
Posted by landonbird @landonbird, Oct 16, 2021

Hello, for the last few weeks I have had dizzy spells. I have had a mri and ct scan and they came back fine. They think it is vertigo and sent me to an ent where I took a test and will get the results on Wednesday of this week. Now it feels like my head is rocking, and it's not. Anything I can do at home to help this?

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I appreciate the additional information, @ritacous40 . This does sound like a confusing and frustrating problem. I suppose you have been seen by both an ENT doctor as well as a neurologist?

We have a mentor on Connect, @rwinney, who has also had some unusual vision problems and I would like to invite her to this discussion as well.

I would encourage you to keep posting and let me know how you are progressing in finding an answer.

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@ritacous40 I'm sorry for your eye struggles. What an awful place to be in with symptoms.

My vision problems came from Fuchs dystrophy which required cornea transplants and cataract surgeries. My vision was restored but I remained having terrible sensitivities to my eyes, among other odd symptoms.

It turned out that I had Central Sensitization Syndrome, which throws of the central nervous system. This syndrome can cause a multitude of symptoms. Here's a link in case you're curious:


Sorry I can't be much more help. Will you please keep us updated on your hopeful progress?


I am waiting for an appointment with A neurologist since early July. Initially it was made for the seven week headache I had which was cured but I have kept the appointment open as a maybe he can help with the existing condition. Fingers crossed.

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Hello @ritacous40

In your previous post, you mentioned having an appointment with a neurologist. Have you had that appointment yet?

I'm looking forward to hearing from you again. Will you post after your appointment?


To @hopeful33250
I still await the appointment with the neurologist and have also now requested a visit with an ENT specialist as from these Mayo Connect letters I am being asked if I have been seen by one. Canadian health system has taken a bad turn principally due to Covid and the weight on the medical system here. I will speak up as soon as I am graced with an appointment.


Hi, welcome to Connect. We’re community forum backed by Mayo Clinic but members aren’t medical professionals so we can’t diagnose or offer treatments. But we can rely on our experiences to offer suggestions.

Yuck, having dizzy spells is nasty. My mom, my daughter and myself have this happen occasionally and it seems to be seasonal in autumn and apparently familial. Though we’re not allergic to ragweed or pollen. Maybe it’s just the dust in the air. It generally happens when we wake up in the morning after sleeping on our sides. Though my mom was a back sleeper and it bothered her too. For us, it’s caused by post nasal drip seeping into the eustachian tube of the ear. If you can dry it out, that can bring relief.

What works for us is taking an over the counter antihistamine or a decongestant. My daughter who’s 38 and I take Children’s liquid Benadryl and only .5ml does the trick when the vertigo happens. So if you’re able to take that type of medication you could give that a try.

Another common reason for dizziness can be related to the displacement of crystals within the inner ear. There are maneuvers to help alleviate the problem. You’ve seen an ENT and your scans came back clean. So that’s really good news.

Were either the Epley or Semont Maneuvers tried for your Vertigo?

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Unfortunately I have suffered with vertigo on and off over many years but learned how to do the Epley maneuver which is very helpful. My main problem is from the vestibular area and the unsteady feeling I have through my eyes. They feel under stress the whole time although I can see perfectly and with glasses have no sight problems. This has been the hangover since 2016 but has become much worse in recent weeks. Hoping for appointments with neurologist and ENT specialists.


If it is vertigo I found the room went round and round and learning the Eply Maneuver was very helpful. I learned from my G.P. but there are also very good videos which are clear to follow. I found that Vestibular problems caused everything to shake and I could see three of everyone. Both are similar but also different.


I hope my reply went through - am having a few problems with internet today


@ritacous40 I'm sorry for your eye struggles. What an awful place to be in with symptoms.

My vision problems came from Fuchs dystrophy which required cornea transplants and cataract surgeries. My vision was restored but I remained having terrible sensitivities to my eyes, among other odd symptoms.

It turned out that I had Central Sensitization Syndrome, which throws of the central nervous system. This syndrome can cause a multitude of symptoms. Here's a link in case you're curious:


Sorry I can't be much more help. Will you please keep us updated on your hopeful progress?

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I have just watched the video by Dr.Sletten and found it most interesting and clearly given. I dont suffer from the various symptoms and as I work out three times a week and have done so since a young teenager, more exercise is not needed. I will watch this again as it is informative.


I have just watched the video by Dr.Sletten and found it most interesting and clearly given. I dont suffer from the various symptoms and as I work out three times a week and have done so since a young teenager, more exercise is not needed. I will watch this again as it is informative.

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the video. It definitely is an interesting watch. I feel like anyone who experiences on-going unexplainable health issues could benefit from this knowledge, and even healthy folks too. As I like to say, keep it in your back pocket. Best of luck at your up-coming neurology appointment. I sincerely hope you get to the bottom of your symptoms and find relief. Be well.

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