Developed a Seroma after surgery that didn’t go away on its own?

Posted by mchler73 @mchler73, Sep 14, 2023

I had Lumpectomy surgery on August 1, 2023.
I have developed a very large Saroma near the incision.
My Oncologist examined it and said it’s one of the bigger ones he has seen and typically when they get that large, it doesn’t go away on on its own and may possibly need to be removed.
Has anyone ever had a Seroma after surgery that did not go away on its own?
Thank you!

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I had a seroma just below my mastectomy incision line. My surgeon aspirated it (liquid) at the same time I was having another procedure. In a totally unrelated abdominal hernia surgery I had a large seroma that the surgeon took care of in the office. My seromas were liquid, like a soft bubble.


I had a seroma just below my mastectomy incision line. My surgeon aspirated it (liquid) at the same time I was having another procedure. In a totally unrelated abdominal hernia surgery I had a large seroma that the surgeon took care of in the office. My seromas were liquid, like a soft bubble.

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Thank you for your response!
I hope my surgeon can drain my smaller one.
Once yours was drained, did you feel much better? Did it relieve the swelling and pressure? The one near my nose incision is painful.

I do have to get more tissue taken out of my breast to get clear margins, so I believe the large one can be taken care of at that time.


The mastectomy seroma didn’t bother me too much physically, it just looked menacing. It was drained when I had my chest venous access port surgery. When I woke up there was a band aid in its place, has not returned. Good luck to you!


Thank you for your response!
I hope my surgeon can drain my smaller one.
Once yours was drained, did you feel much better? Did it relieve the swelling and pressure? The one near my nose incision is painful.

I do have to get more tissue taken out of my breast to get clear margins, so I believe the large one can be taken care of at that time.

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Oops, I meant my Node incision, not nose.
That’s great that they haven’t come back.
Thank you 🩷


I had a unilateral mastectomy on 7/19 and a drain was put it. However, the drain didn't work because there was a blood clot under the skin. I kept calling about it and kept getting reassured. When it was after hours, a bunch of fluid came out onto my clothes! When I saw my surgeon for 1 week post-op, she could see the problem and removed the drain. She then used a syringe to aspirate the seroma, had me continue wearing compression around my chest. I returned and was aspirated 3 more times (?) and it kept coming back. Another drain was put in at this point and it functioned for the next two weeks and finally the amount of fluid started to decrease. She took out the second drain and now we are waiting 3 weeks to see if the smaller amount of fluid will get absorbed and allow the skin to grow together so there will be no more pocket in which the fluid can gather. I am hopeful that we can be done with this in the next couple of weeks. More of an annoyance than anything. Mine hasn't been painful but it's required multiple trips to the office. Wishing you speedy resolution!


I had a unilateral mastectomy on 7/19 and a drain was put it. However, the drain didn't work because there was a blood clot under the skin. I kept calling about it and kept getting reassured. When it was after hours, a bunch of fluid came out onto my clothes! When I saw my surgeon for 1 week post-op, she could see the problem and removed the drain. She then used a syringe to aspirate the seroma, had me continue wearing compression around my chest. I returned and was aspirated 3 more times (?) and it kept coming back. Another drain was put in at this point and it functioned for the next two weeks and finally the amount of fluid started to decrease. She took out the second drain and now we are waiting 3 weeks to see if the smaller amount of fluid will get absorbed and allow the skin to grow together so there will be no more pocket in which the fluid can gather. I am hopeful that we can be done with this in the next couple of weeks. More of an annoyance than anything. Mine hasn't been painful but it's required multiple trips to the office. Wishing you speedy resolution!

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Ugh, how frustrating for you! I hope you get it resolved very soon!

Yeah I’m not sure what to think. I’m not sure why I developed a Saroma near both incisions!
During the Lumpectomy, the surgeon said she took out the tumor and some tissue around it and it ended up being the size of a Lemon, so I can understand why it formed there, as the space was big. This one doesn’t really bother me, it’s just large.

The other incision was from the sentinel node biopsy surgery and 2 nodes were taken out. I don’t think there should have been a big space there but the Saroma still formed and this is the one that hurts.
I have an appointment on Monday to see when my next surgery is and I’m hoping it can be drained.

Thank you for your response.
It is nice to be able to hear others experiences.


Oops, I meant my Node incision, not nose.
That’s great that they haven’t come back.
Thank you 🩷

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My seroma was in my armpit near my SLNB incision and it hurt, but they drained it and it came back a week or so later but after the 2nd time they drained it, it never came back 🙂 The end time though at night i would put heating pad under my arm because I also had nerve damage running down the back of my arm but I massaged it and it too went away on it's own after about a month. Surgery is traumatic for our bodies, and sometimes our bodies just get angry and don't behave nicely.


My seroma was in my armpit near my SLNB incision and it hurt, but they drained it and it came back a week or so later but after the 2nd time they drained it, it never came back 🙂 The end time though at night i would put heating pad under my arm because I also had nerve damage running down the back of my arm but I massaged it and it too went away on it's own after about a month. Surgery is traumatic for our bodies, and sometimes our bodies just get angry and don't behave nicely.

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Yes, I feel like it’s almost pulling on my armpit area and the back of my arm is really sore to the touch.
Fingers crossed draining it once will do the trick!

Thank you for your response. It’s good to know other’s experienced something similar and it’s not just me!


I had a double mastectomy and developed one under my left arm, where three lymph nodes were removed. Had it aspirated in my surgeons office numerous times, but kept coming back. When I transferred my care to Mayo, I was able to have it drained. They leave surgical drain tubes in until there is very little fluid left and then the drains are removed. It never came back. Hope you find your solution. Not everyone needs a drain.


I had a double mastectomy and developed one under my left arm, where three lymph nodes were removed. Had it aspirated in my surgeons office numerous times, but kept coming back. When I transferred my care to Mayo, I was able to have it drained. They leave surgical drain tubes in until there is very little fluid left and then the drains are removed. It never came back. Hope you find your solution. Not everyone needs a drain.

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Thank you! That is very good to know.
I am hoping to have it drained once and be done with it, but it’s really giving me problems right now so I’m not sure it will be that simple.
With me, nothing ever seems to be simple, Lol!
Thanks again for your response.

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