
Posted by monicajones @monicajones, May 15, 2018

Has anyone had part of their intestine removed? I have diverticulitis and sometimes I still experience discomfort and constipation.

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Hello @geronimo1

Welcome to Mayo Connect. If you have started reading some of the posts in this discussion, you will see that many of us have had flare-ups of diverticulitis for many years. This can be a very painful disorder and really disrupts normal life activities. can't it?

During a flare-up, it is important to eat a very soft diet (maybe even a liquid diet at the beginning) and then soft foods like scrambled eggs, applesauce, mashed potatoes and of course lots of liquids. I have personally found that staying off my feet and using a heating pad on my abdomen helps with the symptoms.

Please share with us how long you have had these flare-ups and what you do when you experience the pain. Also, have you consulted with a doctor? If so, what were your doctor's recommendations?

Hello @beckaj

How are you feeling with your diverticulitis? Have you found a diet plan that helps you with your symptoms?

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I’ve been getting flare ups for about 6 years. It started in the bottom left hand corner but is now along the left side. I’ve had 3 colonoscopies and been in hospital a couple of times. The drs usually put me on antibiotics and pain relief and get me to have nil by mouth at first. Gradually introducing fluids and then soft foods.
Yes it is painful and usually lasts for 5 days


Is there a Carcinoid Cancer segment I could be connected to?


Anyone on here suffer with Diverticulitis flare ups?

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Hello @geronimo1

Welcome to Mayo Connect. If you have started reading some of the posts in this discussion, you will see that many of us have had flare-ups of diverticulitis for many years. This can be a very painful disorder and really disrupts normal life activities. can't it?

During a flare-up, it is important to eat a very soft diet (maybe even a liquid diet at the beginning) and then soft foods like scrambled eggs, applesauce, mashed potatoes and of course lots of liquids. I have personally found that staying off my feet and using a heating pad on my abdomen helps with the symptoms.

Please share with us how long you have had these flare-ups and what you do when you experience the pain. Also, have you consulted with a doctor? If so, what were your doctor's recommendations?

Hello @beckaj

How are you feeling with your diverticulitis? Have you found a diet plan that helps you with your symptoms?


Hi @geronimo1 you may have noticed I moved your post to this existing discussion on diverticulitis so that you can connect with others with this condition. Simply click VIEW AND REPLY in your email notification to get to your post.

I also wanted to introduce you to fellow Connect members @rubbob1 @happyat76 and @hopeful33250 as they have experience with diverticulitis and may be able to offer you support.

Back to you @geronimo1 how long have you been having these flareups?


Anyone on here suffer with Diverticulitis flare ups?


Recently diagnosed with Diverticulitis but starting to feel better. Did 3 day clear diet , soft/bland foods, and now low fiber . Frustrated with what to eat. So much contradictory info out there, eat seeds/don't eat seeds, eat nuts/don't eat nuts, eat lots of veggies/don't eat raw veggies.... I also have IBS symptoms and don't do well with dairy. Any advice ?


<p>E.R ... Herniated bowel surgery, 2nd. twice.. E.R. Diverticulitis issues, Laxatives used twice in E.R... Lost 30 lbs. over 4-5 months!!... 3 morphine injections over 5 months..plus fentanyl for pain, , X-rays of hip and shoulder show, no problem!! X-Rays Dr. choice!! I suggested M.R.I. Not my choice!! I find my muscles are sore, 3-5 and somewhat weakened, to the point I can't lay on my side or back without awakening many times thru the night. Can't lift over 10 lbs. Sleep depravation has become a problem plus "pain and stress" issue. Been going on for near 8-9 months! Doctors no help!!. (Treat 1 thing at a time)!!.. Cortisone injection in hip short term relief..4-6 weeks. Muscle atrophy, may be an issue after little muscle use for months. Plus muscle diseases??.. Suggested!!! Not my call??? age..87.. Lidocaine patches a "PAIN" to use at night... Changed Dr. Nothing same treatment. I'm patient?!?!.. Right now I've tied a knot on the end of the rope and am hanging on!! Went to E.R.!?!?..Not an E.R. issue!!! Not a gunshot wound!! Told "Too many Issues and I'm 87"!?!?…. 5 Prednisone? tabs + morphine inj... Released! Go see Dr...???</p>


to Teresa
Thanks so:much for your reply. Teresa, please read my reply to Ethan. I believe that all of your questions to me are answered there. Any input you have for me is greatly appreciated.

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Hello @happyat76

Your plan to see a GI doctor is a good one. As you may know, on Connect we cannot give medical advice or diagnosis. We are simply a patient-to-patient support network. Since you mentioned having your gall bladder removed in the past, there is a disorder called, Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction (SOD), which comes about after gall bladder surgery. Here is the link to that discussion, https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/i-have-sphincter-of-oddi-dysfuncfion-it-causes-severe-upper-abdominal-pain/?orderby=DESC#chv4-comment-stream-header. As you read these posts, you will see that SOD is a disorder that many doctors do not pick up on. There are of course many other digestive issues that can cause pain of various types.

I hope that you are able to see a GI specialist. Will you post again and let me know how you are doing?


Hello @happyat76

I am glad that Ethan invited me to your discussion. Yes, I'm very familiar with diverticulitis and have had lots of experience with bouts of it. Diet and avoiding constipation are the most important factors. Also, exercise and drinking lots of liquids which helps minimize the constipation problem which leads to the diverticulitis. There are good products such as stool softeners that can be used as well. I would also like to invite @thull as she has also had diverticulitis.

I noticed that you have a NET in your pancreas. I have had three surgeries for NETs and I'd like to invite you to the Connect discussion on NETs. Here is the link, https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/neuroendocrine-tumors-nets/?tab=discussions. If you are open to sharing more, how was your NET diagnosed? Do you have diabetes as a result of the NET in your pancreas?

I hope that you are able to share more. I look forward to hearing from you again. Those of us with NETs are a rare breed and we thrive on information from others who have it.

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to Teresa
Thanks so:much for your reply. Teresa, please read my reply to Ethan. I believe that all of your questions to me are answered there. Any input you have for me is greatly appreciated.


Hi @happyat76 you may have noticed I moved your post to this existing discussion on diverticulitis so that you can read what others have experienced with diverticulitis and diverticuloses.

That pain sounds absolutely awful and it must be frustrating to be unsure of the cause.

I wanted to introduce you to fellow Connect members @hopeful33250 @suez @retrebotic @akogut @allegro @bakb @lshell @gailfaith @dbwhitted @ann64 and @tallygirl have experience with diverticulitis and may be able to offer support from their experiences.

Back to you @happyat76 How long have you had this pain? Did you do anything different with your diet, besides having nuts, before the pain started?

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hello Ethan,
Thanks for your remarks about my condition. I really don’t feel that Diverticuloses is causing my pain. I appreciate the fact that you may think so. I was told this the last time I had a colonoscopy which was January of 2016. I was told then to always chew nuts very very well. I usually don’t have a problem earting 10 almonds daily. It is just that I have had so many cat scans, endoscopy’s etc. and have been on so many different pain meds. p.p.i’s and nothing, absolutely nothing takes this pain away. I just thought the other day, “I wonder if it could be Diverticuloses that causes this pain”. No one here has said that they get the same pain as I do. My bowels are working fine, no problem with that. This pain goes away for a week or so,then comes back with a vengeance and lasts for 2-3 days and then goes away. It has been going on for a couple of years now. The last cat scan was last year and the Dr. said she saw that my esophagus was a bit red and that I should be on a P.P.I. which I am. I take Lansaprazole? every morning, but I dont believe it is doing anything as I still get the pain.This Dr. was not a G.I. Dr. I am going to see my family Dr in 2 weeks and I am going to insist she send me to a Gastroenterologist this time. It is not my heart as I have been going to a Cardiologist and had a nuclear stress test done and it was ok. My blood pressure is usually around 156/73 and this Dr. is concerned about the fact that it stays high even when I sleep. He is sending me to a sleep specialist for a sleep study as he believes I have sleep apnea. He said that the pain I get is not from my heart. I will be 78 this July and am so fed up with how my life goes the days I have this pain. It is hard for me to breathe. I do have a tumour in the head of my pancreas and have been seen by a cancer Dr. about it. She told me that since it hasn’t changed in 11 years, to not worry about it, but to keep having cat scans yearly to make sure to stays the same. If you or anyone else has any ideas about my pain, please, please let me know. Thanks so much. Oh yes, I had my gall bladder removed years ago and my bile ducts are clear, no stones.

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