Diet during antibiotics for SIBO
I am about (pending insurance coverage for Xifaxin) to begin two weeks of Xifaxin and Neomycin prescribed my my GI due to SIBO test results. After a month on the low FODMAP diet I was feeling moderately better and had started gentle reintroduction but figured I should suspend that whilst on antibiotics. However, a dietician with whom I’ve consulted suggested “eating normally” whilst on the meds “so that the problematic pathogens are more active and more susceptible to elimination.” Thought I’d try to get some feedback from those of you with experience with SIBO treatment whilst waiting for (fingers crossed) insurance approval. My plan lists it as a Tier 2 drug but apparently the doc has to further justify its use. Been down this rabbit hole before with other situations and am cautiously pessimistic.
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My stomach is very bloated and hypersensitive to certain foods.
My SIBO test is approaching. I don’t know if what I have is bloating….but I do have a lot of air…sort of like gas, but different. It just seems like air. Maybe, I swallow air when I eat. My stomach doesn’t seem to be distended. Do have funny taste in mouth,
I do mega spores and pghh. You have to be careful with probiotics. Those with lactobacilus are not good with SIBO, As I understand with my research. Still dealing with SIBO but score is getting better