Dull Burning Ear Pain in One Ear

Posted by dstone501957 @dstone501957, Feb 2 10:03am

Has anyone else experienced dull burning ear pain in one ear. This issue started with me in April 2023. Initially, it started as a fullness in in just the right ear, followed by a partial loss of hearing, then the onset of the dull burning ear pain that has gotten progressively worse. The partial loss of hearing was shown in two subsequent hearing tests.

After spending a considerable amount of time with an ENT, who finished up doing what I believe was unnecessary balloon dilation procedure for what he thought was chronic sinusitis, I was referred to a neurologist. The neurologist initial diagnosis was Small Fiber Neuropathy caused by an unknown autoimmune disease. I have had constant chills too that seem to track the movement with the dull burning ear pain's frequency, duration and intensity. My main problem is nothing has been prescribed for these symptoms by the Neurologist.

At my request I was referred to and ENT that had a sub-specialty in neurology, a neurotologist, he did absolutely nothing but tried to bounce me back to an orthopedic specialist for a possible compressed nerve and back to the neurologist. All of these specialists were at Washington University's Center for Advanced Medicine.

As a result of going to the Orthopedic Specialist, I had cervical laminectomy with fusion surgery on my C4-C7, on November 20, 2024, this had nothing to do with my other symptoms, but the opioid pain medication I was prescribed for a 12-week period helped significantly with both the ear pain and chills. This pain medication will end on February 12, 2025, leaving me with these severe symptoms. My primary care physician (PCP) provided no help whatsoever with this issue. I do not see my new PCP until March 20,2024. I am a 67-year-old male with no other medical issues since this surfaced in April 2023.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Support Group.

Just wondering whether you have been placed on a course of antibiotics? This might be useful to resolve any bacterial cause. If you have not had any antibiotics it might be worth a try « just in case » it was an infection in some part of the ear that is not visible. Pain and fullness can also come from hyperacusis, which causes pain when there is sound that your ear can’t tolerate. Have you noticed that the pain fluctuates in different environments? Or is it constant?

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