Has anyone had experience using cymbalta for pain relief?

Posted by Always Hopeful @AlwaysHopeful, Mar 26, 2017

Has anyone had experience using cymbala for pain relief?

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If I take a 1/2 of Tramadol sometimes at night is that bad for body?

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No. Don't worry about it.


Oh wow, misery does love company...or at least "like" it. It is so nice to know I am not the only one with the "Drug Thing". I always take CBD once a day. I have Blood pressure meds, morning routine! Big Deal. The night, the sleep is the BIG problem. I can take this and that, but have never found anything that is not addicting, or harmful that actually works. I am close to 88, so my excuse is that who cares if I am addicted at this age? But then, I think, what if I live to 100? Yikes, I am sure the side effects will take over by then...then what? I am wired...lots of energy most of the time, but the inspiration to do a lot is not staring me down. I like people, but I have also found that I can drop you like a hot cake if you get weird or say (what I think is) stupid stuff. But back to my PN pain meds. What is the winner? is it important to change it up? Me thinks I could get addicted to more than one? LOL. Ideas?


Oh wow, misery does love company...or at least "like" it. It is so nice to know I am not the only one with the "Drug Thing". I always take CBD once a day. I have Blood pressure meds, morning routine! Big Deal. The night, the sleep is the BIG problem. I can take this and that, but have never found anything that is not addicting, or harmful that actually works. I am close to 88, so my excuse is that who cares if I am addicted at this age? But then, I think, what if I live to 100? Yikes, I am sure the side effects will take over by then...then what? I am wired...lots of energy most of the time, but the inspiration to do a lot is not staring me down. I like people, but I have also found that I can drop you like a hot cake if you get weird or say (what I think is) stupid stuff. But back to my PN pain meds. What is the winner? is it important to change it up? Me thinks I could get addicted to more than one? LOL. Ideas?

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I think it depends how you define addiction, and whether relia ce on any drug has a negative impact on you or anyone around you. As an asthmatic, am I addicted to my steroid/beta agonist med because I can't function without it? Or am I dependent upon it to give me quality of life? The same with Cymbalta keeping my overactive pain signals managed. Or my husband's diabetic meds, numerous family members keeping ADD/ADHD meds that allow them to succeed in school and work.
To me, true addiction ought to be defined as dependence on a substance that impairs one's ability to function and relate to others, or is sought to alter mental state. Dependence on a substance to function and control pain, without making it impossible to manage ones life and deal with others, and without endangering ones health is not that.

A long time ago, I realized there is no shame in using meds to keep living a full life, but I always drew the line at those which made it impossible for me to function safely. It never made sense to me that people would wring their hands in pain instead of taking an aspirin for a bad headache, or refuse blood pressure meds because "I don't take pills" only to suffer an unnecessary stroke...


Yes. I was switched from Celexa to Cymbalta about a year ago. Two pain management doctors had recommended Cymbalta. I also take Effexor.


I was put on it for depression But have noticed my back does not hurt like it did. My dose now stays at 60mg a day also.


I think it depends how you define addiction, and whether relia ce on any drug has a negative impact on you or anyone around you. As an asthmatic, am I addicted to my steroid/beta agonist med because I can't function without it? Or am I dependent upon it to give me quality of life? The same with Cymbalta keeping my overactive pain signals managed. Or my husband's diabetic meds, numerous family members keeping ADD/ADHD meds that allow them to succeed in school and work.
To me, true addiction ought to be defined as dependence on a substance that impairs one's ability to function and relate to others, or is sought to alter mental state. Dependence on a substance to function and control pain, without making it impossible to manage ones life and deal with others, and without endangering ones health is not that.

A long time ago, I realized there is no shame in using meds to keep living a full life, but I always drew the line at those which made it impossible for me to function safely. It never made sense to me that people would wring their hands in pain instead of taking an aspirin for a bad headache, or refuse blood pressure meds because "I don't take pills" only to suffer an unnecessary stroke...

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Thanks Sue, for your response. Probably some of my questionable "guilt" comes from a couple of family members who made it sort of a Religion NOT to take drugs of any kind. (Maybe they boycotted Band-aids too) I do what I must do to be as independent as I can be with a limited amount of pain. I am actually experimenting with my vitamins. Sounds silly, but one of my vitamins is making me "heady", I have to exclude one at a time to find out who the culprit is!!
Seems so strange that it is NOT my prescription drugs, it is probably an overage of some vitamin. Anyone have knowledge of that? I have one "vitamin" that is very vague with the ingredients....online order...guess I should do some tracing back. Thanks again for the response!


Thanks Sue, for your response. Probably some of my questionable "guilt" comes from a couple of family members who made it sort of a Religion NOT to take drugs of any kind. (Maybe they boycotted Band-aids too) I do what I must do to be as independent as I can be with a limited amount of pain. I am actually experimenting with my vitamins. Sounds silly, but one of my vitamins is making me "heady", I have to exclude one at a time to find out who the culprit is!!
Seems so strange that it is NOT my prescription drugs, it is probably an overage of some vitamin. Anyone have knowledge of that? I have one "vitamin" that is very vague with the ingredients....online order...guess I should do some tracing back. Thanks again for the response!

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I am curious. Why are people willing, even eager, to take unproven, unregulated and sometimes unknown supplements, based on ads on TV and promotions on the internet, but reluctant to take well-tested and highly regulated medications prescribed by a trained doctor?


Well, I think (in response to your question concerning vitamins), that it is the lack of any worthwhile knowledge from our Medical community. Am I repeating myself? I think Meds are higher up on the list...but we DO have legal drug pushers that visit the Medical Community and leave samples to push their wares. I have had conflicting recommendation from separate Doctors. It can be very confusing. I was told, more than once that there are NO substantial courses in our great HIGHER Educated Leaders, who have studied our Vitamins, and not enough with Prescription Drugs. Am I alone here? Bones, blood vessels. brains, even hair gets more attention than what we eat or what supplements to take....at least in my small world. Several Doctors along my path, sell their "own brand" of vitamins. ( No thanks). I have not found a better more reliable than path than personal reviews. Ideas?


I was given Cymbalta for fibro as well as depression. Worked great for depression, not so much for fibro. However, I gained 35+ pounds rapidly because I was unable to feel satiated when eating. Then I saw that this is actually one of the side effects. My doc suggested I taper off Cymbalta and try good ole prozac. Well...tapering off Cymbalta is very, very hard. Good luck to anyone taking this drug if they ever try to get off it.


I am not sure why doctors don't prescribe a low dose of Prednisone for those that can take it. Or cycle low dose ( on for a few weeks and then off) . There is some evidence it can help and with under 5mg/day it can be taken for a very long time, years. Of course this is if you do not have underlying conditions that will not allow it. I know people who take some of these other drugs like Cymbalta and the weight gain causes other things that need more meds. I take a small amount of Alprazolam and it helps taking the edge off pain and helps my blood pressure as well. I have taken it for years. I am lucky to have found a doctor who is willing to prescribe it. I agree with one of the previous posters in what defines addiction. If your body needs something for you to live reasonably comfortable what is the difference then needing Insulin as a Diabetic for example. It's not the only thing I do, I eat a healthy diet, take certain supplements and I walk or exercise when I am able on good days.

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