Daxiltaxol chemotherapy patients experiences

Posted by jwkelly72 @jwkelly72, Jul 28, 2023

I would like to know what you're going through or went through with it for chemo. I read about the common side effects and won't be trying it( life threatening infections, nerve pain-numbness that is either for weeks, months, permanent .)

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Hi jwkelly72,
Good for you for making an informed decision! My husband has lung cancer and had both Chemotherapy and Keytruda. We read the side effects but were convinced by the doctor, that they were rare side effects and that the therapy would help immensely. After having these treatments, my husband almost died by contracting Pancreatitis a known side effect! It was because of our very good primary doctor and prayers, that he got to the right specialist and after a long battle, my husband was fine. However, he says he will never have another Keytruda or Chemotherapy treatment. The doctors don't like that decision but it is my husband's body and money! (Chemotherapy cost $20,000 per infusion and Keytruda cost $25,000 per infusion) He received two infusions per month. That was 5 years ago. My husband is doing great! He's 82 and leaf blows the yard, trims trees, carries heavy garbage bags to the dumpster, drives the car and fixes breakfast, lunch and dinner! He also folds the laundry and unloads the dishwasher! We eat healthy and for us, that is Allen Brothers filet mignon and steak burgers and lots of vegetables. Personally, I think that diet and God is what cured him.

It's nice that you are making your own decisions! I wish you the best with your cancer. I will say a prayer for you.


Thank you so much, as I routinely remind my oncologist team " it's my cancer " They won't be the ones that would suffer. I'm looking into what possible clinical trials there are for me that I would do in my area. Waiting for the info after my medical records are checked. Fortunately I'm doing pretty good with my own home regiment. Will see what I feel my best options are and let God and Jesus guide me. Blessings to you both, glad he recovered, it's a nightmare at times. I remember how starving to death from cancer was easy and painless, then the surgeries for feeding tubes and negligent care by them was the nightmare. 135 pounds now gives me wiggle room to experiment which I will do on my terms. Take care

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