Did anyone ever get a surprise primary lung cancer finding?

Posted by phylrose1taubezin @phylrose1taubezin, Jun 8, 2023

CT scan because of high 27 29 marker revealed a mass with associated right hilar/mediastinal adenopathy which may reflect a primary lung carcinoma rather than metastatic disease. Possible tissue diagnosis. Freaking out as to the possibility. Thought I was dealing with breast cancer. Can’t seem to get control of the situation.

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I got a suprise one morning when my lung area was hurting thought it was a baseball injury. I had stage 4 lung cancer. EGFR .Had 2yrs. chemo pillis /2years chemo drip .I have no simytons'' Getting ready for spot radiation trial Iam taking 180 mg of melatonin a day to stop it from spreading IT WORKS. lots of luck


No symptoms. They refer to it as a mass not a nodule. Under 3 cm in size. Think that biopsy is needed
Somehow expecting the worse. Thank you for reaching out to me. 💕💕

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Hello @phylrose1taubezin, Has your biopsy been scheduled? How are you holding up?


I got a suprise one morning when my lung area was hurting thought it was a baseball injury. I had stage 4 lung cancer. EGFR .Had 2yrs. chemo pillis /2years chemo drip .I have no simytons'' Getting ready for spot radiation trial Iam taking 180 mg of melatonin a day to stop it from spreading IT WORKS. lots of luck

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Hi @mycancer, Lung cancer is such a shock for many of us. I wouldn't have been surprised to hear I had a different cancer, but lung cancer was a surprise. Some of that comes from an outdated narrative and the stigma associated with lung cancer. I now know, "Anyone with lungs can get lung cancer".
I'm glad you continue to do well. I'm assuming that you were taking Tagrisso? Did that stop working for you?


Hello @phylrose1taubezin, Has your biopsy been scheduled? How are you holding up?

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Pet scan next week and then the biopsy. I'm trying to keep busy but my mind keeps racing to how I'll react to bad news as well as how my family will take it. Thank you for reaching out to me. I wish you well.💕


Pet scan next week and then the biopsy. I'm trying to keep busy but my mind keeps racing to how I'll react to bad news as well as how my family will take it. Thank you for reaching out to me. I wish you well.💕

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Hi @phylrose1taubezin

Hope you are doing okay. What did the PET scan and biopsy indicate?


Hi @phylrose1taubezin

Hope you are doing okay. What did the PET scan and biopsy indicate?

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Just came home from hospital. After scans and biopsies still no results as
to whether it's breast or lung cancer. I have an appointment with the
oncologist next week. Hope there is treatment for all of this. I am in good
health in spite of my age. I'll soon be 85. It's work to keep up this brave
front for family and friends while feeling in such despair. Thanks again
for reaching out to me. I hope you see doing well. πŸ’•πŸ’•


Just came home from hospital. After scans and biopsies still no results as
to whether it's breast or lung cancer. I have an appointment with the
oncologist next week. Hope there is treatment for all of this. I am in good
health in spite of my age. I'll soon be 85. It's work to keep up this brave
front for family and friends while feeling in such despair. Thanks again
for reaching out to me. I hope you see doing well. πŸ’•πŸ’•

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I'm sorry you still don't have answers. How very frustrating. I hope your oncologist will shed some light next week. You're amazing to be in such great health at 85, handling all of this like a champ and still thinking of how to make this easier on others. It's great to minimize their stress by being brave, but also be sure to let them help you so you get the support you need and they don't feel helpless. Please keep us posted.



I'm sorry you still don't have answers. How very frustrating. I hope your oncologist will shed some light next week. You're amazing to be in such great health at 85, handling all of this like a champ and still thinking of how to make this easier on others. It's great to minimize their stress by being brave, but also be sure to let them help you so you get the support you need and they don't feel helpless. Please keep us posted.

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Just came home from hospital. After scans and biopsies still no results as
to whether it's breast or lung cancer. I have an appointment with the
oncologist next week. Hope there is treatment for all of this. I am in good
health in spite of my age. I'll soon be 85. It's work to keep up this brave
front for family and friends while feeling in such despair. Thanks again
for reaching out to me. I hope you see doing well. πŸ’•πŸ’•

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Try to smile. We are all saying a few extra prayers for you.


Just came home from hospital. After scans and biopsies still no results as
to whether it's breast or lung cancer. I have an appointment with the
oncologist next week. Hope there is treatment for all of this. I am in good
health in spite of my age. I'll soon be 85. It's work to keep up this brave
front for family and friends while feeling in such despair. Thanks again
for reaching out to me. I hope you see doing well. πŸ’•πŸ’•

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@phylrose1taubezin, We're all cheering for you and hoping that the biopsy results are conclusive, and you can move forward with whatever plan you need.
It's one thing to deal with the biopsies, doctors, and plans for treatment, it's a whole other mountain to climb when dealing with friends and family who love you and just want you to be positive all the time. I hope you have at least one person that you can be 'real' with. If not, you have us. We get it. After three years, I can accept the cancer for myself, but I have a hard time when I think of those that I may leave behind.
Best of luck with your oncology appointment next week.

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