Any experiences with Cryoablation for renal cell carcinoma (RCC)?

Posted by mb4414 @mb4414, Sep 18, 2022

New diagnosis of RCC and am considering Cryoablation. Does anyone have experience with this treatment?

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Hi ginger, I did get an appointment for wed June 19th yesterday afternoon.. they did say I need to get in as soon as possible so I took the appointment.. please keep chatting with me.. this is all new.... do they not have patient advocates to help this transition for new patients?

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Hi @rx2rich, just checking in. How did your appointment go? What did you find out?


Hi ginger, I did get an appointment for wed June 19th yesterday afternoon.. they did say I need to get in as soon as possible so I took the appointment.. please keep chatting with me.. this is all new.... do they not have patient advocates to help this transition for new patients?

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@rx2rich Good for you for getting that appointment! You may go through a period of anxiety, like so many of us do, when we get scans and x-rays, etc. Try not to prethink what is going on. The doctors will tell you.

If there is not someone who has stepped up at the practice to assist you, ask! It could be a patient advocate, like you said, or a social worker. You may be seen by a urologist or nephrologist. Make sure you understand who will be following your case. Write down questions ahead of time so you don't forget what you need to know, and if possible, take a trusted friend or family member along so you have a second set of eyes/ears. Sometimes we are listening and processing conversation, and miss the next thing said!

Please let me know how your appointment goes on the 19th!


@rx2rich Before you have that CAT scan, I would ask to make sure your eGFR is at a good level. Contrast material can be hard to clear from the kidneys when our function is lowered [usually anything from 30 or lower should be careful for contrast scans].

Since the initial MRI was not for the kidneys, I hope you are able to get that appointment sooner than later. Ask them to be placed on a cancellation list; that might speed the response. Call and ask what the hold up is to getting an appointment!

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Hi ginger, I did get an appointment for wed June 19th yesterday afternoon.. they did say I need to get in as soon as possible so I took the appointment.. please keep chatting with me.. this is all new.... do they not have patient advocates to help this transition for new patients?


Yes I had a mri I April to determine why I have neuropathy in my legs and feet. They discovered, per the report, at least a 7.5 mass on right kidney. Highly suspected renal cell carcinoma.. so I have been put in for a cat scan with contrast. But haven't gotten that yet either. Nor a dr appointment.. I'm frustrated but I have not gotten any response 😒

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@rx2rich Before you have that CAT scan, I would ask to make sure your eGFR is at a good level. Contrast material can be hard to clear from the kidneys when our function is lowered [usually anything from 30 or lower should be careful for contrast scans].

Since the initial MRI was not for the kidneys, I hope you are able to get that appointment sooner than later. Ask them to be placed on a cancellation list; that might speed the response. Call and ask what the hold up is to getting an appointment!


@rx2rich Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect.

You mentioned you haven't seen a doctor yet. How was your carcinoma discovered? There are several options available for treatment. Most likely listening to the oncologist and their thoughts will help you make decisions in the near future.

When is your appointment to see the doctor?

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Yes I had a mri I April to determine why I have neuropathy in my legs and feet. They discovered, per the report, at least a 7.5 mass on right kidney. Highly suspected renal cell carcinoma.. so I have been put in for a cat scan with contrast. But haven't gotten that yet either. Nor a dr appointment.. I'm frustrated but I have not gotten any response 😒


I just found out I have rcc.. but haven't seen a dr yet... what can I expect on every thing.

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@rx2rich Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect.

You mentioned you haven't seen a doctor yet. How was your carcinoma discovered? There are several options available for treatment. Most likely listening to the oncologist and their thoughts will help you make decisions in the near future.

When is your appointment to see the doctor?


I just found out I have rcc.. but haven't seen a dr yet... what can I expect on every thing.


@deebee41, I understand your treatment choice of cryoablation in light of your chronic kidney disease. Unfortunately, having one cancer doesn't automatically mean you get a pass on other cancers. @dsh33782 knows this well too. He was diagnosed with kidney cancer after esophageal cancer and then thyroid cancer.

Deebee, you may wish to connect with other men with breast cancer experience in these related discussions in the breast cancer support group:
- Male breast cancer: Anyone other men out there with breast cancer?

See all male breast cancer discussions

Will you require any further treatment for kidney cancer?

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After surviving esophageal cancer, then kidney caner, and then thyroid cancer, I feel blessed to now be cancer free. Of course I keep getting scans and checkups for a while. The second and third were found on scans intially just to check on the esophageal cancer. I did not have surgery for the EC, just radiation and chemo, but I did have surgery for the kidney and throid surgery. Let me know if I can answer and questions.


Not metastatic. Just one of 4 cancers I am dealing with. Cryo was my choice. The other doctors wanted complete removal. I have stage 3 Chronic kidney disease and the removal of one kidney would have hastened my journey to dialysis. Other cancers are prostate, skin and breast. Breast is scheduled for surgery soon.

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@deebee41, I understand your treatment choice of cryoablation in light of your chronic kidney disease. Unfortunately, having one cancer doesn't automatically mean you get a pass on other cancers. @dsh33782 knows this well too. He was diagnosed with kidney cancer after esophageal cancer and then thyroid cancer.

Deebee, you may wish to connect with other men with breast cancer experience in these related discussions in the breast cancer support group:
- Male breast cancer: Anyone other men out there with breast cancer?

See all male breast cancer discussions

Will you require any further treatment for kidney cancer?


@deebee41, I just read your post in the prostate cancer group. Is kidney cancer a second primary cancer or was the mass related to metastatic prostate cancer? Was cryoablation the only treatment required at the moment?

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Not metastatic. Just one of 4 cancers I am dealing with. Cryo was my choice. The other doctors wanted complete removal. I have stage 3 Chronic kidney disease and the removal of one kidney would have hastened my journey to dialysis. Other cancers are prostate, skin and breast. Breast is scheduled for surgery soon.

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