Eating during cancer care

Posted by Bob, Alumni Mentor @grandpabob, Feb 26, 2023

During cancer treatment, I found it very difficult to eat healthy and in sufficient volume to maintain my strength. Lisa Speckhard Pasque, a writer with the Mayo Clinic Health Letter, has an excellent piece in the attached newsletter, with great tips on how to help us stay interested in food while undergoing cancer treatment.
I hope you find this information useful.

What tips and tricks do you use to insure you are eating healthy?

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The changes in appeal of foods is striking. I used to cook chicken all the time, now chicken has no appeal. I do eat it. Beef has been much more appealing. I used to eat chocolate like it was one of the four basic food groups, suddenly no appeal at all. I have pancreatic cancer and I found that when I started with pancreatic enzymes (Creon), my appetite improved and I started enjoying food again. Such as blessing. It was hard to "force feed" myself. I am much more active these days and my weight has dropped some so I will need to work on increasing my calories. I am trying to add in MCT oil to boost my calories. It is absorbed without pancreatic enzymes. I was lucky to have a dietician who specializes in patients with hepatobiliary disorders, mostly pancreatic cancers. I am seen at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and they seemed to have all sorts of dieticians for different types of cancers.

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I don’t have a big appetite now but that is good I lost 25 lbs. which was great.I totally now have no urges for coffee but iced tea has taken its place go figure I never drank iced tea before.Rik.


I don’t have a big appetite now but that is good I lost 25 lbs. which was great.I totally now have no urges for coffee but iced tea has taken its place go figure I never drank iced tea before.Rik.

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Crazy isn't it. Hope you can find things you like to eat. I lost 30 lb, the pancreatic enzymes helped to relieve a lot of intestinal symptoms and regain my appetite, but I haven't regained weight. I am feeling better and have significantly increased my activity so I have dropped a little weight


I have been receiving chemotherapy for follicular lymphoma. I haven't had any nausea, but food just does not appeal to me now. Nothing tastes right. I know I need to eat, and I do try. I prepare my wife's plate just like mine, and she always cleans hers. I hardly touch mine. The doctors keep telling me to eat more ice cream and drink more milk shakes. Sometimes I drink Ensure, as recommended by my doctor. Has anyone else had this problem?


I have been receiving chemotherapy for follicular lymphoma. I haven't had any nausea, but food just does not appeal to me now. Nothing tastes right. I know I need to eat, and I do try. I prepare my wife's plate just like mine, and she always cleans hers. I hardly touch mine. The doctors keep telling me to eat more ice cream and drink more milk shakes. Sometimes I drink Ensure, as recommended by my doctor. Has anyone else had this problem?

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I have a feeding tube in for esophageal cancer , it's a life saver, you don't need to be hungry, thirsty.. just pour in the drinks . Ensure is high in sugar and really not good long term. Formulas like Jevity are best


I have been receiving chemotherapy for follicular lymphoma. I haven't had any nausea, but food just does not appeal to me now. Nothing tastes right. I know I need to eat, and I do try. I prepare my wife's plate just like mine, and she always cleans hers. I hardly touch mine. The doctors keep telling me to eat more ice cream and drink more milk shakes. Sometimes I drink Ensure, as recommended by my doctor. Has anyone else had this problem?

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Hi @puddknocker, I moved your post to this existing discussion that @grandpabob started in the Cancer: Managing Symptoms support group.
- Eating during cancer care

I did this so you can get tips from previous posts and connect with helpful members like @calenbd @niki101 @kjc12 @carla702 @hrhwilliam @caracello22 and others.

You might also be interested in these related discussions:
– When will food taste good again after chemo and radiation?
- How long before my taste buds recover after H&N treatments?

@alpaca shares in her Member Spotlight interview that ice cream helped her through head and neck cancer.
- Who Can Resist Ice Cream With Chocolate on Top: Meet @alpaca

It's hard to overcome food just not tasting right. Are you able to eat ice cream and milk shakes as suggested by your cancer team?


I have been receiving chemotherapy for follicular lymphoma. I haven't had any nausea, but food just does not appeal to me now. Nothing tastes right. I know I need to eat, and I do try. I prepare my wife's plate just like mine, and she always cleans hers. I hardly touch mine. The doctors keep telling me to eat more ice cream and drink more milk shakes. Sometimes I drink Ensure, as recommended by my doctor. Has anyone else had this problem?

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@puddknocker I am a blood cancer patient, and also on daily kidney dialysis. Finding things that taste good and will give you nutrients often is difficult! Some of my medical team says, "eat whatever appeals to you, even if it is wrong" just to get something in my system. I rely on making protein shakes using greek yogurt, protein powder, berries, and almond milk. Also, eating quality protein like chicken and fish. Is it the texture of the food that does not appeal to you, or taste, or smell? They offered me an appetite stimulant, but there are already so many medications in my pillbox I didn't want to add another!

Being on chemo and/or having chronic health conditions can certainly tweak your system, and tastebuds. It's a constant battle, and I hear you! How are you doing today?


My problem is partly just a lack of appatite. But my teeth hurt, making it hard to chew anything with substance. Nothing tastes right, not even water. But I enjoy chicken or beef broth, milk, Ensure, and things like that. Most of my troubles were caused by a severe ear infection which affected that entire side of my face. I am in the middle of an antibiotic/steroid regimen, and am much improved. Thanks for your interest and concern.


Hi @puddknocker, I moved your post to this existing discussion that @grandpabob started in the Cancer: Managing Symptoms support group.
- Eating during cancer care

I did this so you can get tips from previous posts and connect with helpful members like @calenbd @niki101 @kjc12 @carla702 @hrhwilliam @caracello22 and others.

You might also be interested in these related discussions:
– When will food taste good again after chemo and radiation?
- How long before my taste buds recover after H&N treatments?

@alpaca shares in her Member Spotlight interview that ice cream helped her through head and neck cancer.
- Who Can Resist Ice Cream With Chocolate on Top: Meet @alpaca

It's hard to overcome food just not tasting right. Are you able to eat ice cream and milk shakes as suggested by your cancer team?

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I eat ice cream, puddings, lots of milk, beef or chicken broth, and even a few solid foods that I can mash up with a fork. I'm being treated for a severe ear infection now, and my situation is improving.


My problem is partly just a lack of appatite. But my teeth hurt, making it hard to chew anything with substance. Nothing tastes right, not even water. But I enjoy chicken or beef broth, milk, Ensure, and things like that. Most of my troubles were caused by a severe ear infection which affected that entire side of my face. I am in the middle of an antibiotic/steroid regimen, and am much improved. Thanks for your interest and concern.

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Do you have a feeding tube, because appetite doesn't matter with one. Mine has been in since mid October last year. I just need to pour in formulas, shakes, teas...into your stomach and you'll slowly gain weight. I'm 135 up from 95 last year.


Well I have a g tube feeding tube in my stomach, I went from dying at 95 pounds without it to now 135 since late last September. They can be put in fast and removed fast . You can keep it in for life as a safety net or your choice. I choose mine as permanent, I can remove it at will and reinsert within an hour without a hospital visit. More cancer patients should get these

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