Diverticulosis throughout entire colon -anyone?

Posted by comptomama @comptomama, Mar 8, 2023

I have diverticulosis throughout my entire colon. I have had many bouts of diverticulitis on my left side. I think it is not common to have diverticulosis throughout, but I was wondering if anyone else has this, and do you know why?

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Hello comptomama,
Sorry to hear. Are you having surgery?

I got some bad news in January regarding my cat scan and started a thread on this site.


Anxiously and patiently waiting for my colectomy with anastomosis surgery date of 4/3.
I've been basically disabled and will continue to be until then.
Just awful....

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Hi I had laparoscopic sigmoid colectomy eight months ago and the healing process was a little bit longer than I thought (74 yrs old). The one thing I can share with you is that my surgeon requested a peripheral nerve block prior to procedure and that made all the difference in the world. Minimal pain, practically none and never needed opioids only acetaminophen. Back to golf and bowling. Good Luck, thoughts & prayers!


I have it through out my colon also. I’ve had several bouts of diverticulitis and in June, I had emergency surgery because of an abscess and perforated colon. I had a temporary ostomy bag for 6 months. It is possible, but not likely, I will have surgery again. The sigmoid is in a high pressure area and now that it has been removed it is less likely that I will need surgery again. Hope this helps.


Hi there, I just registered for this forum and happened to see your post about your diverticulosis. I too was recently diagnosed with it. I have never had any digestive problems so this came as a surprise. I should add that two significant meds I am on are known to cause digestive problems: Fentanyl and Oxycodone. I have a painful “failure of spine fusion” (had surgery for scoliosis years ago) and these two meds are my only recourse to be able to function at all. I joined this forum hoping to learn from others. Re your comment about yours being throughout your system, I recently had a colonoscopy and the GI Doc said my diverticula are mostly in the lower colon. Finally, the doctor put me on a FODMAP diet, which IS helping, but because I’m just learning it, is difficult to manage. ANY advice from others would be appreciated! Thanks, Barbara

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I have had Divirticulitis for years. A year ago this month, woke up with severe pain on left side of stomach. I suffered a Perforated Bowel resulting in emergency surgery....all from having Divirticulitis. Pain meds and Aspirin can be a huge cause for this. I now have to wear a Colostomy bag because I had 1 foot of diseased colon removed.


I have had Divirticulitis for years. A year ago this month, woke up with severe pain on left side of stomach. I suffered a Perforated Bowel resulting in emergency surgery....all from having Divirticulitis. Pain meds and Aspirin can be a huge cause for this. I now have to wear a Colostomy bag because I had 1 foot of diseased colon removed.

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Wow! Did you have any pain leading up to the perforation? I have like 3 flares a year. I have gotten to the point of not taking them as serious as I should I suppose. I just get aggravated because of the pain and tell myself it is my fault for not eating right. But it is a mystery sometimes because it seems to happen out of the blue. Thank you for sharing.


I was told years ago during my annual Colonoscopy, that I had Divirticulitis. But never had any pain at all. I just woke up one morning last year with horrible pain on left side. I called my son...he called an ambulance and within just an hour, I was in surgery. Doctor said I barely made it.


I was told years ago during my annual Colonoscopy, that I had Divirticulitis. But never had any pain at all. I just woke up one morning last year with horrible pain on left side. I called my son...he called an ambulance and within just an hour, I was in surgery. Doctor said I barely made it.

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I will say again, Wow! Well I will definitely take it more seriously when I get that familiar pain. When my son had his surgery he was in pain for about a week and a half and he kept going to the hospital. They did not find the problem until about the third trip. I guess I thought it would take more time to actually become inflamed enough to do that kind of damage.


I will say again, Wow! Well I will definitely take it more seriously when I get that familiar pain. When my son had his surgery he was in pain for about a week and a half and he kept going to the hospital. They did not find the problem until about the third trip. I guess I thought it would take more time to actually become inflamed enough to do that kind of damage.

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The Colostomy I have isn't permanent, thankfully. I can have a Reversal soon if I want. This is possible because just a foot of Colon was removed. But, I was so stunned at everything that happened to me....it seemed so surreal. Being in the Trauma Unit then moved to ICU. I was in the hospital almost a month.


The Colostomy I have isn't permanent, thankfully. I can have a Reversal soon if I want. This is possible because just a foot of Colon was removed. But, I was so stunned at everything that happened to me....it seemed so surreal. Being in the Trauma Unit then moved to ICU. I was in the hospital almost a month.

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I can't even imagine! Good luck in the future.


I have to say this whole Diverticulosis diagnosis came almost overnight! Literally, …
one week I could eat absolutely ANYTHING I wanted. Always had. And I’m 74 and was healthy/active except for a failed spine fusion which made pain meds necessary.
The next week? I’m doubled over in severe pain after eating ice cream?!!
Was SO confused! Had a previously scheduled colonoscopy the month before all this happened. RESULT? Doc said “you have some diverticula, but not bad.” He said I was fine!
The “flare up” happened and I too went to the emerg room! Had never even been in an ambulance! Result: docs said- go immediately on a FODMAP diet. Which I’m trying to adjust to now. Any tips at all appreciated ! Thx to all of you!


I have had Divirticulitis for years. A year ago this month, woke up with severe pain on left side of stomach. I suffered a Perforated Bowel resulting in emergency surgery....all from having Divirticulitis. Pain meds and Aspirin can be a huge cause for this. I now have to wear a Colostomy bag because I had 1 foot of diseased colon removed.

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SO sorry you had to go thru all this! I have a younger cousin with your and my diagnosis who said after she had a portion of her intestines removed, her pain level reduced, and she was much better. But in this forum it appears there are mixed results. (??)

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