Esophageal Cancer: Anyone else?

Posted by puprluvr @puprluvr, Jan 29, 2019

I’ve completed 15 chemo treatments and 1/25 proton radiation treatments for my stage 2 esophageal cancer. I’m jst looking for helpful advice from anyone going thru this past or present. I’m a bit frightened wondering how this treatment will affect me.

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Hi my 77 year old mum was diagnosed with esophageal cancer a few months ago after over a year of vague symptoms and losing 30kg in weight. Because she has AF and she's not terribly mobile the surgeon would not consider an operation or chemo so her only option was radiotherapy. She was offered two weeks but once we'd seen the oncologist, she was offered five weeks to try and hit the tumour hard (tumour and two lymph nodes involved). She's three weeks after her radiation now and is on the mend, eating well, no pain, gaining weight. Question is, the oncologist said she's hoping the cancer will be in her words "gone". Mum has been told the radiotherapy was only palliative care and given a timeframe by the surgeon of 6-12 months so that's what we were working on but have since been told by the oncologist that time frame was ONLY if mum had no treatment at all. We're so disappointed by the information the surgeon gave us as it was devastating for her to hear. Oncologist says she has patients similar age to mum who she's been seeing for over two years post radiotherapy. We are confused really. I feel in my mind that Mum's diagnosis is terminal but I guess no one has a crystal ball, oncologist included. We get to see her again in three weeks for a check up and perhaps an endoscope to see what's going on down there but mum isn't due for a CT scan till December (supposedly when she was meant to be succumbing to her cancer!).... I guess I was hoping for some advice or if someone has a similar story? I'm concerned radiotherapy will just kill the cancer for a while and then it will return and mum's only option will be a stent and palliative care. It's a cruel disease but I've been heartened reading these posts. We are in New Zealand. Thanks in advance.

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I have ec and am 71. After 24 radiation treatments and 7 chemo treatments my tumor is gone from esophagus and stomach. The biopsy in August confirmed it.
I have a small spot on liver and have started chemo/immunotherapy and pump therapy sept 19 . I will have treatment every other week for 4 treatments to see if the tumor on liver reduces or goes away. I had a feeding tube for 3 months. Never give up and stay strong🙏


Hi my 77 year old mum was diagnosed with esophageal cancer a few months ago after over a year of vague symptoms and losing 30kg in weight. Because she has AF and she's not terribly mobile the surgeon would not consider an operation or chemo so her only option was radiotherapy. She was offered two weeks but once we'd seen the oncologist, she was offered five weeks to try and hit the tumour hard (tumour and two lymph nodes involved). She's three weeks after her radiation now and is on the mend, eating well, no pain, gaining weight. Question is, the oncologist said she's hoping the cancer will be in her words "gone". Mum has been told the radiotherapy was only palliative care and given a timeframe by the surgeon of 6-12 months so that's what we were working on but have since been told by the oncologist that time frame was ONLY if mum had no treatment at all. We're so disappointed by the information the surgeon gave us as it was devastating for her to hear. Oncologist says she has patients similar age to mum who she's been seeing for over two years post radiotherapy. We are confused really. I feel in my mind that Mum's diagnosis is terminal but I guess no one has a crystal ball, oncologist included. We get to see her again in three weeks for a check up and perhaps an endoscope to see what's going on down there but mum isn't due for a CT scan till December (supposedly when she was meant to be succumbing to her cancer!).... I guess I was hoping for some advice or if someone has a similar story? I'm concerned radiotherapy will just kill the cancer for a while and then it will return and mum's only option will be a stent and palliative care. It's a cruel disease but I've been heartened reading these posts. We are in New Zealand. Thanks in advance.

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Praying the CT scan in December shows that the tumor is gone. They have to wait a couple of months after treatment (radiation) for the scans as the radiation lingers in our body for that long and is still killing the cancer cells. I just recently found this out from Radiation oncologist. I wondered why they scheduled the PET & CT scans so long (3 months) after treatment. This throat cancer I just recovered from is my second time with cancer. First time was esophageal cancer back in 2020 (chemo, radiation & surgery to remove). I'm doing ok considering. As with anything else some days are better than others. Please think positive!!!!!!!


Hi my 77 year old mum was diagnosed with esophageal cancer a few months ago after over a year of vague symptoms and losing 30kg in weight. Because she has AF and she's not terribly mobile the surgeon would not consider an operation or chemo so her only option was radiotherapy. She was offered two weeks but once we'd seen the oncologist, she was offered five weeks to try and hit the tumour hard (tumour and two lymph nodes involved). She's three weeks after her radiation now and is on the mend, eating well, no pain, gaining weight. Question is, the oncologist said she's hoping the cancer will be in her words "gone". Mum has been told the radiotherapy was only palliative care and given a timeframe by the surgeon of 6-12 months so that's what we were working on but have since been told by the oncologist that time frame was ONLY if mum had no treatment at all. We're so disappointed by the information the surgeon gave us as it was devastating for her to hear. Oncologist says she has patients similar age to mum who she's been seeing for over two years post radiotherapy. We are confused really. I feel in my mind that Mum's diagnosis is terminal but I guess no one has a crystal ball, oncologist included. We get to see her again in three weeks for a check up and perhaps an endoscope to see what's going on down there but mum isn't due for a CT scan till December (supposedly when she was meant to be succumbing to her cancer!).... I guess I was hoping for some advice or if someone has a similar story? I'm concerned radiotherapy will just kill the cancer for a while and then it will return and mum's only option will be a stent and palliative care. It's a cruel disease but I've been heartened reading these posts. We are in New Zealand. Thanks in advance.

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Hi @sherrybinbin, I'd like to add my welcome. I'm also tagging @katelewis and @naomicanada who are caring for their mother's who have pancreatic cancer.

Sherry, my advice is to keep asking questions even if you're afraid of the answers. Everyone's experience with esophageal cancer is different. But having stage 4 cancer is not an automatic or immediate death sentence. Palliative care is a great option and it is really good in New Zealand. Palliative care is also referred to as symptom management care or comfort care. It is useful at any stage of cancer, not just stage 4.

Oncologist rarely use the word "cure" because they cannot make guarantees that the cancer will never return. That is unfortunately a lingering fear that all cancer patients and their families live with.

So keep asking questions here and of your mum's cancer team. I hope being equipped with information will help. Do you live close to your mum? What do the two of you like to do together?

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