Diagnosed with DCIS: How do I decide on treatment?

Posted by tctredwell1 @tctredwell1, Aug 23, 2022

I was diagnosed with DCIS. I have to go in for a breast MRI with contrast tomorrow to see how active the cancer is. If it’s contained and not very active, do I have to have a lumpectomy?

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Hi, I am new to this group so forgive me if I sound scared right now. I was just recently diagnosed with DCIS (microcalcifications in my upper right breast). I went to visit my breast surgeon for the first time yesterday and she said I need an MRI as a few things look concerning to her. I was told the "other" things noted in my u/s and diagnostic mammogram were cysts. This is located right by my nipple area which means I wouldn't be a candidate for NPS. My question is, can DCIS be located in multiple parts of the breast? Or is this now considered a possible IDC with DCIS? It is such a mind game and now I have wait 1.5 weeks for my MRI. I am most concerned with what type of treatment I will need if this is now a mass and microcalcifications. I am planning on a bi-lateral mastectomy to no have to worry about this coming back. Thanks for your help everyone, this is so scary.


Hi, I am new to this group so forgive me if I sound scared right now. I was just recently diagnosed with DCIS (microcalcifications in my upper right breast). I went to visit my breast surgeon for the first time yesterday and she said I need an MRI as a few things look concerning to her. I was told the "other" things noted in my u/s and diagnostic mammogram were cysts. This is located right by my nipple area which means I wouldn't be a candidate for NPS. My question is, can DCIS be located in multiple parts of the breast? Or is this now considered a possible IDC with DCIS? It is such a mind game and now I have wait 1.5 weeks for my MRI. I am most concerned with what type of treatment I will need if this is now a mass and microcalcifications. I am planning on a bi-lateral mastectomy to no have to worry about this coming back. Thanks for your help everyone, this is so scary.

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I know this is terrifying and waiting is the worst but try to breathe. 😔 Deep breaths in and out. I know that sounds ridiculous but it allows your body to relax a little.
I know what it is like to make yourself crazy with “what ifs”. I have had to learn to say, I will get through what comes, when it gets here. Give yourself grace, you are going through a lot.
I also have to contain my worry time to 30 minutes morning and night. Then I can say to myself, not now…………you can worry about that tonight, and remain in the present. This self talk helps me get through the waiting.
I have also learned to write down all the questions I have, then when I am with the doctor I can make sure they all get answered.
Your MRI is scheduled, do you have a follow up appointment with the surgeon?


Hi, I am new to this group so forgive me if I sound scared right now. I was just recently diagnosed with DCIS (microcalcifications in my upper right breast). I went to visit my breast surgeon for the first time yesterday and she said I need an MRI as a few things look concerning to her. I was told the "other" things noted in my u/s and diagnostic mammogram were cysts. This is located right by my nipple area which means I wouldn't be a candidate for NPS. My question is, can DCIS be located in multiple parts of the breast? Or is this now considered a possible IDC with DCIS? It is such a mind game and now I have wait 1.5 weeks for my MRI. I am most concerned with what type of treatment I will need if this is now a mass and microcalcifications. I am planning on a bi-lateral mastectomy to no have to worry about this coming back. Thanks for your help everyone, this is so scary.

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Hello, I was diagnosed with DCIS in November 2022. I had two areas in the right breast, around 10mm each and one small area in the left breast, around 2mm. All diagnosed within one year from my last mammogram. I had a double mastectomy, no reconstruction, in January 2023. Final pathology showed only DCIS, lymph nodes were clear, no radiation or hormone blockers needed. All this to say it is possible to have DCIs in more than one area. Stay strong, you can get through this.


I was diagnosed as DCIS in Situ: Solid intermediate nuclear grade, Margins Clear
Had surgery on 1/25/23
Seen oncologist today for treatment, he told me that I need chemo once a week for
12 weeks. It is just sinking in. I thought my diagnosis does not require chemo.
I have 1st round in one week but I am now anxious to get a 2nd opinion.
Has anyone gotten chemo for this grade of breast cancer? I am not eligible for
the MRI because I have only 1 kidney.

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I have DCIS and was surprised I needed chemo. I have invasive that is in at least 1 lymph node, plus have a high Oncotype DX score of 28 so chemo is my best chance for a cure.
I only have 1 kidney and can get breast MRIs.


I have been diagnosed with intraductal carcinoma, solid type, low grade 1, with associated microcalcifications and no invasive carcinoma is identified, (per pathology report). Is this the same as DCIS? I have been scheduled for a lumpectomy to be followed with radiation. I have also been scheduled to have sentinel node biopsy at the same time. I am 70 years old and since the cancer is solely inside the duct, I do not want to have the node biopsy. I would appreaciate any thoughts and/or experiences anyone has had with this. Thank you.


I was diagnosed as DCIS in Situ: Solid intermediate nuclear grade, Margins Clear
Had surgery on 1/25/23
Seen oncologist today for treatment, he told me that I need chemo once a week for
12 weeks. It is just sinking in. I thought my diagnosis does not require chemo.
I have 1st round in one week but I am now anxious to get a 2nd opinion.
Has anyone gotten chemo for this grade of breast cancer? I am not eligible for
the MRI because I have only 1 kidney.

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I was diagnosed with DCIS 18 months ago … Grade 3. I had two lumpectomies to make margins were clear … 20 radiation treatments and am on hormone suppressant meds for five years. I have not heard of chemo used for treating DCIS. I agree with others and would get a second opinion.


I was diagnosed with dogs in August2022. I had a lumpectomy +radiation(4 weeks). After this took place the doctor put me on tamoxifen for 5 years. I can't handle this medication. What would happen if I don't take this medication?


I was diagnosed with dogs in August2022. I had a lumpectomy +radiation(4 weeks). After this took place the doctor put me on tamoxifen for 5 years. I can't handle this medication. What would happen if I don't take this medication?

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There are alternatives to tamoxifen. Ask your doctor about these other medications. You have a choice.

Please let us know what your doctor/s say and good luck.


I have been diagnosed with intraductal carcinoma, solid type, low grade 1, with associated microcalcifications and no invasive carcinoma is identified, (per pathology report). Is this the same as DCIS? I have been scheduled for a lumpectomy to be followed with radiation. I have also been scheduled to have sentinel node biopsy at the same time. I am 70 years old and since the cancer is solely inside the duct, I do not want to have the node biopsy. I would appreaciate any thoughts and/or experiences anyone has had with this. Thank you.

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I would get the sentinel node biopsy if this were me. It is one or two nodes not all of them, and I wouldn’t want to find out later that it had already spread to the nodes and has now travelled elsewhere.
They call it a sentinel because it is like a guard shack, they will know if the cancer has come this way.
It is a small surgery and brings large peace of mind.
Is there something specific about this that makes you not want to have it?


I was diagnosed with DCIS 18 months ago … Grade 3. I had two lumpectomies to make margins were clear … 20 radiation treatments and am on hormone suppressant meds for five years. I have not heard of chemo used for treating DCIS. I agree with others and would get a second opinion.

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Thank you, As it turns out, the original diagnosis was indeed DCIS in Situ.
However, there is since an Addendum which reads Invasive Carcinoma etc.
for which chemo is advised. I am seeing another oncologist on the 3rd of March for another opinion before scheduling the 1st round of chemo for which I am
advised I will need once a week for 12 weeks, then once every 3 weeks for a
This came as quite a shock and I am not looking forward to the next months.
Pray for me as this came totally unexpected. The DCIS is a small part of
the original diagnosis. Lesson: Don't jump the gun!

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