Contracted mononucleosis at age 50 questions about virus

Posted by ravenhex @ravenhex, Feb 28, 2023

So Im a cna. I contracted Mono around Christmas. Ive had some of the weirdest symptoms ever. sensations I cant even describe.Ive since lost my job over it. Doctor said its very unusual to catch at my age. About all the information ive received is basically you have mono just deal with it.
currently still suffering mass fatigue chest burning sensations tingling in hands and feet. Im scarred because im losing everything. I guess I just need some kind of reassurance maybe that this is normal and it will pass.
Im lightheaded odd burning tingling and pressure in chest.ekg normal chest xray normal. cbc is all over the place. experiencing what i feel like is it attacking my nervous system. difficulty breathing and cognitive fog.
My doctor just keeps saying its part of the virus?

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Hi, ravenhex @ravenhex!

I hope it will pass, and that you are going to get well soon.

I contracted the EB virus (the same family if not the same virus that causes mononucleosis nearly 20 years ago), and I have been struggling really badly ever since. But if your immune system was strong enough when you got sick, you'll get over it, I'm sure.

I know all too well pretty much all the symptoms you are describing. Don't give up. I know it must be really hard when you are unable to work, but if I can give you just a tiny piece of advice ... try as much, and as hard as you can, NOT to stress out. The more you are stressed out, the worst you are going to feel, and the greatest impact this virus is going to have on you. What you need the least in your life right now is stress (in all its possible forms), so try not to worry too much, don't think too much, and take it as easy as you can. Drink a lot, rest a lot (although you won't feel rested even if you sleep a lot, nevertheless, rest as much as you can), and eat well. If you don't have enough energy to prepare your meals, buy something that you only need to warm up. Or order food that they can bring home to you. It is going to be a little expensive, I know, but hopefully, you won't have to do this for a long time.
I wish you the very best. 😊
Let us know how it is going with you.
A big hug and again: DON'T give up.
Give yourself a little time and care, ok?

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