Why do my ears hurt, feel full and draining?

Posted by louf @louf, May 12, 2022

Why does my ears hurt and now feel full and draing feeling

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Hi @louf, have you been to see a doctor about the problem with your ears? Do they hurt on the outside or the inside?


Hi @louf, have you been to see a doctor about the problem with your ears? Do they hurt on the outside or the inside?

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Inside. Sometimes.
Also feels like a full feeling


Inside. Sometimes.
Also feels like a full feeling

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Have you been sick or had a cold lately? Have you been to see your doctor about the full feeling in your ears?


No I have not. I'm probably going to call and get one at somewhere. Any ideas who to call


I suggest that you check with a family doctor and ask whether a referral to an ear, nose and throat specialist is necessary. You may just have an ear infection that is resolved with an antibiotic that a family doctor can prescribe. Please don’t let him/her give you a prescription for erythromycin because it can cause ringing in the ears called tinnitus. This is an impossible condition to cure. There are other antibiotics that can be prescribed if your problem is an ear infection.


As a person who has suffered with ear issues my entire life, it could be an ear infection or allergies. Definitely get it looked at by a doctor. Don't ever ignore anything having to do with your ears.

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