Dilated pancreatic duct: Should I get a second opinion?

Posted by catt8722 @catt8722, Mar 6, 2020

I recently had a EUS. The result is a 3mm dilation in the distal end of the pancreatic duct. A fatty liver and a cyst on my right kidney. I was scheduled for a CT Scan but my insurance company has not approved the test. I am very scared. What is so confusing to me is that. I had the CT a year ago last month. Everything was normal. Was anyone diagnosed with this? I have been reading about this. It can be pancreatitis or cancer.

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Wasn’t really sure where to put this .
I recently had an MRCP done the report I received said 7mm dilation this is up 2mm from the one I had done last year. The nurse practitioner called and said no change and to follow up with one of the physicians in 6 months. No one seems concerned but me since everything I have read says there is a high risk of cancer. Can anyone shed some light on this subject or just clue me in TIA

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Hello @doxie2

I would like to join Colleen, @colleenyoung, in welcoming you to Connect. I can certainly understand your concerns in that the doctor's staff told you that there was no change and yet the report indicated that there was a change.

As Colleen asked, I'm wondering why this test has been repeated. Do you have symptoms of a pancreas disorder? Have blood tests indicated a disorder of the liver or pancreas?

Please know that if your doctor's staff cannot provide you with answers that put your mind at ease, it is always your right to get a second opinion.

How are you feeling, @doxie2?


I just had an MRCP done it showed a 7mm dilation this is up 2mm from last year according to the report but doctor said no change when they called me. No one seems worried but me, should I get a second opinion ?

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Hi @doxie2, welcome. I moved your question about the increase in dialation of from 2mm to 7mm to this existing discussion started by catt8722
- Dilated pancreatic duct: Should I get a second opinion?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/dilated-pancreatic-duct/

I did this so you can connect with other members like @kate1951 @hopeful33250 and others.

Doxie, let me see if I'm understanding you correctly. You read your magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) report which stated a dialation of 7 mm. That is a change from 2mm from a previous MRCP. However you doctor said there was no change. You're concerned about the discrepancy. Did I get that right?

May I ask why the MRCP was ordered? What condition are they monitoring?


I just had an MRCP done it showed a 7mm dilation this is up 2mm from last year according to the report but doctor said no change when they called me. No one seems worried but me, should I get a second opinion ?

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Wasn’t really sure where to put this .
I recently had an MRCP done the report I received said 7mm dilation this is up 2mm from the one I had done last year. The nurse practitioner called and said no change and to follow up with one of the physicians in 6 months. No one seems concerned but me since everything I have read says there is a high risk of cancer. Can anyone shed some light on this subject or just clue me in TIA


I just had an MRCP done it showed a 7mm dilation this is up 2mm from last year according to the report but doctor said no change when they called me. No one seems worried but me, should I get a second opinion ?


Hi, I wanted to add some things that were also alarming to me. My CBD is now dilated to 13, occult ampullary mass,
right adreanal myeliopoma,elavated LTFs,
Dilated Billary ducts,
Severe pancreas atrophy, cluster of T2 hyper intense foci w/ in pancreatic body, one measuring 3mm in tail,probable right adrenal myelollipoma, IPMN present in pancreas
All of this was from MRCP & Carscans done while I hospitalized for Pancreatic in June & July.
Nothing was done
Newest catscan revealed:
CBD dilated to 14 mm,
Lymphatic System: Mild portacaval adenopathy unchanged.
Bilirubin in Urine, High white blood cell
IPMN & neoplasms found

I do have an appointment with Mayo, Dec 14.:);)

But I like to understand what I’m dealing with.
Again I lost 30 lbs in 7 weeks, zero appetite, upper stomach pain( more on left side and pain radiates to left shoulder pain( feels like stabbing)
Diarrhea every day.
I don’t have any jaundice tho.
I would appreciate all & any comments

Every time I have been hospitalized they kept saying they couldn’t do a biopsy if they needed to because I was always do inflamed- Pancreas


I recently went into the ER with abdominal pain accompanied with lower back pain. I had a CT done that showed scattered legions in my liver largest measuring 5 cm. Also discovered was the dilation of my pancreatic duct at 5 mm. My doctor seemed concerned about the cysts on my liver but didn't even mention my pancreas. After looking into the matter I feel that the dilated pancreatic duct could be far more significant than the scattered cysts on my liver.
Should I ask for a referral to a specialist?

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Hello @dtalent

I would like to join Colleen in welcoming you to Mayo Clinic Connect. I am glad that you posted your question regarding the liver lesions and the pancreatic duct problem. I have personally had pancreatic cysts as well as lesions on the liver. I know, as you do, the importance of these two organs, and whenever there is a problem, it is good to follow up.

You mentioned that this was found on a CT when you went to the ER for abdominal pain. Had you any other symptoms prior to that ER visit? I'm thing of digestive tract problems.

Yes, it would be a very good idea to seek a second opinion from a large medical center where they can sort out your symptoms as well as evaluate your CT scan. Large medical centers tend to be more research-oriented and thereby have more resources at their disposal to diagnose and treat problems.

Have you had any other testing done, such as blood work for the liver and pancreas functioning?


Thank you, I live in Spokane, WA we do have Sacred Heart Hospital.


I recently went into the ER with abdominal pain accompanied with lower back pain. I had a CT done that showed scattered legions in my liver largest measuring 5 cm. Also discovered was the dilation of my pancreatic duct at 5 mm. My doctor seemed concerned about the cysts on my liver but didn't even mention my pancreas. After looking into the matter I feel that the dilated pancreatic duct could be far more significant than the scattered cysts on my liver.
Should I ask for a referral to a specialist?

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Hi @dtalent, welcome. You may have noticed that I moved your question to this existing discussion where @kate1951 asked a very similar question: Dilated pancreatic duct: Should I get a second opinion?

I moved your message here so that you can connect with Kate and @hopeful33250. While I'm not qualified to know whether the liver cysts or the dilated pancreatic duct is more concerning, I do agree with asking your doctor questions to understand why they are concerned and what the next steps are. I would also talk to them about a referral to a specialist. Do you have a large medical center near you?


I recently went into the ER with abdominal pain accompanied with lower back pain. I had a CT done that showed scattered legions in my liver largest measuring 5 cm. Also discovered was the dilation of my pancreatic duct at 5 mm. My doctor seemed concerned about the cysts on my liver but didn't even mention my pancreas. After looking into the matter I feel that the dilated pancreatic duct could be far more significant than the scattered cysts on my liver.
Should I ask for a referral to a specialist?


Hello @kate1951

I am glad that the blood work was within a normal range. The "watch and see" that doctors often tell us can be especially frustrating when there are such difficult symptoms as you have experienced.

I'm glad that you are considering a second opinion. It could be that a review of your records by a specialty hospital will provide some answers.

I would encourage you to look at the National Pancreas Foundation website, https://pancreasfoundation.org/. Here you can get information about Pancreas Centers of Excellence, as well as good patient information. The more you can learn the more confident you will feel about your current situation.

I look forward to hearing from you again. Will you continue to post updates as you learn more?

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Thank you so much. I will definitely look into the information you have suggested and also update...soon! Thanks again!

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