EMG results

Posted by mrshill @mrshill, Feb 25 3:32am

Today is my second EMG. The first one was testing on my feet and legs which is telling my neurologist polyneuropathy. To get a definitive answer, hopefully, today’s EMG will be on my hands and arms. I’m bedridden and my only out is doctor appointments because my husband works 12 hour days, to give y’all more insight of my condition. I’ve done physical therapy and have achieved walking with a walker only to be discouraged because the aftermath is excruciating pain in my feet for days. My next step is pain management. My questions are, does anybody relate to my story? If so, did you get a definitive answer after your second EMG? How did pain management work for you? If you can relate, where are you now with your neuropathy journey?

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My neuropathy started many years ago before covid and and my borderline diabetes. I am looking for adoctor who specializes in neuropathy. I went to a pain doc who gave me tests and gave me oxycodone and said nothing can be done

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@lakelariet I did the same thing and now my ER visits and my hospital is literally drowning my family financially now. After the hospital kept me for almost $100,000, at the very end they decided to finally give me referrals to a neurologist, a doctor that specializes in neuropathy, physical therapy, and pain management. I definitely don’t have any complaints with it all and I’m finally seeing a little progress with all that. I hope this helps!


@stallen I don’t even know what CIDP is…definitely looking that up. All my doctor has said so far is that I have severe peripheral neuropathy. I’m currently waiting on my EMG results. I did have COVID in the fall and the neuropathy hit the following summer. Please educate me if you don’t mind…I’d so appreciate it!!

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Hello, I have yet to be diagnosed with neuropathy, my EMG was negative. But I am feeling all of the symptoms of neuropathy. All I can say is keep researching your diagnosis and asking questions.


Yes….mine also. I’m pre diabetic but my neurologist has never labeled my neuropathy as caused from the pre diabetic issue. I have some autonomic involvement also. I don’t have a ton of pain so no meds. I’m surprised your Dr went with Oxycodone …typically gabapentin is the drug of choice for neuropathy. I hope you find some answers.

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Taking gabapentin (900mg) also but not ordered by current pain management


Hello, I have yet to be diagnosed with neuropathy, my EMG was negative. But I am feeling all of the symptoms of neuropathy. All I can say is keep researching your diagnosis and asking questions.

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You may or may not be aware that an EMG won’t detect small fiber neuropathy. If you haven’t already, you could talk to your neurologist about a biopsy test. Best of luck.

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