Do you have a coping mechanism to get through an MRI?

Posted by Rubyslippers @triciaot, Dec 20, 2023

Would you share how you cope during an MRI? There are some people who get concerned about the claustrophobia and loud noises. It might be helpful for them to hear your ideas.
While I was waiting for a breast MRI I started talking with another woman who had to come back for an MRI re-do. She had not been able to make it through her first MRI and was really concerned she couldn’t do it the second time. My heart really went out to her. I wish that I could have sat through the MRI with her to help calm her.
I told her for my first MRI I counted backwards from 100. I think I got down to the 30s. I also sang to myself 99 bottles of beer on the wall 🙂

I had a brain MRI this summer. I counted the songs they played through the speaker. I figured most songs are about 2-3 minutes so to get through a 20 min scan, it would take about 7 songs. I knew I could lay there for 7 songs, and I did.
What has worked for you?

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As I read yours I thought of a mental 123...123 dance move. 💃 keeping focused on breathing.
We help each other so much. It is manageable.


I have a coping mechanism called Valium. You just have to ask your doctor and he will only order 1 or 2 pills. I couldn’t do it otherwise.


I am entirely too claustrophic to be ok just simply closing my eyes or listening to music, I've tried but I have major panic attacks. So either an open MRI and/or being medicated is it for me. 1 mg of ativan works to take the edge off for me and having someone in the room helps. You should be able to request someone be in there to talk to you. If you can have IV sedation go for it!


It’s my understanding that even though you’ve had a dbl mastectomy, an MRI can still see anything in the chest wall/chest area. I don’t know why they don’t check the whole body while they are at it!
Has anyone heard of this?


I just think happy thoughts when getting a breast mri. What helped is that they had ear plugs and I couldn’t even hear the tech yelling that the dye was coming. Since it’s breast and I’m on my stomach I can’t see anything anyway .. So much so I just started falling asleep. I do believe it may have been my habit as a child of having hid in closets while playing hide and seek. . First time I had an mri I just imagined I was hiding in mums closet😊


The first time I had to bail, couldn’t do it. I asked my dr for 2 Valium. I am very claustrophobic.. it worked with one!



Like others I keep my eyes closed and never peek once so no closed in feeling. Also like others here, I’ve done imagery, counted songs and tried just counting to see how close I could come to estimating the exact time. I’ve had tons of MRIs in my life so they are easy for me and it’s just a matter of passing the time. I finally found the best option for the past 3 MRIs. I now use this time as an opportunity to say a prayer for each person in my life based on their needs and challenges. It really takes my focus and the time just flies by! I can’t believe it’s over already! Give it a try. If not into prayer then send each person good wishes based on their needs. Focus on others and you won’t be focused on yourself.


I too have routine mri’s and ct scans and apart from being panicked by being confined I try to get scheduled at a hospital that has the newer mris, what a different experience when the machine is twice as wide with open ends and also lights inside. This made all the difference for me to endure the procedure.

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Mine had open ends and lights too. But opening my eyes and realizing that the ceiling is 2 inches above my nose is freaky. For that reason, I keep my eyes closed, Most peoples’ lived are so busy, and so noisy—TV, phone is ringing, traffic is crazy, fire trucks or honking horns, or airplanes, and on and on. I know mine is. I don’t have much time where I’m just in silence, and I have nothing to do but chill or sleep. so I close my eyes and I tell myself that I am grabbing a moment that seldom comes. And I also use the headphones and listen to classical music before I know it it’s over.


I had a breast MRI. I have found, with every procedure, if it is fully explained, there is less to fear. The surgeon fully explained the process of mine before he booked the actual appointment. I have had hip and spinal MRIs in the past so I was familiar with the noises. I am the type who is interested in how this machinary works. So I generally lie there with eyes closed , listening , and wondering, what's it doing now ? . And wondering why MRIs still make this much noise, with all the amazing technology in this world. The sounds have not changed in 20 years ! The breast MRI was only different because of the positioning. But none of it, in my estimation was scary. Waiting for results can be trying but again, Do not give results the energy of fear! No matter what the result you will get through it! Wishing you all the best as you go through this process XO


I keep my eyes closed. I make sure they have the air circulating otherwise it feels like I can't breathe. The MRI with air on sounds like I'm traveling in an airplane so I imagine that I'm looking out the window at the clouds.

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