Did anyone who had prostate removal experience penis length shortening

Posted by patrickpyper @patrickpyper, Jun 20, 2023

I am scheduled for prostate removal on August 28th. I have heard that some men lose length in their penis due to the reattachment of the bladder and urethra which pulls the penis into where the prostate use to be. I have heard over time the bladder will drop into that space and you regain your length. I was hoping anyone who has experienced this could share their story. I also bought a pump hoping that post surgery that might help as well.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Prostate Cancer Support Group.

Here are a couple prostate cancer study links to the Restore X device developed by Mayo Clinic originally for treatment of Perroni‘s disease.

1 -https://www.newswise.com/articles/new-device-helps-restore-penile-length-and-sexual-function-after-prostate-cancer-surgery

2 -https://www.auajournals.org/doi/10.1097/JU.0000000000001792

Here’s a discussion on the subject matter you’re interested in. The above links are from this discussion.


Take care,



I had my surgery in March 2014. While I didn't measure before and after, my sensing was, hmmm, something's amiss. Unlike you, I hadn't read about it nor did my surgeon say anything in pre or post op discussions. It was nerve sparing and at least in my case (a study of one...!) I was eventually (18-24 months later) able to have erections albeit with the support of daily Cialis. Again, I did not measure but my sensing is the original length and girth returned though I can't remember exactly when.



I think there might have been some length shortening and I have to use a evacuation pump but sex is still great. No big deal but I haven't done any measurements since I was a kid. I had high gleason scores and was seventy when I had the big surgery.


My surgeon failed to mention that until about 2 days before the surgery, "Oh, by the way...." LOL, Between the shortening (and I wasn't working with much anyway Haha, TMI?) and the way the orgovyx shrinks the testicles, ooh boy.

Looking forward to that 18-24 mo restoration that @kujhawk1978 mentions....(I know, I know, everyone is different)

Sorry if it sounds glib, just trying to inject a little levity...


My surgeon failed to mention that until about 2 days before the surgery, "Oh, by the way...." LOL, Between the shortening (and I wasn't working with much anyway Haha, TMI?) and the way the orgovyx shrinks the testicles, ooh boy.

Looking forward to that 18-24 mo restoration that @kujhawk1978 mentions....(I know, I know, everyone is different)

Sorry if it sounds glib, just trying to inject a little levity...

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When I was on 18-24 months of Lupron in conjunction with six cycles of taxotere and 25 IMRT to the PLNs in 2017-2018. I mentioned the shrinkage to my genitalia to Dr. Kwon as a part of the side affects. He replied, yes, we took you back to your pre-pubescent days...

I thought for a moment, true...but still, bothered me.

I tell my medical team that our children will look back on today's "slash, poison and burn" approach as we do on the leeches from long ago, best they knew at the time but "barbaric!

Still, given my clinical history, glad to be around 9+ years after my urologist said reviewing my TRUS biopsy said "Kevin, that's a pretty aggressive prostate cancer...!"


During my pre-surgery appointment (January 2023) I asked my doctor about this topic and he answered that penis shortening was a distinct possibility. And yes, it did occur, though I have no actual measurements. My biggest issue is that the end of my flaccid penis is now halfway down my scrotum and the urine irritates the scrotal skin when I leak due to stress incontinence. As incontinence wanes, this will be less of an issue. I purchased a vacuum device and use it daily for penile therapy, along with generic viagra prescribed by my doctor. It is working and, thanks to the pump, my penis seems to be very close to its original length when engorged. In the flaccid state my penis still seems shorter than before the robot assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy.


@jakedduck1 I heard about the restorex device about 6 weeks after RP and used it for about 12 mos. In hindsight, the explanation that the penis is traumatized and the device serves to maintain smooth muscle conditioning during the time it is avoiding further stress seems reasonable. Now out about 16 mos, I only use the device to assist me in administering shots, as the pills have not worked and had unpleasant side effects.
A family member talked about the "loss of length" before I had the RP, but at this point I do not think the loss of length is noticeable. I think there is a loss of engorgement, even with the shot, and perhaps it would be worse if I hadn't used the restorex device while the nerves (and autonomic brain) were recovering.
In any case, out about 16 months, generally my penis looks more like I remember it most of the time, but it still does shrink up under "trauma" or trauma trigger conditions, which include wet cold, chafing, and extended compression--aka swimming, hiking, biking :-).
[Physically, if a typical penis is 14 cm when erect and the loss of length is >1 cm, that is >7%, e.g. insignificant unless you're measuring meticulously, which is probably never a good idea apart from clinical research.]


I did RP, radiation, and hormone treatments. The hormone was Lupron. All three of these worked together to shrink my penis and testicles. I am circumcised, but I now look like I was not. I have a pelvic therapist and a cancer masseuse who are both trying to help. So far, nothing.


It's important to differentiate between flaccid and erect length. I did lose 1-2 cm of flaccid length. But when erect, I noticed no difference (nor does my partner.) Within several weeks of surgery, I started using a Vacurect pump 5-6 times a weeks along with daily sildenafil, the idea being to keep periodic blood/oxygen flow into the organ while it is deprived of its nocturnal erections by the loss of function from the nerves. Since I'm only three months out from surgery, I don't yet know how this will all play out. But with the pump, we are able to engage in "penis-in-vagina" intercourse with similar effectiveness as before, although not for as long a period of time. BTW, I'm 74 y/o...

As to my medical team's communication on the subject, it was talked about, but seemed of no more interest to them then the effects of surgery on my abdominal wall. There are resources online which provide much more depth on the subject. Here are two Australian PTs I've found helpful:



Patrick hope to help by sharing my very new to this experience. My prostatectomy was June 12th and I had catheter removed yesterday June 22 2023. I found catheter was very painful for me , every move hurt, I think most men don’t have as much pain as I did, at least I really hope not. Yesterday I could not see my Penis much at all I had no idea it would go inside that much. I assume do to pain. Nurse said I was first man that had pain during removal of catheter, seems I was tense and squeezing when I should have relaxed. Upon getting home and trying to to pee standing up 2 times . I discovered that my penis was too short to pee standing. This caused peeing down on my testicles an making a mess. Sitting down to pee is much better way for me at this moment . I am hoping that my penis will soon come back out, I have seen little glimpse of it . I do feel all will return in a few days though. I don’t mean to scare you or anyone else, but truth is, it is hard to deal with, but will get better. 59 years old and putting on my first pull up and large pad yesterday was not easy, emotionally that is. Knowing something and experiencing it are two different things. Best thing is I am prostate cancer FREE and knowing that all will get better is REALLY worth the surgery, No regrets again NO REGRETS . I truly feel you will have a much better experience than I did. But know even when things get tough you will be able to get through this. Worry was probably the hardest thing to overcome and most of the time everything is better than I worried about.

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