Diverticulitis prevention

Posted by ayersg @ayersg, Apr 6, 2023

Is there a way to prevent diverticulitis from recurring? Is there a change in diet that can help heal the colon issue that causes it?

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@marionclark I went through a similar colon abscess/diverticulitis in October, 2022, which resulted in a colon resection of the sigmoid colon. The abscess burst, perforating the colon causing "free particals" to enter my abdomen. I had diarrhea symptoms prior, but no pain, so not knowing of the infection raging in my body, I had a total hip replacement done in late September. 48 hours later, my colon ruptured and was in the emergency room. I could not have emergency colon surgery because of the just completed hip replacement....fear of infection in newly inserted hip, I had to wait ten weeks for my colon resection surgery. During the ten weeks I was on 1600 mg of augmentin daily and was very anxious that another abscess would occur. My diet was low fiber, which is gentle on the digestive system. I took 1.5 teaspoon of Metamucil daily, which kept my stools just the right firmess. I made it through the ten weeks, had the surgery, endured the recovery period (takes patience) and am living a normal digestive life, better than I've had in the last 10 years! Best wishes for your outcome. Low fiber diet (on internet), antibiotic and Metamucil daily worked for me during the waiting period.

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What a nightmare ! Great that the antibiotics prevented spread to your new hip.


An insurance company? You have one? Lucky you!!

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I have Medicare now.
Some years ago I worked briefly for a company that did prior approval for tests like MRI, CT etc for a variety of insurance companies. That’s how I know that not everything is approved.


No, didn't ask the doctor why a CT after the MRI. I am just hoping he knows what he's doing. After months of this Diverticulosis battle, I just want it to stop!

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Hi @maxine50

I understand you when you say, "I just want it to stop." Please remember that good food choices are your best friend when dealing with diverticulitis. A member in another discussion said, "I am trying not to give my body anything to get mad at me."

Often food choices are a result of habits that we've acquired over the years. We like what we are familiar with and what "tastes good." This is not always the best idea when dealing with diverticulitis.

While food choices aren't the only way to control symptoms, they are an important factor. Have you looked at dietary suggestions for dealing with diverticulitis?


Hi @maxine50

I understand you when you say, "I just want it to stop." Please remember that good food choices are your best friend when dealing with diverticulitis. A member in another discussion said, "I am trying not to give my body anything to get mad at me."

Often food choices are a result of habits that we've acquired over the years. We like what we are familiar with and what "tastes good." This is not always the best idea when dealing with diverticulitis.

While food choices aren't the only way to control symptoms, they are an important factor. Have you looked at dietary suggestions for dealing with diverticulitis?

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There is so much difference of opinion when it comes to fibre I find. My naturopath says high fibre with seeds and nuts are completely fine, the me GP says low fibre, with no seeds or nuts. I’ve just gone to what keeps my bowels moving and me feeling better. That is until I have another flare up.


There is so much difference of opinion when it comes to fibre I find. My naturopath says high fibre with seeds and nuts are completely fine, the me GP says low fibre, with no seeds or nuts. I’ve just gone to what keeps my bowels moving and me feeling better. That is until I have another flare up.

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I appreciate your comment, @ayersg. Often it is helpful to maintain a food diary to try and understand what foods might trigger symptoms. Finding the right eating plan is certainly challenging but worth the effort.

If you are comfortable sharing more information, how long have you been dealing with diverticulitis? Have you had any treatments other than changes in your diet?


Hi @maxine50

I understand you when you say, "I just want it to stop." Please remember that good food choices are your best friend when dealing with diverticulitis. A member in another discussion said, "I am trying not to give my body anything to get mad at me."

Often food choices are a result of habits that we've acquired over the years. We like what we are familiar with and what "tastes good." This is not always the best idea when dealing with diverticulitis.

While food choices aren't the only way to control symptoms, they are an important factor. Have you looked at dietary suggestions for dealing with diverticulitis?

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I'm trying to eat carefully. Made a salad for dinner so will see how I am tomorrow morning. I think I should take a pill to ensure a BM anyway. I'm sooooo tired from all these incidents.


I'm trying to eat carefully. Made a salad for dinner so will see how I am tomorrow morning. I think I should take a pill to ensure a BM anyway. I'm sooooo tired from all these incidents.

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It is very tiring when you have to control and think about everything you eat and then feel concerned about incidents, @maxine50.

Do you usually use a stool softener or do you use a laxative?


I appreciate your comment, @ayersg. Often it is helpful to maintain a food diary to try and understand what foods might trigger symptoms. Finding the right eating plan is certainly challenging but worth the effort.

If you are comfortable sharing more information, how long have you been dealing with diverticulitis? Have you had any treatments other than changes in your diet?

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I’m one of the lucky ones, just dealing with this the last couple of years. I’ve been able to deal with it by switching to a low fibre soft diet and antibiotics a couple of times but I’m having trouble accepting this as a lifestyle for the rest of my days. I’m having a colonoscopy in a couple of weeks that I’ve been waiting for more than a year for. Hopefully it reveals something that will help more long term.


It is very tiring when you have to control and think about everything you eat and then feel concerned about incidents, @maxine50.

Do you usually use a stool softener or do you use a laxative?

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I have taken a laxative a few days ago, but last night I did not to see if two cups of coffee would work in the morning. So far, nothing. I'm so so tired. Just walking is a chore. I feel so exhausted. For breakfast, I ate a Canadian bagel with avocado and a small cup of hot cereal with raisins and so far, nothing is happening. I'll do my emails until something does which would be a miracle. Difficult to just walk with this exhaustion. Maybe, I should just go back to bed.


It is very tiring when you have to control and think about everything you eat and then feel concerned about incidents, @maxine50.

Do you usually use a stool softener or do you use a laxative?

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I have taken a laxative at bedtime, but did not last night and nothing happened this morning so far. I guess I should take one each day.

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