Does anyone have enlarged lymph nodes in their neck from Long Covid?

Posted by lindy1965 @lindy1965, Sep 15, 2023

Since starting this nightmare in early 2020, I have had this large ‘lump’ sitting over my carotid artery on the left side of my neck. When I first noticed, I showed it to my neurologist at an appointment thinking it was a lymph node. He said, I can see your heart beat through the ‘lump’ and he showed visible signs of concern and immediately sent me for MRI of my carotid arteries. That was all fine, thank goodness. From there I was sent to a vascular Doc for ultrasound, CT scan etc… all results came back normal.
Today at a physical with the nurse practitioner at my PC office, I mentioned that it is still very much present. Now, 2 years later, they are super concerned that it is an enlarged lymph node and are sending me for further diagnostics. I feel like this should have been explored when I first mentioned it. 🤷‍♀️. Does anyone else have this symptom?
So of course now I’ve got one more worry.

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I had tender enlarged lymph nodes during and after Covid that would come and go. They finally settled down. I have had nothing like you have had. I would go back to the vascular doctor and ask for another ultrasound to be done and compare it to the previous one. I agree with you, it should have been explored further when you mentioned it 2 years ago.

My son was very prone to ear infections when he was little. One lymph node stayed enlarged behind his ear for a long time and the doctor said not to worry, it sometimes happens with infections. It stayed that way for years with him and it was very noticeable and large.

Praying for you.


Thank you for sharing that to ease my worries ❤️


My throat closes up when I go for walks...


I too had a lot of throat issues early on. Hopefully that will subside for you soon. I’m not able to exercise still without crashing (PEM) for days or longer. I’m so eager to get back to walking daily as I used to walk up to 3 miles per day. I wish you well.


I too had a lot of throat issues early on. Hopefully that will subside for you soon. I’m not able to exercise still without crashing (PEM) for days or longer. I’m so eager to get back to walking daily as I used to walk up to 3 miles per day. I wish you well.

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Thank you


I also had enlarged lymph nodes. I had ultrasound, ct, MRI, followed by another ct. Which did confirm they were enlarged.

Finally 3 weeks ago I wanted to rule out lymphoma, so I did a lymph node biopsy. It came back negative, which I was relieved.

Still continue to have brain fog, fatigue, neck pain, joint/ muscle soreness, bloating, and other GI issues.


I also had enlarged lymph nodes. I had ultrasound, ct, MRI, followed by another ct. Which did confirm they were enlarged.

Finally 3 weeks ago I wanted to rule out lymphoma, so I did a lymph node biopsy. It came back negative, which I was relieved.

Still continue to have brain fog, fatigue, neck pain, joint/ muscle soreness, bloating, and other GI issues.

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I am relieved for you! I’m so glad you didn’t have to have lymphoma added to your list. Did your regular GP order the biopsy?

Yes, I have still have so many symptoms. Fatigue, PEM, POTS, dizziness, migraine, neck pain, insomnia to list a few. I wish I could find something to at least give me energy.

Now today after having been to the doctor on Friday (masked) I have ‘cold’ symptoms, chills and a terrible sore throat. I’m terrified.

Thanks for responding..I wish you the best my friend.


I saw an ENT Dr, who also did the surgery. I waited about 8 months before deciding to have it. I was so relieved it wasn't cancer, because my other symptoms worry me.

Which further points my issue is long COVID.


I thought the lumps on both sides of my neck was lymph nodes swelling. My ENT told me it was my salivary glands. They stay swelled all the time and get larger which makes it harder too breath or swallow.


This is ellen307 I am now on my 2nd bout of Covid>>still no taste from my first covid
Everyting I eat is dry and dry so what bother eating just drink splenda shakes for my diabetes.

Have Myasthenia Gravis, Dry Eye take Xiidra drops which is script ut does work

Good luck to all

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