Has anyone been prescribed EB-N5?

Posted by Ray Kemble @ray666, Jun 30, 2023

Has anyone been prescribed EB-N5? I see there was a discussion of this supplement before, but it dates back to 2018. I received a message this morning from my neurologist saying he'd like me to begin taking EB-N5. Unfortunately, he's not in the office today, so I'm not able to ask him what I might expect from EB-N5. If any of you have used this supplement, I'd love to know what results, if any, you had.

Ray (@ray666)

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Depending on what state you live in you can order blood tests on time through Walk In Labs and go to a local Quest or Labcorp and get a b6 test test as well as most other tests without a doctor order. The last time I got a b6 test it cost me $68. Test for all b vitamins is pretty expensive even through Walk In Labs. There a few states in US that do not allow people to get tests without a doctor orders but the website will tell you if that's your state.

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bb0753 @bb0753)

Thanks for this information. I'd never heard of Walk In Labs. I've decided that I'm going to hold off on getting my B6 tested until I get to talk to my doctors; I'm less anxious now that I know my EB-N5 B6 ingestion is lower than the NIH's recommended max. But others reading this might find that learning about Walk In Labs is of great help.



@ray666 -Ray - two "if's" to think about. Just curious..... IF you want to know your B-6 level....is it possible that IF your neurologist ordered a B-6 test, it might be covered by insurance due to the peripheral neuropathy diagnosis coupled with a blood test ordered by a neurologist. I use an inhaler for seasonal asthma. My PCP ordered Ventolin HFA. Insurance said no, but allowed something that does not work as well for me. My wife and I have same insurance, she too has seasonal asthma. Her pulmonary doc ordered Ventolin, HFA and went right through. All we can figure is that it might have to do with who ordered it. Or did I get an idiot at the insurance company who rejected my med?


I just sent an e-mail to the manufacturer to follow up on my telephone conversation with the pharmacist. So I went for my B6 blood work today, and it may not be covered by Medicare which does not relate B6 to neuropathy. Cost of the test $422!! We will see what Medicare does with it -- they usually pay on things that are unusual or questionable upfront, but there could be another battle coming. I think a professor or neurology knows that B6 is related to the issue!

Frank (zav)

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It all depends on the diagnostic code the doctor uses. My first B6 was denied by Medicare. Quest resubmitted the bill under my doctor’s new codes and it was covered. A little B6 was in my multi that I only took occasionally and hadn’t even taken in the last 6 months. I was eating a lot of high B6 foods at the time. Took 3 months but I got it back to normal by cutting high B6 foods. Unfortunately 3 months later it’s back to toxic levels again. There isn’t any B6 in any of my supplements. I am at a loss as to why!


@ray666 -Ray - two "if's" to think about. Just curious..... IF you want to know your B-6 level....is it possible that IF your neurologist ordered a B-6 test, it might be covered by insurance due to the peripheral neuropathy diagnosis coupled with a blood test ordered by a neurologist. I use an inhaler for seasonal asthma. My PCP ordered Ventolin HFA. Insurance said no, but allowed something that does not work as well for me. My wife and I have same insurance, she too has seasonal asthma. Her pulmonary doc ordered Ventolin, HFA and went right through. All we can figure is that it might have to do with who ordered it. Or did I get an idiot at the insurance company who rejected my med?

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Good for you, Ed (@njed): Getting those labs done––and my congrats on your good B6 level. Well done! And thanks for asking your PCP if there might be a relationship between PN and swollen ankles. I'm beginning to think there's no relationship, at least in my case. Reading the many responses here on Connect, it seems, once again, my case may be an oddity. I'm now thinking my swollen feet may be unrelated because, unlike the symptoms others have described, I have no pain: no pain, no flare-ups at different times of day, no itching, burning, no discomfort walking, sleeping, etc.––just my funny-looking puffy feet. My situation may be nothing more than a manifestation of how I balance my water consumption (in this hot weather) and my salt intake (because of hypertension, I've been on a lo-salt diet for years). You read my mind regarding my getting my B6 checked and have it covered. I'll be phoning my neurologist tomorrow and meeting with his PT guru, and if I succeed at getting him on the phone (or my "friend" Dave), I'm going to ask if he might write an Rx so that I could have my level checked. We'll see. I think my PCP might give me that Rx if I remain patient and ask her when we meet for my annual in September. ––Ray (@ray666)


I just began taking EB-N5 prescribed by my podiatrist. Since I was already taking B12 and D3K2 I called the pharmacist for advised and was told to stop taking the B12 & D3K2 because my blood levels of both were already on the high side. I have been taking it for 8 days now and have noticed a small bruise on each arm. I am susceptible to bruising from any type of supplement with blood thinning properties and it looks like Alpha Lipoic Acid may increase risk of bruising. I also take a diuretic for high blood pressure. I don't want to stop taking the supplement right away. Has anyone had any problems like this?


I am not taking it, even though I have a 90 day supply, but my lab Vitamin B6 value is way too high. Not sure about ALA because I have had bleeding under the skin for years due to thin skin and prednisone.


I just began taking EB-N5 prescribed by my podiatrist. Since I was already taking B12 and D3K2 I called the pharmacist for advised and was told to stop taking the B12 & D3K2 because my blood levels of both were already on the high side. I have been taking it for 8 days now and have noticed a small bruise on each arm. I am susceptible to bruising from any type of supplement with blood thinning properties and it looks like Alpha Lipoic Acid may increase risk of bruising. I also take a diuretic for high blood pressure. I don't want to stop taking the supplement right away. Has anyone had any problems like this?

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Hello, islandelf (@islandelf)

I would like to answer your question (bruising due to supplement overdosing) with a clear yes or no. Unfortunately, I can't, at least at the moment. I'm still a child of a different age when doctors weren't all that keen on supplements. I remember even my PCP saying things like, "Well, Ray, you might want to take a Vit. C supplement. I can't promise it will do any good, but at least it can't hurt you." The world––including how doctors regard supplements––seems to have changed a lot since then. An example? My neurologist has "prescribed" EB-N5. That surprised me. And told me a lot about how differently doctors today think about supplements. All I have to do is read all the posts here on Connect to know that I need to pay more attention to which and at what potency I use my supplements, including EB-N5. I meet next with my neurologist on 8/8. I hope to have a careful discussion about my relationship with supplements; also request some new blood work to get a clearer picture of that relationship. Thanks for bringing this up.

Ray (@ray666)


I am not taking it, even though I have a 90 day supply, but my lab Vitamin B6 value is way too high. Not sure about ALA because I have had bleeding under the skin for years due to thin skin and prednisone.

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Hi, zav (@zav)

I'm reserving judgment on adjusting my supplements intake since I meet with my neurologist in only a few weeks. Supplements will be Topic #1.

As far as bruising under the skin––I've been prone to bruising for years, since my late 60s, long before I began a many-supplements regimen. In those years, I'd ask my dermatologist about my bruising, surmising from her answer that … well, all people over 60 turn Technicolor in patches. Now, however, you've got me wondering …

Ray (@ray666)


I am so discouraged. Looks like I have been on EB-N5 for two weeks now. I did not expect a cure immediately because they told me it could take 3 - 6 months. However, I haven't seen any new bruising, but Friday I began getting shock like nerve pain in my left foot big toe, I believe that's my hallux. It's like these pills possibly took away the numbness and replaced it with feeling and pain. Also, even though I took the pills with food I developed stomach aches. I am getting epidural shots in my back on Wednesday so I thought I should stop the pills because alpha lipoic acid can reduce blood clotting. I stopped taking the pill on Saturday night and the nerve pain in my toe has reduced somewhat today, but not completely. I see my general practioner tomorrow and will see what he says. He is always pushing stem cell and/or infusions so I'm sure he won't be 100% for these pills. By the way my Vitamin B12 in on 3/31 was 1500 and my D-25 hydroxy was 131.0. Both very high. When I stopped taking the B 12 and D3/K2 my B 12 went down to 304 and my D25 went down to 56. This was on 7/3 so maybe I should go back on them. So confusing. After reading some of the other posts on neuropathy I feel lucky that I'm not as bad as so many others. It just that everything I try seems to make my neuropathy worse.


I am so discouraged. Looks like I have been on EB-N5 for two weeks now. I did not expect a cure immediately because they told me it could take 3 - 6 months. However, I haven't seen any new bruising, but Friday I began getting shock like nerve pain in my left foot big toe, I believe that's my hallux. It's like these pills possibly took away the numbness and replaced it with feeling and pain. Also, even though I took the pills with food I developed stomach aches. I am getting epidural shots in my back on Wednesday so I thought I should stop the pills because alpha lipoic acid can reduce blood clotting. I stopped taking the pill on Saturday night and the nerve pain in my toe has reduced somewhat today, but not completely. I see my general practioner tomorrow and will see what he says. He is always pushing stem cell and/or infusions so I'm sure he won't be 100% for these pills. By the way my Vitamin B12 in on 3/31 was 1500 and my D-25 hydroxy was 131.0. Both very high. When I stopped taking the B 12 and D3/K2 my B 12 went down to 304 and my D25 went down to 56. This was on 7/3 so maybe I should go back on them. So confusing. After reading some of the other posts on neuropathy I feel lucky that I'm not as bad as so many others. It just that everything I try seems to make my neuropathy worse.

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Hello, islandelf (@islandelf)

I've only been on EB-N5 a little longer than you. Day 22 for me today. When my neuro doc suggested EB-N5, I decided I would give the regimen a fair trial and not jump to conclusions prematurely. Naturally, I'm aware of how I'm feeling day by day; it's impossible not to be. But knowing it's my nature to declare defeat or victory too soon, I've agreed with myself not to do so but instead to wait the full 90 days (the supply I have on hand) or even a full 180 days if, after the 90 days, I'm motivated to continue. In the meantime, I'll see my neuro doc in three weeks, when I'll discuss my vitamins and supplement levels to ensure I'm not over- (or under-) dosing.

Good luck to you! I wish you success in your use of EB-N5.

Ray (@ray666)

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