Diet questions - low protein and dexamathasone complications

Posted by meg1685 @meg1685, Dec 20, 2024

Boy, oh boy! They are not wrong when they say dexamethasone causes increased appetite/weight gain. When I bring this up with the nurses, they discourage me from dieting since I (HOPEFULLY) have ACST coming up soon. Well, I don't care, I'm sick of seeing that scale every week at chemo. I'm already an overweight middle aged lady! This past week, I pretty much fasted the day before chemo (just drank milk enough to take my medications) and I didn't gain. But this isn't really the ideal practice!

More concerning is that my protein levels have been low throughout my high-risk MM journey, hit a stable (low) place, and are now dropping a bit more during chemo round 2. Anyone have success with a high-protein, low fat diet, not keto or anything too severe? (I'd been mostly vegetarian until this all started months ago, and I'm back to eating poultry, red meat, etc. regularly).

Thanks for any thoughts!

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@meg1685 I struggle with protein levels also. In addition to the multiple myeloma, I am an end stage kidney patient, on daily dialysis. Dialysis is notorious for depleting protein stores. What has worked for me is to focus on quality protein. Chicken, fish, turkey, almost no red meat. And I make my own protein shakes, using blueberries, Greek yogurt, almond milk, and protein powder. These shakes are simple to make, and fill me up!

When we are going through these health concerns, reaching out like you have done for others' thoughts and experiences can be invaluable. I am also on dexamethasone, 12mg once a week. Moderate exercise, and mindful living. It's hard, and sometimes I feel like I am hyper-focused on myself. I watch the scale every morning [gotta take vitals each day!] and feel disappointed when it goes up.

Let's see what others have to say about getting our protein levels up!


@meg1685 I struggle with protein levels also. In addition to the multiple myeloma, I am an end stage kidney patient, on daily dialysis. Dialysis is notorious for depleting protein stores. What has worked for me is to focus on quality protein. Chicken, fish, turkey, almost no red meat. And I make my own protein shakes, using blueberries, Greek yogurt, almond milk, and protein powder. These shakes are simple to make, and fill me up!

When we are going through these health concerns, reaching out like you have done for others' thoughts and experiences can be invaluable. I am also on dexamethasone, 12mg once a week. Moderate exercise, and mindful living. It's hard, and sometimes I feel like I am hyper-focused on myself. I watch the scale every morning [gotta take vitals each day!] and feel disappointed when it goes up.

Let's see what others have to say about getting our protein levels up!

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Thanks for this, Ginger! I get it about being hyper-focused on oneself. It's exhausting for sure.

I read your message right as I was walking in to the grocery! Perfect timing, I bought all the protein shake ingredients! I briefly considered having one for dessert tonight, but that means I would have to pass up the Chunky Monkey ice cream in the fridge, quel désastre!

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