DISH (diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis) or Forestier's

Posted by ardithann @ardithann, Feb 10, 2018

I would like to connect with someone with DISH disease. I saw one post about someone recently diagnosed with this, but can't find it again.

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Steroid injections and pain meds. It took a while to find a balance

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May I ask what pain meds you use?


500mg Tylenol, not to exceed 3000mg/day. When pain is at its worst then Oxycotin-5mg. tabs as needed.


Hello. I was diagnosed with dish two years ago. Never really knew I had it until it was in my neck. I had problems in my 30s with my hip (inner si) going out. But after a chiropractic visit I was good again. The rheumatologist did a pelvis mri to confirm it was in not ankolosing spondylitis (AS.)Which is basically the same, but auto inflammatory like RA. It's really a bit of a mystery,but i'm fully diagnosed. My blood shows no inflammatory or rheumatory or B27 markers. Only radiology reports show with the problem. The body is incredibly adept too not showing its problems. I have a great medical team ,and the prescriptions I need to get through. It's a whole different life set. We're now chronically ill.
I'm brand new on here!! this is my very first post reply.


May I ask what pain meds you use?

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I'm prescribed oxycodone after a year of hydrocodone. Tramadol did nothing. Hydrocodone Is generally a staple in pain management before you go to anything stronger. I use opiates as a last resort. I get my pain management through my primary doctor. He doesn't mind THC ,,which allows me to use CBD and THC as i please. I get great relief from cbd. Cbd also helps with sleep pattern. I get great relief from celebrex, But my gut just can't take it systematically. I always have prednisone in the the drawer. I use liposable supplements from I also use keto profen topical in 20 percent. Both highly effective. I hope this helps you out.


Hello, What would you like to know about? I am 54 and was just diagnosed with it last June. I have had it for many years-just never new what it was.

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Me too. Never knew I had it until it was in my neck. My hip would go out of place from time to time and my thirties and the chiropractic would fix it. I've had m r i's afthe first one, 3 more. I have fusion down the entire left side of my spine. C2-L5. Fortunately I have a great medical team and a doctor who prescribes me what I need. He doesn't mind THC in my blood, which allows me to use c b d and thc as i please. I get great benefit from cbd. I'm prescribed oxycodone, Adderall, tizadine. I also use products from


I'm prescribed oxycodone after a year of hydrocodone. Tramadol did nothing. Hydrocodone Is generally a staple in pain management before you go to anything stronger. I use opiates as a last resort. I get my pain management through my primary doctor. He doesn't mind THC ,,which allows me to use CBD and THC as i please. I get great relief from cbd. Cbd also helps with sleep pattern. I get great relief from celebrex, But my gut just can't take it systematically. I always have prednisone in the the drawer. I use liposable supplements from I also use keto profen topical in 20 percent. Both highly effective. I hope this helps you out.

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I forgot to mention in my previous message concerning RX for DISH pain that I also do 5-6 PT exercises each morning in bed that have also helped with back pain and mobility.


I forgot to mention in my previous message concerning RX for DISH pain that I also do 5-6 PT exercises each morning in bed that have also helped with back pain and mobility.

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U have to stay active. Pain is constant. U can be active and in pain, or inactive and in pain, but more mobile.


U have to stay active. Pain is constant. U can be active and in pain, or inactive and in pain, but more mobile.

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I certainly agree with the last statement. If I didn’t stay moving, I would cease to move. I have not been doing my exercises like I should but I’m constantly on the go as I just moved my mother to a nursing home and we had to dissolve her apartment. it has taking a lot out of me and I have a heart condition as well. But luckily, my brother is a very able-bodied, even though he is in pain sometimes too. We’re just getting older. But when everything settles, I will get back in the pool and do my exercises and aqua jog and deep water walk. I do go to pain management for back injections and shoulder injections. Bone spurs in many places. Do your best and educate yourself about this disease and educate others about it. Do the exercises that are recommended or if nothing else walk because it is an expensive to do. Make sure you have really good shoes. For me, that is a must because I have bone spurs in the bottom of each foot and the back of each foot. I wish you are well.


I certainly agree with the last statement. If I didn’t stay moving, I would cease to move. I have not been doing my exercises like I should but I’m constantly on the go as I just moved my mother to a nursing home and we had to dissolve her apartment. it has taking a lot out of me and I have a heart condition as well. But luckily, my brother is a very able-bodied, even though he is in pain sometimes too. We’re just getting older. But when everything settles, I will get back in the pool and do my exercises and aqua jog and deep water walk. I do go to pain management for back injections and shoulder injections. Bone spurs in many places. Do your best and educate yourself about this disease and educate others about it. Do the exercises that are recommended or if nothing else walk because it is an expensive to do. Make sure you have really good shoes. For me, that is a must because I have bone spurs in the bottom of each foot and the back of each foot. I wish you are well.

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I certainly agree. Aquatics are awesome. To the pool, to the hot tub. Sometimes twice. I have a membership to the y. I generally wear adidas ultraboost. I really like the adidas ultraboost 21,22, 23. When walking,treadmilling, pt,etc. I always keep on the lookout so i'm not wearing a shoe thats green and yellow....
I can generally find them on amazon or ebay or footlocker, for around 80 bucks. I worked for adidas for a while. I think they make a pretty good product. Horrible co to work for tho.


U was diagnosed with DISH after an MRI prior to cervical fusion.

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