Did anyone who had prostate removal experience penis length shortening

Posted by patrickpyper @patrickpyper, Jun 20, 2023

I am scheduled for prostate removal on August 28th. I have heard that some men lose length in their penis due to the reattachment of the bladder and urethra which pulls the penis into where the prostate use to be. I have heard over time the bladder will drop into that space and you regain your length. I was hoping anyone who has experienced this could share their story. I also bought a pump hoping that post surgery that might help as well.

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I am at 8 months following my Radical Prostatectomy. My Continence is very close to normal or pre-surgical status. I am able to achieve about 60% of a normal erection. It’s just barely stiff enough to have penetrative sex with my wife. I definitely have lost some length and girth in my Penis. However, until I regain 100% of my full erection ability I won’t actually know for sure. I had a 7+ inch full erection before surgery. I can’t seem to get beyond engorging my Penis anymore than about 60% of normal. I recently purchased a Penis pump to help rehabilitate my Penis in addition to preparing my Penis for a full, hard erection for sexual intercourse. The pump works great for both. It definitely engorges my Penis with more blood than I can manage by self stimulation. It can also give me a hard and firm erection in just a few minutes which I can keep and maintain for 30 minutes. It’s recommended not to exceed 30 minutes of erection with the assistance of the Penis ring you slide on to the base of your Penis after obtaining the level of erection you want to keep for intercourse. Essentially, it prevents the blood from escaping from the base of your Penis in which case you would lose your erection. I use the pump about 20 minutes per day to engorge my penis with blood and then relax it back to a non erection status. I repeat this regime for several minutes at a time. So far, I am very pleased with the versatility and results. This should also eventually rehabilitate my Penis to regain the loss of length and girth I lost as a result of the surgery. It can take between 6-24 months following surgery to regain your normal ability to have full erections. Most men will require some kind of ED medication to assist them in their recovery process to experience normal sexual intercourse. However, every man is different. One can expect to resume the quality of erections they had prior to the surgery. Of course, this also assumes they had a successful “Nerve Sparing” surgery. Good luck and best wishes. It definitely takes time, work and commitment!


Permanent unresponsive erectile dysfunction is all too common after RP. Muscle sparing cannot be guaranteed. Reduced penile length of 1-2 inches is the norm.


I lost about 1.5 to 2 inches. I was also impotent, but not incontinent. I tried the pump, pill, and shots, but finally went with the implant, which is still good at 79 yrs old. The downsides to a short penis that eventually will be overcome are:
1. If not pushed downward while sitting on the toilet pee will squirt between the seat and porcelain - messy
2. Depending on clothing, the short member may be hard to aim correctly and results in missing the target by a wide margin.
As far as sex is concerned, the shorter length has never been a problem with my partner.
Our book “Making Love Again” covers the various options and experiences regarding impotence, but did not cover the implant which took place after publishing. If I were to do it again, I would have had the implant right away.
My decision tree was to rid the cancer based on medical evidence and recommendations. Length in my case was alarming at first, but was manageable in time.
Good luck

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