Long COVID and dealing with Strokes: Anyone else?

Posted by hnickol @hnickol, Jan 25, 2022

I had Covid in November of 2020. Suffered with long covid since. I had a stroke at 10 months out. I am 41 and was 'healthy' until this hit. I recently had Omnicron and 7 days later another stroke. I have been reading about how covid attacks blood vessels and the lining in the brain. Anyone else have similar situation or have read any treatment options?

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What were your symptoms before stroke happened. I had covid in August in 2021, long haul heart issues , but just started with tingling in hands and feet in right side and some cheek tingling . Ive read so much I don't know what long haul and what is not.


@hnickol, you're right that COVID-19 can make blood cells more likely to clump up and form clots. Large clots can cause heart attacks and strokes.
@ginalambiris, much of the heart damage caused by COVID-19 is believed to stem from very small clots that block tiny blood vessels (capillaries) in the heart muscle. It sounds like you may also be experiencing some neuropathy-type symptoms.

@mandy680 @barrybailey @kcartier may also have some experience to share about blood clots and stroke as a symptom of long COVID.

HNickol, I'm so sorry to hear that you've had COVID not once, but twice, and that you're dealing with repeated strokes at such a young age. What type of strokes are you experiencing? Are you also dealing with side effects of stroke? From your profile pic, it looks like you might also have young children to care for while you're dealing with all this.


@hnickol, you're right that COVID-19 can make blood cells more likely to clump up and form clots. Large clots can cause heart attacks and strokes.
@ginalambiris, much of the heart damage caused by COVID-19 is believed to stem from very small clots that block tiny blood vessels (capillaries) in the heart muscle. It sounds like you may also be experiencing some neuropathy-type symptoms.

@mandy680 @barrybailey @kcartier may also have some experience to share about blood clots and stroke as a symptom of long COVID.

HNickol, I'm so sorry to hear that you've had COVID not once, but twice, and that you're dealing with repeated strokes at such a young age. What type of strokes are you experiencing? Are you also dealing with side effects of stroke? From your profile pic, it looks like you might also have young children to care for while you're dealing with all this.

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Yes, I have a 12, 10 and 4 year old. Thankfully I have a good job and had a ton of leave built up...a great supportive husband and family that have stepped in, but it still is hard to have life changed.
My strokes are ischemic strokes. They affected my vision and hearing. Thankfully, I have no other visual effects or paralysis. For a month after my strokes, I am miserable....sleeping...hiding from my family all day to escape the sensory overload. It could be way worse and I am grateful for that. I am starting to feel better again. I just want a dr or clinic to reseach why this is happening and help treat me. My local drs all say the same thing:
You are so young! You are a healthy 40 year old. You dont present like a stroke patient! Could be covid related, but we wont know for some time....next patient!

I am hopeful for some treatment soon. I just want a dr that acknowledges that these could be covid related and help me.


What were your symptoms before stroke happened. I had covid in August in 2021, long haul heart issues , but just started with tingling in hands and feet in right side and some cheek tingling . Ive read so much I don't know what long haul and what is not.

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I had tingling in feet, head and hand for about 8 months after covid. At 10 months post covid, I was mandated to get vaccine. I was so scared to do so, but my pulmonologist said lungs were good to go. I got 1st vaccine...and felt horrible again for a few days. Then 2nd vaccine...was bad for a day. 6 days later I was feeling great and bam! Stroke happened. I Thought it was just a migraine. My vision got strange. I was misreading words on my screen. To ER to start this crazy 4 month ride. I believe my tingling was nerve issues from covid. I didnt have the typical numbness with my strokes. Now after 3 small strokes, my tingling is back. Wish you good health!


Yes, I have a 12, 10 and 4 year old. Thankfully I have a good job and had a ton of leave built up...a great supportive husband and family that have stepped in, but it still is hard to have life changed.
My strokes are ischemic strokes. They affected my vision and hearing. Thankfully, I have no other visual effects or paralysis. For a month after my strokes, I am miserable....sleeping...hiding from my family all day to escape the sensory overload. It could be way worse and I am grateful for that. I am starting to feel better again. I just want a dr or clinic to reseach why this is happening and help treat me. My local drs all say the same thing:
You are so young! You are a healthy 40 year old. You dont present like a stroke patient! Could be covid related, but we wont know for some time....next patient!

I am hopeful for some treatment soon. I just want a dr that acknowledges that these could be covid related and help me.

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Have you looked into going to a post COVID clinic?


Have you looked into going to a post COVID clinic?

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I called Mayo for an appointment this week. I am waiting to hear.


I had back to back ishemic strokes, because of dissected carotid arteries. But I had covid In August and strokes happened in Nov. Since then They have found that have tortuous arteries, aneurysm in my celiac artery, and a psuedoaneurym in my right carotid artery. All my test have came back normal, so I do not officially have a diagnosis. I am wondering if anyone else had this happen since having covid?


I had tingling in feet, head and hand for about 8 months after covid. At 10 months post covid, I was mandated to get vaccine. I was so scared to do so, but my pulmonologist said lungs were good to go. I got 1st vaccine...and felt horrible again for a few days. Then 2nd vaccine...was bad for a day. 6 days later I was feeling great and bam! Stroke happened. I Thought it was just a migraine. My vision got strange. I was misreading words on my screen. To ER to start this crazy 4 month ride. I believe my tingling was nerve issues from covid. I didnt have the typical numbness with my strokes. Now after 3 small strokes, my tingling is back. Wish you good health!

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Thank you for sharing
Praying for you and please keep us posted


I had back to back ishemic strokes, because of dissected carotid arteries. But I had covid In August and strokes happened in Nov. Since then They have found that have tortuous arteries, aneurysm in my celiac artery, and a psuedoaneurym in my right carotid artery. All my test have came back normal, so I do not officially have a diagnosis. I am wondering if anyone else had this happen since having covid?

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Jessalyn, I think @lnichols and @ginalambiris will be able to relate to your situation.

Jessalyn, what is the next step for you? What are your doctors suggesting?


I had covid in November 2021 and I am dealing with a lot of head and neck pressure and headaches. I can feel my heart beat in head and neck especially after exertion. I can't concentrate or multitask anymore. Everything takes so much longer for me to think through to make decisions or complete any task. My memory is also completely shot and I still can't taste or smell. I don't know if this is from inflammation of the nerve tissues and brain tissue or if its a blood flow problem caused from the covid. Personally, I have been trying natural supplements that are anti-inflammatory and blood thinners to prevent clots. I am taking 325mg of aspirin, Omega-3 and Turmeric. I also take Vitamin D3 with K2, Vit B12, Magnesium, NAC and Zinc. I thought it was slowly getting better but now I don't know?

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