Daily headache pain: How did you get relief?

Posted by shack @shack, Jul 21, 2024

My wife has a daily headache, nothing seems to help but a steroid shot in the neck will give her a couple months relief, only allowed 3 of these in a year, then its back every day. Can anyone tell me if they have had this and how got relief.

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i suffer from chronic headaches and Migraines. i take a monthly shot of Aimovig (erenumab-aooe). 70 mg/mL. without it i get physically sick. vomiting, the migraines will last for days. plus i take Rizatriptan Benzoate Tablets 10 mgs. as a backup if a migraine should start. Barometric Pressure changes trigger mine. is the headaches localized to certain spots of the head? @danny5


All over the top of my head. Thank yo.


Has your wife ever had a MRI of her brain/cervical spine? I had a spinal cord compression injury treated with ACDF c5-c6 surgery which relieved my daily headaches/neck and shoulder pain plus improved other neurological symptoms below that level.


5 years and counting now every single day of my life. Docs cannot figure it out and I have been to the best of the best. Where do you live?


5 years and counting now every single day of my life. Docs cannot figure it out and I have been to the best of the best. Where do you live?

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We live in Kansas, wife has had it for many years. Tried everything too.

Thank you.


Has your wife ever had a MRI of her brain/cervical spine? I had a spinal cord compression injury treated with ACDF c5-c6 surgery which relieved my daily headaches/neck and shoulder pain plus improved other neurological symptoms below that level.

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Yes she has, seems to be no problem there

Thank you.


Yes she has, seems to be no problem there

Thank you.

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You really need to make sure you read the MRI reports because I have had 2 different doctors miss my spinal cord compression/flattening which means injury. My third doctor looked at the results and listened to my symptoms and suggested surgery asap to stop the further injury of my spinal cord.


All over the top of my head. Thank yo.

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some of the headaches could be Tension, Migraines, Sinus infections, poor posture, multiple types and combos. maybe an injury to the neck. no matter how old it is. best recommendation is to see a Neurologist and see if you can get an MRI done. to pinpoint the problem. good luck, danny5 💙💙.


She's had one , they say the cushion between her vertebrae is pretty much gone. No surgery.



I have been living with a daily headache for about the last 15 years. My neurologist has tried every scan and every new therapy out there and nothing worked. She finally asked for an MRI to examine the blood vessels in my head.
There was an incidental finding of three small unruptured aneurysms. If an aneurysm happens to press on a nerve, this could cause headaches. Perhaps you could have this investigated. All the best to you.

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