Dental work while on Reclast

Posted by hlp123 @hlp123, Oct 4, 2022

I had an infusion of Reclast in March 2022 as a transition drug to stop taking Prolia. I had a tooth break off at the gum last week and saw an oral surgeon yesterday and he said he needs to remove the root of the tooth before it becomes infected. Has anyone had invasive dental work, such as this while on Reclast ?
Please let me know about your experience.
Thank you,

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Good morning, @cat714. Looking through discussions in the forum this morning, I wasn’t able to find mention of the patients having LANAP Laser treatments. However, from my experience in seeing this in action, it is a much less invasive and virtually painless way to treat gum tissue disease than with conventional gum surgery.

I found a good article that you might be interested in reading that explains the procedure.

Are you having this done to treat periodontal disease or for gum contouring?

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Thanks for replying. Am getting it done for periodontal disease. I'm 71 & have had it most of my adult life.
I've done deep cleanings twice. Flap surgery & now trying this as last resort.
Have all of my teeth but 2 molars. Wanted to just get dentures but my dentist talked me out of it.

I have one scheduled in April. I'm hoping the
very expensive $$ laser works.


Thanks for replying. Am getting it done for periodontal disease. I'm 71 & have had it most of my adult life.
I've done deep cleanings twice. Flap surgery & now trying this as last resort.
Have all of my teeth but 2 molars. Wanted to just get dentures but my dentist talked me out of it.

I have one scheduled in April. I'm hoping the
very expensive $$ laser works.

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I’m with your dentist!! Keep your natural teeth as long as you can! You’ll be a lot happier in the long run. There’s nothing like your ‘factory installed teeth’. 😉.

If you’re interested, I found a pretty good animated video online that shows how the LANAP laser works for periodontal disease.

At the risk of sounding like a commercial, I really think you’ll see and feel a difference with this LANAP procedure. The deep cleanings and flap surgery have long been the standards for treating advanced periodontal disease. The laser technique has revolutionized the treatment.

I hope you’ll let me know after you’ve had this done in April! I’d like to hear about your experience. Will you share it with me?


Hi Holly. I can’t see your mouth to know why your gums are bleeding but thrush may be to blame, since you have an ongoing case.
Bleeding gums can also be a sign of periodontal disease, which can lead bone loss and ultimately tooth loss.
I’m wondering if you have bone loss around the teeth that need removing. If that’s the case, then there can be little gaps or periodontal pockets around these teeth. No matter how careful or meticulous you are at brushing, food and bacteria can still collect in those areas. That can cause inflammation and gum bleeding.
Are you also having bleeding around the lower teeth that will be saved? I think you mentioned recently having a cleaning. Did the hygienist mention anything about gingivitis or periodontal disease? Can you determine exactly the area that bleeds the most?

I thought of one more thing to help you beat this bout of thrush besides the coconut oil and plain yogurt.
Try brushing your tongue gently, several times per day. Start in the back and move forward, brushing and making circles on your tongue with the brush. You can use toothpaste if you wish. The goal is to break up the yeast colonies on your tongue, cheeks or roof of mouth to keep them from multiplying.
The coconut oil helps to keep them from forming as well, but the more you can destroy the easier it is to get this under control. Not sure if it helps or not, but every night after my last brushing, I pour 97% rubbing alcohol over my toothbrush to disinfect it.

You’re a kindred spirit with the plain yogurt and blueberries! That’s how I eat it too! It’s also important to avoid extra sugars and starchy foods. Yeast loves sugar so anything you can do to avoid that will also help you.

Here’s a little article on the benefits of the coconut oil!
Let me know if you see any improvement!

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Dear Lori,
Thank you so much for all the information !!!!!
I have carefully brushed my teeth and when I only brush the bottom teeth there is no bleeding. I only have four teeth on top and when I gently brush them it is clear that this is where the bleeding is coming from. You mentioned that there might be spaces in between these teeth and I can see that they do have spaces in between. I was very surprised that the dentist did not seem to think that the bleeding was a problem. I guess he must know that soon those upper teeth will be gone and that will solve the problem. He did examine my mouth completely and my throat and he said he did not see any evidence of thrush, so I should just use mouth wash after I brush and remember to rinse my mouth after I use my inhaler. I know I had white patches that came out of my mouth a month ago so I guess this means it is now under control. I will add the tongue brushing and continue doing all of your suggestions because I do not want it to return ! Or does it really ever go away completely ? And I was concerned about having four teeth pulled and the chance of thrush being introduced into the open cavities.
No mention of gingivitis or periodontal disease at the cleaning, but they did do a "deep water flushing" around each tooth. I don't know what to call it but they used water under pressure to go between the gums and each tooth on the lower jaw only. You are so patient with me and I admit that I worry . I just really don't want to get thrush is my lungs, since I have severe COPD, and or my circulatory system.
I read the article on coconut oil.
Thank you,


Dear Lori,
Thank you so much for all the information !!!!!
I have carefully brushed my teeth and when I only brush the bottom teeth there is no bleeding. I only have four teeth on top and when I gently brush them it is clear that this is where the bleeding is coming from. You mentioned that there might be spaces in between these teeth and I can see that they do have spaces in between. I was very surprised that the dentist did not seem to think that the bleeding was a problem. I guess he must know that soon those upper teeth will be gone and that will solve the problem. He did examine my mouth completely and my throat and he said he did not see any evidence of thrush, so I should just use mouth wash after I brush and remember to rinse my mouth after I use my inhaler. I know I had white patches that came out of my mouth a month ago so I guess this means it is now under control. I will add the tongue brushing and continue doing all of your suggestions because I do not want it to return ! Or does it really ever go away completely ? And I was concerned about having four teeth pulled and the chance of thrush being introduced into the open cavities.
No mention of gingivitis or periodontal disease at the cleaning, but they did do a "deep water flushing" around each tooth. I don't know what to call it but they used water under pressure to go between the gums and each tooth on the lower jaw only. You are so patient with me and I admit that I worry . I just really don't want to get thrush is my lungs, since I have severe COPD, and or my circulatory system.
I read the article on coconut oil.
Thank you,

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Holly, I think if you’re not seeing the white patches anymore that the thrush is gone. This thrush sounded localized so don’t be too concerned that it is spreading. You’d know!
So continue with rinsing after using the inhaler. You could use a little salt water rinse when you do that. A 1/4 teaspoon of salt in a cup of lukewarm water. Just swish for 30 seconds or so and spit it out. Maybe repeat once or twice. That should help.
This will still be important to do when you have your denture so you don’t develop thrush under it. Again this is just routine brushing and daily hygiene.

You’ll need to clean the denture daily by brushing or soaking with a denture cleaner. You can use your regularly toothpaste too.
A good trick to make sure nothing happens if you drop the denture when cleaning is to put water in your bathroom basin. That way if it slips from your fingers, your denture will hit the water first. ☺️

Thank you for explaining about the bleeding. It’s encouraging that it’s only involving the upper remaining teeth that are destined for removal. There’s not much that can be done for them anymore and honestly, this will be so much better for your health at this point to have them out. They are a source of inflammation that will go away when the teeth are gone and the bleeding should stop.

Give the coconut oil pulling a try. I know it’s not inexpensive to buy but you can also use it in cooking, on your face and skin as a moisturizer, etc. And it keeps for a long time without refrigeration. But it actually may help improve your over all oral health and keep any thrush limited.

We’ll get you through this!! 🥰


Holly, I think if you’re not seeing the white patches anymore that the thrush is gone. This thrush sounded localized so don’t be too concerned that it is spreading. You’d know!
So continue with rinsing after using the inhaler. You could use a little salt water rinse when you do that. A 1/4 teaspoon of salt in a cup of lukewarm water. Just swish for 30 seconds or so and spit it out. Maybe repeat once or twice. That should help.
This will still be important to do when you have your denture so you don’t develop thrush under it. Again this is just routine brushing and daily hygiene.

You’ll need to clean the denture daily by brushing or soaking with a denture cleaner. You can use your regularly toothpaste too.
A good trick to make sure nothing happens if you drop the denture when cleaning is to put water in your bathroom basin. That way if it slips from your fingers, your denture will hit the water first. ☺️

Thank you for explaining about the bleeding. It’s encouraging that it’s only involving the upper remaining teeth that are destined for removal. There’s not much that can be done for them anymore and honestly, this will be so much better for your health at this point to have them out. They are a source of inflammation that will go away when the teeth are gone and the bleeding should stop.

Give the coconut oil pulling a try. I know it’s not inexpensive to buy but you can also use it in cooking, on your face and skin as a moisturizer, etc. And it keeps for a long time without refrigeration. But it actually may help improve your over all oral health and keep any thrush limited.

We’ll get you through this!! 🥰

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Dear Lori, Thank you, for all of your information !!!!
Things seem to be going well. I don't see any indication of thrush ( at least I don't see any white patches), I am following your wonderful advice ! I am still concerned about all of the bleeding, when I brush my teeth. It is tempting to just avoid the top four teeth all together since that is where the bleeding is coming from. I have an appointment with the dentist on Tuesday to have some fillings on my lower teeth and to move forward with the timeline to have the remaining upper teeth extracted. You have been so wonderful about sending me the questions that I should ask before each appointment. What do you think I should ask, and know for sure before I move on to the oral surgeon ? The dentist I see on this coming Tuesday is the dentist who is "making" the denture. He said that he would be discussing my situation with the oral surgeon before I see him on Tuesday, so I certainly want to know the outcome of that discussion.
Thank you, Holly


Dear Lori, Thank you, for all of your information !!!!
Things seem to be going well. I don't see any indication of thrush ( at least I don't see any white patches), I am following your wonderful advice ! I am still concerned about all of the bleeding, when I brush my teeth. It is tempting to just avoid the top four teeth all together since that is where the bleeding is coming from. I have an appointment with the dentist on Tuesday to have some fillings on my lower teeth and to move forward with the timeline to have the remaining upper teeth extracted. You have been so wonderful about sending me the questions that I should ask before each appointment. What do you think I should ask, and know for sure before I move on to the oral surgeon ? The dentist I see on this coming Tuesday is the dentist who is "making" the denture. He said that he would be discussing my situation with the oral surgeon before I see him on Tuesday, so I certainly want to know the outcome of that discussion.
Thank you, Holly

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Good morning, Holly! Your dental appointment tomorrow should be informative about your upcoming extractions and denture. Listen to what he has to say first, then it will be easier to think of questions you may want to ask. He may answer most things in his consultation with you on Tuesday. Take notes or have him print a copy of his treatment plan so you have it. But certainly don’t hesitate to ask him questions at that appointment. ☺️

About those 4 remaining teeth. Please keep on brushing and taking care of them as well. Since there’s bleeding around the gum tissue that indicates inflammation or infection. So keeping them as clean as possible, even though they’re destined for removal is still important. I can’t help but think you’ll feel some health improvement when they’re gone…they’re a chronic source of inflammation for you right now.

Happy to hear the thrush is gone. Keep up the good work and let me know what you find out tomorrow. Sending a hug, Lori.


Good morning, Holly! Your dental appointment tomorrow should be informative about your upcoming extractions and denture. Listen to what he has to say first, then it will be easier to think of questions you may want to ask. He may answer most things in his consultation with you on Tuesday. Take notes or have him print a copy of his treatment plan so you have it. But certainly don’t hesitate to ask him questions at that appointment. ☺️

About those 4 remaining teeth. Please keep on brushing and taking care of them as well. Since there’s bleeding around the gum tissue that indicates inflammation or infection. So keeping them as clean as possible, even though they’re destined for removal is still important. I can’t help but think you’ll feel some health improvement when they’re gone…they’re a chronic source of inflammation for you right now.

Happy to hear the thrush is gone. Keep up the good work and let me know what you find out tomorrow. Sending a hug, Lori.

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Dear Lori,
Today, just a quick up-date that I arrived for my dental appointment yesterday and they had no record of my appointment and the doctor was booked solid through
the day, so I had to reschedule. Mix-up's happen !
My appointment is not until Thursday, I will fill you in on how that goes. Thank you again !
Hugs from Holly


Dear Lori,
Today, just a quick up-date that I arrived for my dental appointment yesterday and they had no record of my appointment and the doctor was booked solid through
the day, so I had to reschedule. Mix-up's happen !
My appointment is not until Thursday, I will fill you in on how that goes. Thank you again !
Hugs from Holly

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Dear Lori,
Just a quick note to let you know that there is nothing new to report ! I had my appointment and two fillings were addressed but the dentist found three? new cavities that have to be filled. The upper denture was available so he fitted it in as well as he could over my remaining four upper teeth and he said it looked good to him. I need to have these three cavities filled and have the remaining teeth extracted. I will keep you informed. With the Holidays coming up, these appointments are weeks apart. Thank you, again for your support and I am sure I will need help with the extractions. No sign of the Thrush ! Thank you, Holly


Dear Lori,
Just a quick note to let you know that there is nothing new to report ! I had my appointment and two fillings were addressed but the dentist found three? new cavities that have to be filled. The upper denture was available so he fitted it in as well as he could over my remaining four upper teeth and he said it looked good to him. I need to have these three cavities filled and have the remaining teeth extracted. I will keep you informed. With the Holidays coming up, these appointments are weeks apart. Thank you, again for your support and I am sure I will need help with the extractions. No sign of the Thrush ! Thank you, Holly

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Hi Holly! I can picture everything that went on in your dental visit. Sounds like things are right on track for your new smile. ☺️ I really think you’re going to breeze right through those extractions. Because of the lack of bone support around those 4 remaining teeth, they should be easy peasy to remove and I wouldn’t anticipate much discomfort after the anesthesia wears off.
I know it’s so hard to wait but this will happen soon enough and one big project will be out of the way! Keep me updated. Sending a big hug!! ☺️


Hi Holly! I can picture everything that went on in your dental visit. Sounds like things are right on track for your new smile. ☺️ I really think you’re going to breeze right through those extractions. Because of the lack of bone support around those 4 remaining teeth, they should be easy peasy to remove and I wouldn’t anticipate much discomfort after the anesthesia wears off.
I know it’s so hard to wait but this will happen soon enough and one big project will be out of the way! Keep me updated. Sending a big hug!! ☺️

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Dear Lori,
Thank you for your response ! I have not had the consultation with the oral surgeon yet. Does this mean that I will need an anesthesia ? I guess I was thinking that I would just get shots of Lidocaine ? I need to secure the appointment with the surgeon. The dentist said the surgeon should want an appointment for a consultation and then an appointment for the extraction. Can you send me a list of what I should ask during the consultation ?Thank you so much.

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