EPI meds

Posted by khayes23 @khayes23, Oct 12, 2023

Why are the meds so expensive for EPI? Zenpap and Creon. What alternatives are there? Pharma company doesnt offer discount if you are on Medicare.
Any holistic approaches available? Thank y ou

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I have the same issue and found an OTC pancreatic enzyme available in stores and Amazon that is similar to Zenpep in lipase units. It is called Vital and costs about 40.00 for 180 capsules. I do ok with 3 Zenpep caps a day but that dose with Vital isn’t working. Zenpep is controlled release and Vital isn’t, so I’m going to see if taking a Vital capsule every time I eat will work. That would be 6 a day for meals and snacks. 40.00 a month is certainly better than the cost of the Rx drugs. I’m new to this problem so any advice is welcome. You might try the Vital and see if it works for you. I have Medicare so can’t get in the patient assistance program either. I have no idea why the drugs are so expensive!


I’m on Medicare and only pay my regular amount of $4.50 per refill. Medicare did not cover Creon for me. Just contacted my doctor because I am having more stomach issues lately, so he will probably up my dosage. I normally only eat 1-2 meals a day, so it shouldn’t affect my prescription. It is frustrating to deal with cost issues. Had a run in with Medicare about another prescription for my diabetes. It took me almost a month to resolve it and get clearence to use it for the rest of the year. I truly wish we had a healthcare system like most European countries, where meds, visits, transportation, etc are all covered. I had a friend from Scotland who got Lymes disease while working here in the states. All her medical bills were covered by the UK’s healthcare system. She never had to pay a penny for anything, even though she was teaching here for a year.


I’m on Medicare and only pay my regular amount of $4.50 per refill. Medicare did not cover Creon for me. Just contacted my doctor because I am having more stomach issues lately, so he will probably up my dosage. I normally only eat 1-2 meals a day, so it shouldn’t affect my prescription. It is frustrating to deal with cost issues. Had a run in with Medicare about another prescription for my diabetes. It took me almost a month to resolve it and get clearence to use it for the rest of the year. I truly wish we had a healthcare system like most European countries, where meds, visits, transportation, etc are all covered. I had a friend from Scotland who got Lymes disease while working here in the states. All her medical bills were covered by the UK’s healthcare system. She never had to pay a penny for anything, even though she was teaching here for a year.

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Ask your doctor about assistance in applying for free Creon from the manufacturer, AbbVie. This is availably only through your doctor's office. You can also search for Creon discounts on line, but those appear to be available only to people without any insurance, including Medicare. It sounds like your doctor needed to do a pre-authorization for the Rx to be approved - you should also ask about this. Another option if you can't get this medication is an over-the-counter supplement from Vital Nutrients called Pancreatic Enzymes. This has lipase, amylase and protease levels very close to the 36000 level of Creon.

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