount of research since my first post in regards to Hydrogen and it's potential effect on treating Cancer. I recommend to all of you, that you "Google" these various and many studies, and read them for yourself. Then make your own informed conclusions. The more that I read and study, the more I am convinced that the Daily Hydroxy inhalation treatments may have played a much bigger role in reducing the size of my tumor than I had initially given it credit for.

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@klondikedarol, I'm glad that you are doing well. In an earlier post where you describe taking your first sip of coffee in months, I could almost feel your joy.

Here is a 2023 review of research done over the past 10 years with hydorgen therapy and cancer management:
- A Systematic Review of Molecular Hydrogen Therapy in Cancer Management

The abstract conclusion is promising:
"From our analysis, H2 plays a promising therapeutic role as an independent therapy as well as an adjuvant in combination therapy, resulting in an overall improvement in survivability, quality of life, blood parameters, and tumour reduction. Although more comprehensive research is needed, given the promising outcomes, H2 is worth considering for use as a complement to current cancer therapy."

I underline that H2 is not a cancer cure but a possible complement to traditional treatment approaches.

And you all know what I'm going to post now...the requisite disclaimer
"All information shared by members on the Mayo Clinic Connect, such as messages, images, advice, URLs, and any other material, is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your health. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the community."

@klondikedarol, your cancer team must be pleased with your response to treatment. Have you discussed the H2 treatment with them too?


@klondikedarol, I'm glad that you are doing well. In an earlier post where you describe taking your first sip of coffee in months, I could almost feel your joy.

Here is a 2023 review of research done over the past 10 years with hydorgen therapy and cancer management:
- A Systematic Review of Molecular Hydrogen Therapy in Cancer Management

The abstract conclusion is promising:
"From our analysis, H2 plays a promising therapeutic role as an independent therapy as well as an adjuvant in combination therapy, resulting in an overall improvement in survivability, quality of life, blood parameters, and tumour reduction. Although more comprehensive research is needed, given the promising outcomes, H2 is worth considering for use as a complement to current cancer therapy."

I underline that H2 is not a cancer cure but a possible complement to traditional treatment approaches.

And you all know what I'm going to post now...the requisite disclaimer
"All information shared by members on the Mayo Clinic Connect, such as messages, images, advice, URLs, and any other material, is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your health. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the community."

@klondikedarol, your cancer team must be pleased with your response to treatment. Have you discussed the H2 treatment with them too?

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Yes I have, but other than my original oncologist ( who left Mayo back in late June) no one here at this facility in Eau Claire WI. has even heard of it. I mentioned it in detail to my new oncologist on Aug 7th, my last appointment date, and he said that he intended to do an in depth study on the subject. I hope that he does. I am not scheduled for another appointment with him until November. However this will undoubtedly change pending the outcome of my scope and biopsy of the tumor on Monday the 21st. They currently have the Hydrogen listed as one of my medications on my patient portal, but are unable to classify it, since Hydrogen Therapy is not listed anywhere in the Mayo system.


Hi Everyone I am new here my Dad has being diagnosed just now and I am devastated and so scared , questions I wonder If I can prepare to my Dad a green vegetable just everyday , who else is taking it . Now that he can swallow .

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@hmoreno, welcome. This is tough news to get. I can understand you're devastated and scared. Have you received further details about his diagnosis and the treatment plan?

How are YOU doing?


Just a quick update before I get some well deserved rest. I had my endoscopy today and the results were Unbelievable. When I woke after the procedure. The Dr. was there and told me that he was not able to do the biopsy on the tumor, because the tumor was totally GONE. After the anesthesia finally wore off and I was able to view the photos and video that was taken during the procedure, I was able to confirm his findings. The tumor was gone. There was still slight swelling of the junction and upper stomach which I was told was from the radiation. After the procedure was over, I had several Doctors and their assistants come to my room and make inquiry about the Hydrogen Therapy that I have been using, in addition to the Radiation and Chemo. All were extremely interested and all were taking notes.

God Bless to All



Congratulations on the resolution of your tumor. What was your staging at initial diagnosis? What was the radiation therapy protocol and chemotherapy regimen that were used in you treatments? Were you also treated with an immuno-oncology agent like Keytruda or Opdivo? Also as hydrogen gas therapy has produced excellent responses in some patientswhile its use is still experimental. Where did you recieve this therapy? I think a lot of us in the group would like to know more about your experiences with hydrogen therapy.




Congratulations on the resolution of your tumor. What was your staging at initial diagnosis? What was the radiation therapy protocol and chemotherapy regimen that were used in you treatments? Were you also treated with an immuno-oncology agent like Keytruda or Opdivo? Also as hydrogen gas therapy has produced excellent responses in some patientswhile its use is still experimental. Where did you recieve this therapy? I think a lot of us in the group would like to know more about your experiences with hydrogen therapy.


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Here is the Chemo I received (4 treatments) ( CARBOplatin AUC 2 weekly / PACLitaxel WEEKLY ( with Radiation ) ( GI ). I also received 25 radiation treatments directly to the esophagus & stomach junction. The treatments began in late April, and continued through May. I received ALL of the Hydrogen (Hydroxy) treatments daily at my home. The machine that is pictured in one of my earlier posts, was supplied to me by Eagle, a Canadian firm. I also have 2 other Hydrogen generating machines that I built myself. Less elaborate, but Highly functional. I make it a habit to sit down at my desktop computer every morning for an hour and a half, and catch up on all my email and other things. During this time, I am inhaling the gas through a cannula. Early evening, when I sit to watch TV, I use one of my other machines and inhale Hydroxy again for a minimum of 2 hours. Both machines that I use are adjusted to produce 1/2 liter of gas per minute. For my particular body's absorption rate, this amount produces and maintains maximum Hydrogen/blood saturation within 4 minutes of commencement of inhalation. Both machines are also fully capable of producing HRW. Hydrogen Rich Water, but HRW seems to have a MUCH SLOWER absorption rate than inhalation. If you have any specific questions, I will gladly answer them.
The actual gas being inhaled is 2 parts Hydrogen (67%) and 1 part oxygen (33%)

God Bless


Forgot to mention, I was diagnosed as Stage 3 prior to any and all treatments.


Here is the Chemo I received (4 treatments) ( CARBOplatin AUC 2 weekly / PACLitaxel WEEKLY ( with Radiation ) ( GI ). I also received 25 radiation treatments directly to the esophagus & stomach junction. The treatments began in late April, and continued through May. I received ALL of the Hydrogen (Hydroxy) treatments daily at my home. The machine that is pictured in one of my earlier posts, was supplied to me by Eagle, a Canadian firm. I also have 2 other Hydrogen generating machines that I built myself. Less elaborate, but Highly functional. I make it a habit to sit down at my desktop computer every morning for an hour and a half, and catch up on all my email and other things. During this time, I am inhaling the gas through a cannula. Early evening, when I sit to watch TV, I use one of my other machines and inhale Hydroxy again for a minimum of 2 hours. Both machines that I use are adjusted to produce 1/2 liter of gas per minute. For my particular body's absorption rate, this amount produces and maintains maximum Hydrogen/blood saturation within 4 minutes of commencement of inhalation. Both machines are also fully capable of producing HRW. Hydrogen Rich Water, but HRW seems to have a MUCH SLOWER absorption rate than inhalation. If you have any specific questions, I will gladly answer them.
The actual gas being inhaled is 2 parts Hydrogen (67%) and 1 part oxygen (33%)

God Bless

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Darol, thanks for your reply and details of your hydrogen therapy. I was familiar with some of the literature regarding hydrogen and Brown's gas inhalation therapy in conjunction with various chemo regimens in a variety of cancers. When I was in academe, I had participated in a few stidies of the effects of inhaled hydrogen gas on ischemia/reperfusion injuries in rats. The data as to clinical efficacy of hydrogen inhalation as an adjunctive treatment of various cancer is highly variable but compelling. Many of the studies that I have reviewed are small, poorly designed and not well controlled. Larger better designed and controlled trials of hydrogen/

therapy with chemo vs chemo alone are required.

As I mentioned, I've know of the remarkably potent anti-inflammatory responses induced by the inhalation of hydrogen or Brown's gas. Both reduce, oxidative stress and the production of inflammatory cytokines like IL-1B, IL-6
and TNF-alpha via uppression of of the NLRP3 inflammasome. I've not used used a commercial hydrogen gas inhalation device as I think they are over priced.

You can, as you obviously have, make your own electrolysis device or use comercially avaiable electrophoresis devices to produce hydrogen and oxygen gases Both devices use the Faradaic reaction that occurs at the anodic and cathodic contacts in contact with an electrolyte and supplied with a constant electric to produce oxygen and hydrogen gas as well as H2O2.

As an alternative, I've been using a fairly efficient hydrogen water generator, which I purchased for less than $100, to prepare my daily morning and evening meds admixtures and and my daily afternoon supplement admixture that I administer via my G-tube. I've only been using hydr ogen water as a diluent for these daily admixtures for about 4 months. While it's too soon to say if it's had any therapeutic effects re my ESCC, I've noted some relief in my the muscle aches, stiffness and joint pains associated with my psoriatic arthritis. I have a scan scheduled in mid October. I hope to see some positive results.

I want to make it absolutely clear, that I am not making any claims regarding the clinical efficacy hydrogen therapy for cancer. Nor am I making any specific medical recommendations for treatments of cancer patients with hydrogen therapy. Hydrogen therapy for cancer is still considered an experimental or alternative/complimentary therapy. Patients who may wish to try hydrogen therapy, either by inhalation or consumption of hydrogen enriched water, should educate themselves on the topic before utilizing either hydrogen inhalation or hydrogen enriched water as adjunctive or complimentary therapy in addition to their prescribed chemotherapy regimens. Should they choose to utilize any form of hydrogen therapy, they should inform their oncology team and primary care providers that they are doing so.

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