Looking for DCIS Surgeon and Reconstructive Surgeon Recommendations

Posted by rylee2019 @rylee2019, Jun 11 7:32am

I was diagnosed with DCIS in my left breast and after a MRI, they found DCIS in another location in the left breast. I am 30 days post diagnosis. I'm in Colorado, but we have a home in Scottsdale too. I would like to be seen at the Mayo. Can anyone speak to (1) how much time they had between diagnosis and their surgery and (2) who was their surgeon and reconstructive plastic surgeon and did they feel they had a good result.

Thank you!

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Welcome to Mayo Connect,

The time between diagnosis and surgery varies. Most people's first response is "take it out". But taking the time to understand your treatment options and make sure you are selecting the best treatment plan for your situation is more important than how fast you can get into surgery.

Mine was actually 6 months because I was on a hormone therapy to shrink tumor prior to surgery. My surgeon was in Rochester and it was just for lumpectomy and removal of few lymph nodes, so I can not recommend a reconstruction surgeon.

If want to follow up with Mayo, you can self refer yourself or ask your provider to refer you to Mayo.

If you would like to refer yourself, start with filling out the intake form or calling the Mayo Clinic location of your preference. Both can be found here: http://mayocl.in/1mtmR63

When filling out the form, you will be asked questions about your location (within the US or international), your main concern and insurance coverage (optional). These are short answer questions to schedule a phone appointment with the scheduler. When you talk with the scheduler, you will be able to give more information and elaborate on the short answers.

Did they do a biopsy and are there any suspicious lymph nodes?


Thank you for your advice, Laurie. I had my first biopsy before having a MRI. It was contained . No lymph nodes involved. The MRI then picked up an area that was "suspicious" and after a second biopsy found it to be DCIS behind the nipple. No lymph node involvement. I'm worried because my surgeon here locally said I should not have more than 60 days between diagnosis and surgery so the clock is ticking and I feel rushed.


Thank you for your advice, Laurie. I had my first biopsy before having a MRI. It was contained . No lymph nodes involved. The MRI then picked up an area that was "suspicious" and after a second biopsy found it to be DCIS behind the nipple. No lymph node involvement. I'm worried because my surgeon here locally said I should not have more than 60 days between diagnosis and surgery so the clock is ticking and I feel rushed.

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Don't feel rushed. DCIS is "PRE" cancer.


I had something similar. Diagnosed 2-13-23 . Surgery was 4-4-23. MRI showed DCIS smaller than what it actually was(4cm). I also had a small invasive 1.9mm, they did take 3 lymph nodes to make sure no cancer spread. The only reason I got into a doctor so quickly was due to a cancellation. I was at MD Anderson in Houston. I had lumpectomy on left breast and reconstruction on both. I’m 60


Thank you for your advice, Laurie. I had my first biopsy before having a MRI. It was contained . No lymph nodes involved. The MRI then picked up an area that was "suspicious" and after a second biopsy found it to be DCIS behind the nipple. No lymph node involvement. I'm worried because my surgeon here locally said I should not have more than 60 days between diagnosis and surgery so the clock is ticking and I feel rushed.

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Don’t feel rushed! I had my mammogram in November last year which picked up calcifications . Two weeks later had the biopsies, which showed AHD in two spots. Had them removed end of February this year. Once the final pathology report came back it showed an extremely small area of DCIS. So I did radiation in May. I never once felt like oh my god I have to get this out ASAP! I just did what the doctors told me and assumed it was in a timely manner. Good luck . You will be fine 🙂

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