Making a Covid plan with Factor V Leidon/MTHFR

Posted by rdbmc @rdbmc, Nov 2, 2022

Any advice for helping us make a covid plan? I have Factor V Leidon (Heterozygous) and an MTHFR mutation (2 C677T mutations, no MTHFR A1298C mutation, 30% of normal MTHFR activity). Reading up on cardiac events for people 1-3 months after acute covid, we want to plan ahead in case I do get covid.

For Factor V, it sounds like people should take blood thinners during acute covid and 1-3 months after it. My body has trouble with blood thinners and Baby Aspirin is difficult because I have a history of ulcers. I'm also not sure how MTHFR impacts this. A hematologist appointment is months away so I wanted to at least start learning about my options here.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.

@rdbmc, very wise of you to make a plan about COVID before getting it and preparing questions for your upcoming appointment with the hematologist.

Fellow members @darlene55 @brenda1231 @mjvaca @contilucy1960 @carriebythesea @erinsbee @hodagwi @gldnrtrvrlvr also have experience with Factor V Leiden and/or an MTHFR mutation and may have some thoughts to share.

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