COVID test is positive. Worried!

Posted by SusanEllen66 @SusanEllen66, Oct 18, 2023

my body has so much going on and now I’m sick with COVID. My cousin, a physician suggested that I get the drug Paxlovid asap
Has anyone else taken this medication?

I’ve been fighting bronchitis for months now and am just finishing up prednisone and an antibiotic.

I’m 73, almost 74 with several autoimmune diseases so I’m concerned.

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I'm 69 with a few autoimmune diseases. I got covid in March and took Paxlovid for 5 days. I believe it works by decreasing the ability of the virus to replicate, thereby giving your immune system time to catch up and start attacking covid. Sometimes people feel a bit worse for a short time when then go off Paxlovid, because the virus is again active. Most important is to take care of yourself, stay hydrated, get enough rest (no aerobic exercize until after your have recovered), and try to destress as much as you can. Keep track of your O2 levels with a pulse oximeter and if your have bad covid symptoms then contact your doctor or go to the ER. Covid is evil, I hope you are feeling better soon, but it will likely take a week or more.


If your doctor said to use the medication, @Surveillance, as I understand it, the sooner you start the better off you will be. Best wishes for every good outcome and speedy recovery!


I’m a strong believer in Paxlovid. The sooner you start it the better. I took it when I had Covid and my daughter took it twice and both times had remarkable results in less than 24 hrs. With your bronchitis and autoimmune diseases, plus age factor, you are at higher risk. The drug has been free, hopefully still is, and can be obtained through your pharmacy without a trip to Dr if you’re at high risk (you are). Covid often causes bronchitis or pneumonia so you need all the help you can get. Hope you do well without complications!


I have PsA and have had COVID twice; and took Paxlovid as soon as I tested positive. I works like a miracle for me! Within 24 hours of taking Paxlovid I felt 85% normal with respiratory and other symptoms greatly decreased. In 48 hours I felt almost normal. Take is soon or it will be too late! (within 5 days of the start of symptoms.)


I had Covid starting on 05 Sep. I started taking Paxlovid the next day and it did help lessen my symptoms. It's nasty to take - large, bitter pills that I had to chew because I cannot swallow pills - but I believe it helped. I am 72 and immunocompromised. I believe that I had a moderate case versus a severe case of Covid because of the Paxlovid. Call your doctor and get a prescription today.


Be sure to give your doctor an accurate list of your current medications. Some may need to be temporarily stopped due to adverse interactions with Paxlovid.


SusanEllen, Please don't wait and miss the window of opportunity to start on Paxlovid. Per the CDC,older%20weighing%20at%20least%2040kg).
, "starting as soon as possible and within 5 days of symptom onset."
Good advice as Pacer mentioned to give your doctor an accurate list of your current meds since you may temporarily need to stop them.


Thank you. I did get it yesterday and am feeling a tiny bit better today.


I took it about a month ago. Sounds similar to my situation as I had just finished prednisone few days prior. Felt fine for few days and then got sick again. I ended up having organising pneumonia and put back on prednisone again. Tapering down since.


Do you not have a primary physician and you informally spoke to your cousin who is a doctor? I understand you are now taking Paxlovid but I encourage people to not rely or wait on a response from people here when especially time may be of the essence.

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