Does anyone else have digestive issues? Hard and distended abdomen?

Posted by jillysmity @jillysmity, May 28 3:12pm

Does anyone else have digestive issues? My abdomen gets hard and distended after eating. Somewhat painful. Very loud digestive noises. I was diagnosed with a partial small intestinal blockage, but this doesn’t seem related. Don’t know if it is disease progression. Not eating much because of this. Anyone else???

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My husband has digestive issues if he eats fat and sugar. Soda is particularly bad. He has improved dramatically since removing sodas, sweets and fats from his diet. But his stomach still gurgles and growls frequently regardless.


Hello jillysmity, are you taking Creon before you eat? That may help; it’s by rx only. I also found that papaya enzymes help also and those are sold over the counter. After my surgery of distal pancrectomy and removal of spleen) I has a lot of digestive gurgling, especially after eating, in time those issues went away.


I find if I keep my fats deep fried food, no potato chips, and no creamy, rich stuff like cheesecake, ice cream....I'm OK. As each year passes, I have less and less digestive issues. Patience. (it's been 4.5 years since my Whipple & chemo)


@jillysmity is this related to the malabsorption issue that you wrote about here:
- Anyone experiencing malabsorption?

In both discussions, you mentioned concern for disease progression. Were you able to talk to your oncologist about your concerns? Have you had a follow-up or testing ordered?


I also experience this after eating certain foods, and bave found it to be gas. Taking Beano with meals that include harder to digest foods helps tremendously. Beano is alpha glucosidase, which is yet another enzyme produced by the pancreas that many of us lack. Also, Gas-X (simethicone) helps as well. When I have this bloated feeling, I force myself to get up and moving around and also find relief with heating pad applied to belly.


Over the counter X-lax. 2 pills as you go to bed next morning you’ll get relief. Then always twice a day Psyllium husk & stool softer equate Walmart over the counter. I normally take all that a two X-lax when needed.

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