COVID concerns: Working in healthcare & self-isolation rules

Posted by nadine89 @nadine89, Mar 25, 2020

Good afternoon! I am wondering if anyone out there can help with my questions. I am an EMT. I work full time and I live in CT and work in Fairfield county in the heat of it all. I have crohns and I started infusions of entyvio in January and I tale budesonide 9mg a day. I also have an undiagnosed heart condition. A cardiac mri was ordered just before the outbreak. I have had been treating and transporting patients with covid 19. My concerns are my exposure and immune system. I have spoke with my specialists nurse who said not to be concerned however I do not feel most understand the job and the high amount of exposure to the covid that I have. I do have access to n95 gloves, googles and gowns for now at work. Anyone have thoughts guidance anything??? Thank you for your time in reading this.

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Good morning! My name is Nadine. I am a 30 year old female. I am an EMT and I work for for Norwalk Hospital. We are Fairfield County in Connecticut which if you have w see tv then you know has the most cases im Connecticut. I myself personally have autonomic cardiovascular dysfunction and even more troubling I have crohns and I get infusions that I started this year. I also take the steriod budesonide. Of course I don't want to get sick and am scared every time I go to work. Its all COViD 19 patients and I'm in their houses treating them and then taking them to the hospital. We have protection equipment. However we're hospital based so we touch all the same the nurses and doctors do. I've talked to them alike and all agree life goes on. Some hate their families look at them and treat them different and I get it. I'm at home with my mother who has a fib and mitral valve prolapse. She doesn't treat me any different which means the world. The stress of what we see of what the world is that most of you see only through a TV is stressful enough and to come home and not have to be treated like your a disease but a person. My patients to me are a person not a disease. With all that in mind the it is whatever will make you comfortable. I share the same washer. My clothes go right in after work and I'm straight into the shower. I have wipes in multiple rooms so I can wipe everything down. You can make him meals if your that worried and leave them for him. Your not wrong whatever you choose just want to make sure you see it from all point of views. Best of luck!!! Hope this helps.

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Beautiful response, @nadine89, and a good remind to us all of your reality. I love that you said to @espoir "Your not wrong whatever you choose just want to make sure you see it from all point of views." There truly is no one right answer to your situations.

Mayo Clinic News Network just published this article and video. While it talks about caring for someone in your household who has COVID-19, some of the measures can be used for prevention too.

- How to safely care for someone with COVID-19 in your household

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