ELBOW REPLACEMENT - Suggestion, observations, recommendations.

Posted by kramarpie @kramarpie, Jun 15, 2019

Having my right elbow replaced 6/18/19. I am right handed. Have both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis & autoimmune. Thanks.

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Has anyone had an elbow replacement surgery. I had arthroscopic surgery on my elbow last May and it hasn't helped and I had an X-ray done that showed severe arthritis damage. And now the doctors are talking about replacement surgery. I'm having knee replacement surgery February 10th. There isn't any way I can have another surgery for a year or so. The pain in my elbow will make recovery from the knee surgery more difficult. Any information would be appreciated.

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I asked this before but just had the one response from Chris. Thank you Chris for that. My elbow damage is from RA/OA. I had arthroscopic surgery on my elbow about a year ago. That didn't help with the pain and a few months ago I had a guided injection done on it with cortisone which helped for a few weeks but is back to the normal pain again. My knee replacement is doing fairly well. I'm about 8 weeks out and contemplating going back to my "on my feet" all day job. Maybe just short days.
I know the only option now is joint replacement for my elbow. I listened to a Mayo Clinic podcast with Dr. Mark Morrey who did the last surgery on my elbow. He sounded very optimistic about replacement. Would like to hear someone else's story.


I have had an elbow replacement for four years and it has been great. For the last month I have had some swelling on the inside with some pain. I had a ct scan and bloodwork which all came back perfect. Has anyone else had some swelling and pain with their elbow replacement?


I fractured my right elbow, had extensive surgery to repair it which has failed. I’m scheduled for total elbow replacement on October 6th.

Any suggestions, tips, experiences you can share?


Hi @kathyzavoral. I moved your discussion and combined it with an existing discussion titled, "ELBOW REPLACEMENT - Suggestion, observations, recommendations" - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/elbow-replacement-suggestion-observations-recommendations/.

@shorn, I also combined your discussion on Elbow replacement in the same discussion as well so you could meet other members like @kathyzavoral, @kramarpie and @ktgirl, who have either posted about an elbow replacement or the possibility of one.

@kathyzavoral, while we wait for others to share their experiences, what sort of recovery schedule do you face after your replacement? Has rehab been discussed at all and what are your biggest concerns?


I'm 83 and my left elbow broke when I was 4 years old (fell out of a tree). I have osteoarthritis in it. The pain has been non-existent or tolerable, but it is beginning to give me more problems recently. Please share your experience if you have had an elbow joint replacement. The orthopedic surgeons I have talked with said it has been done, but there are sever limitations following surgery, e.g. lifting.


I'm 83 and my left elbow broke when I was 4 years old (fell out of a tree). I have osteoarthritis in it. The pain has been non-existent or tolerable, but it is beginning to give me more problems recently. Please share your experience if you have had an elbow joint replacement. The orthopedic surgeons I have talked with said it has been done, but there are sever limitations following surgery, e.g. lifting.

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Hello @topper. I moved your discussion and combined it with an existing discussion titled, "ELBOW REPLACEMENT - Suggestion, observations, recommendations." - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/elbow-replacement-suggestion-observations-recommendations/.

You can meet members @shorn, @kathyzavoral, @kramarpie and @ktgirl, who have all discussed elbow replacement surgery and may be able to come back and share some of their experiences with you.

@topper - were any alternatives discussed besides replacement? Were the restrictions after replacement temporary or permanent?


Can some one explain the physical limitations following elbow replacement? I have asked my orthopedic doctor and he said there are limitations on how much weight you can lift. How much weight can you lift and are there other physical limitations? I broke my left elbow joint when I was 4 years old. I'm now 83. I have had almost full use of my left arm, but it is now causing pain at times.


I fractured my right elbow, had extensive surgery to repair it which has failed. I’m scheduled for total elbow replacement on October 6th.

Any suggestions, tips, experiences you can share?

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What is the status of your elbow following the replacement? Has it totally healed? Do you have any lingering pain? Do you have any limitations such as lifting or flexibility?

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